
yuán diǎn
  • origin;original point;base point
原点 [yuán diǎn]
  • (1) [origin]

  • (2) 笛卡儿坐标轴的交叉点

  • (3) 任何一个随意的零点,由该点计算数量

  • (4) [base point]∶ 为目标区域内的一个明显点,可作为调整火炮射程和方向的标定点之用

原点[yuán diǎn]
  1. 设平面上n个点为,坐标原点为。

    Let n points in the plane as the coordinate origin is .

  2. 假设C是一个半径为a,中心在原点的曲线,方向为逆时针方向。

    Let 's say that C is a circle of radius centered at the origin going counterclockwise .

  3. 这是b,原点在这。

    This is b.our region is this thing in here .

  4. container有效地重置了包含于其中的项目的原点。

    That container effectively resets the origin points of the items contained within it .

  5. 则会得到一个正交双曲线,原点与它最接近的点之间的距离是r。

    You will have drawn a rectangular hyberbola whose point of closest approach to the origin is r.

  6. 这是Y轴,这是X轴,质量m放在原点。

    Let this be the Y axis and this the X axis , and here at zero I have a mass m.

  7. 因此,在笛卡尔平面使用x轴时,考虑一个特定的细胞为原点。

    So , as you do with the x-axis in the Cartesian plane , you consider a particular cell to be the origin .

  8. 本文的目的是分析系数矩阵A-λil的奇异性对带原点位移的反乘幂法收敛性的影响。

    Discusses the effects of singularity of matrix A - λ _i I on inverse power method convergence .

  9. (E2)恰有一个无穷远奇点的充要条件从原点至无穷远处的曲线起分支割痕的作用。

    Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of One Infinite Singular Point of Quadratic Systems ; Curves running from the origin to infinity may serve as branch cuts .

  10. 本文中所有示例CA都以一个黑色细胞开始,因此自然就以这个细胞为原点。

    All the example CAs in this article start with a single black cell , so it 's natural to consider this cell as the origin .

  11. ILS系统的极原点及其测站的长期漂移

    The polar origin and the secular drift of station for ILS system

  12. 一种是从原点开始,沿x轴水平前进,然后沿y轴竖直前进,求出相应的线积分。

    One of them involves computing a line integral from the origin to a point in the plane by going first along the x axis , then vertically .

  13. 我们还通过使用屏幕坐标(请参阅helpcoordinates,获得关于不同类型坐标系统的讨论)设置原点来控制曲线图显示的位置。

    We also control where the graph appears by setting the origin using screen coordinates ( see help coordinates for a discussion on the different kinds of coordinate systems ) .

  14. 对应用CNC技术精确设定开环控制系统的机械原点,提高传动精度及专用机床加工柔性化的方法进行了研究。

    The method for precise location of original point of machinery in open control , enhancement of transmission accuracy and flexibility of special machine are researched .

  15. 如果在直角坐标系下做的话,变成了x^2+y^2,of,course,,r,squared,becomes,x,squared,plus,y,squared,这就是原点到所在点距离的平方。

    If you are going to do it in x , y coordinates , r ^ 2 it is the square of the distance from the origin .

  16. 好,首先,原点不是其中的点,(x,y,z)为(0,0,0)不是该方程的解。

    Well , first of all , the origin is not one of them ,( x , y , z ) being ( 0,0,0 ) would not solve that equation .

  17. 特性粘数[η]与dV(es)/dc的关系是通过原点的直线。这与Song,M。

    The correlation between the intrinsic viscosity [ η ] and ( dV_ ( es )) / dc is a straight line passing through the origin .

  18. 设z轴垂直向下,坐标原点取为地面,Q(z,f)为在t时刻离地面距离为z处的土壤含水率。

    Assume z axis vertically downwards , and take ground as grid origin . Q ( z , t ) is the water-bearing rate at t time in z under ground .

  19. 首先,对1类SVM进行了必要的改进,使异常点聚集为一类(即环绕原点的一类)。

    The one-class SVM for our intrusion detection task is improved , so as to make the novelty data cluster in one class ( the negative class around the origin ) .

  20. 利用Lyapunov理论证明了该控制系统是一致终结有界,且观测误差和跟踪误差收敛到原点的一个小邻域内。

    Based on Lyapunov stability theory , it is proved that the closed-loop control system is uniformly ultimately bounded with the tracking errors converging to the neighborhoods of the origin exponentially .

  21. 目的:探讨皮肤变应原点刺试验及血清总IgE、ECP的检测在儿童哮喘诊断中的临床意义。

    Objective : To evaluate the clinical significance of skin prink test ( SPT ), total IgE and ECP in serum of asthma in children .

  22. 由闭环系统原点邻域内的Lyapunov函数估计其吸引域,证明了系统的稳定性。

    The Lyapunov function for the closed-loop system in the neighborhood of the origin is used to estimate the region of attraction . The stability of this system is proved . 4 .

  23. 然后通过叠加给出任意多个线段源(其延长线均通过坐标原点)在xy平面上给出各向异性的瞬时源函数GXY。

    The instantaneous source function G xy of N linear sections , whose extend lines all pass origin of coordinates , are given by means of superposition .

  24. 采用自相似函数的方法对坐标原点受到脉冲载荷、增加载荷Pt作用下的动态问题分别进行研究,获得了应力、位移和应力强度因子的解析解。

    The dynamic problems under the action of pulse loads and increasing loads P_t located at the origin of the coordinates respectively , are studied , and analytical solution on stresses , displacements and stress intensity factors is obtained .

  25. 如果向量场在原点处没有定义,但其他地方有定义,是不能用Stokes定理的,但还是有办法的,可以对半球面用的。

    If your vector field is not defined at the origin but defined everywhere else you cannot use this guy , but maybe you can still use , say , the half-sphere , for example .

  26. 提出直接由测试的结构自功率谱和计算的原点频响函数来构造遗传算法的目标函数,进行结构的损伤识别,在benchmark结构算例中,获得了很好的识别效果。

    So the target function of GA constructed by testing power spectrum and corresponding calculating FRF is presented , and used to identify the structures damage . In the example of benchmark structure , a good identification results is got .

  27. 对于A∈Cn×n扩充的per-相合数值域是指集合笔者证明了当n≥3时,RnTn(A)在复平面上为中心在原点的圆面。

    For A ∈ Cn × n , the extended per-congruence numerical range of A is the set In this paper , it is proved that R ( A ) is a disk centred at the origin in the complex plane provided that n ≥ 3 .

  28. 最后,应用Lyapunov稳定性理论推导出RBF神经网络各参数的调节律,并证明了系统状态全局渐近收敛于原点的一个邻域。

    Finally , the tuning law for updating all the parameters of the RBF neural networks is derived by the Lyapunov stability theorem , and the states of the system converge to the neighborhood of the origin globally and asymptotically .

  29. 对于属于二次函数的图形,本仿真程序采用空间坐标变换的方法,选择特殊点作为新坐标系的原点,将有代表性的矢量作为新坐标系的Z轴。

    In figures of the quadratic functions , the method of space alternate coordinate has been used . A special point has been selected as the origin and a representative vector has been selected as the Z axis of new coordinate system .

  30. 一种方法是借助于Laplace变换及其微分性质,并将坐标原点选在荷载影响范围以外足够远的地方,在直角坐标系下实现了与柱坐标系下类似的求解方法。

    One is similar to the method of the cylindrical coordinate system , with the help of Laplace transform and its differential properties and putting the origin of coordinates to a point enough distant from accessional loading .