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  • 网络normal vector;normal;norm;Vector
  1. 一种计算空间封闭曲面正侧法向量的方法

    A Method to Calculate the Normal Vector of a Closed-Curve Surface

  2. 从而法向量的方向是竖直向上或向下的。

    The normal vector is just sticking straight up or straight down .

  3. 这个值可以为负,从而在Face对象的法向量的反方向上挤压。

    This value can be negative to extrude in the direction opposite the Face object 's normal vector .

  4. 法向量就会是g的梯度。

    The normal vector would be the gradient of g , you see .

  5. 这是与N长度相同的法向量,只是符号不定。

    This is a normal vector of the same length as N , well , up to sign .

  6. 也就是说,它在Face对象的法向量方向上进行挤压,创建一个3-D图形。

    That is , it creates a3-D figure by extruding in the direction of the Face object 's normal vector .

  7. 并介绍了改进的z缓存算法和法向量插值明暗法。

    Also it introduces the improved Z buffer algorithm and normal vector interpolation shading .

  8. 如果我取一个单位法向量,然后用乘上另一个较长法向量N的模长,会怎样呢?

    N What happens if I take a unit normal n and I multiply it by the length of my other normal big N ?

  9. 基于带权点法向量的LiDAR数据屋顶检测方法

    Roof Detection Using LiDAR Data Based on Points ' Normal with Weight

  10. 如果一步一步的把该做的都做了,你会知道,与C相容的法向量,是向上的。

    Well , if you followed what we 've done there , you know that the normal vector compatible with this choice for the curve C is the one that points up .

  11. 如果我仔细考虑了方向的约定,定理告诉我们,Stokes,theorem,tells,me,that,法向量必须再次指向上。

    And , if I look carefully at the orientation convention , Stokes I have to take the normal vector pointing up again .

  12. 给出了基于双三次B样条参数曲线面的表面纹理映射算法,和通过表面法向量扰动产生凹凸不平视觉效果的凸包纹理映射算法,并给出了立体纹理映射的实现方法。

    Surface texture mapping algorithm based B-splint parameter surface , and bump mapping algorithm based surface voter twist to produce real objects sense are suggested . Solid mapping method is also introduced in the paper .

  13. DividingCubes算法生成的物体表面的法向量方向的光顺操作DVENowa中法向量纹理合成算法的研究与应用

    Smoothing Operation of Normal Directions on Object Surface Produced by Dividing Cubes Normal Map Generation Method in DVE_Nowa System

  14. 为了进一步改善物体表面的光顺程度,提出一种基于DividingCubes算法生成物体表面的法向量方向光顺操作,对物体的绘制表面进行光顺。

    To improve the smoothness of the rendering surface , a smoothing operation of the normalized normals on the object surface produced by Dividing Cubes algorithm is presented .

  15. 这里就有对应的曲面,或者由另一方程给出的曲线,如由f=常数给出,这时它的曲面法向量,取f的梯度就能得到。

    So , say that you have a surface here or a curve given by an equation , f equals constant , then the normal vector to the surface is given by taking the gradient of f.

  16. 那样给出来的图就不一样了,因为法向量是i向量而不是k向量,有不同的记号,而且是对y、z积分。

    Well , then it will not quite give the same picture because the normal vector would be I hat instead of k hat and they would be having different notations and it would be integrating with y and z.

  17. 在用DividingCubes算法提取的边界体素所构造的物体表面上,可能会存在法向量方向突变,使得物体表面光照图显示粗糙。

    There might exist abrupt changes of the normal directions on a voxel object surface generated by Dividing Cubes , which would cause the shading image of the object look coarse and rough .

  18. 将折射效应考虑到D.S.Kay(1979)提出的基于曲面法向量Z分量的非线性透明方法中,克服了线性透明算法缺乏真实感的不足。

    The nonlinear algorithm for transparency technique considering refracted effectiveness of light presented by D. S. Kay ( 1979 ) on the basis of the Z component of normal vectors over curved surfaces has some advantages over linear one .

  19. 该算法首先对K邻域中点到中心点的距离进行判断,距离大于平均距离的点则保留,否则采用法向量误差的方法进行衡量是否删除点。

    First the algorithm judge the distance about point of the K neighborhood to the center , if the distance larger than the average distance , the point is retained . Otherwise , vector error method is used to measure whether delete the point .

  20. 为Mobius带选一个始终如一的的法向量是不可能的,这就是所谓的不可定向的曲面。

    There 's no way to choose consistently a normal vector for the Mobius strip So , that 's what we call a non-orientable surface .

  21. 其运行效率高于用几何模型法向量与刀具扫掠体求交的方法,验证精度大于用Z坐标方向矢量与刀具扫掠体求交的算法。

    This algorithm has higher efficient than the method which uses tool path envelope intersection with normal vector of surface of geometry model and has higher verification precise than the method that uses tool path envelope intersection with z direction vectors .

  22. 对于Stokes定理中的定向&,观察这里,它的法向量应该是这个方向。

    Well , the orientation I should have for Stokes theorem is that Well , if you look at the convention around here , it tells us that the normal vector should be going this way .

  23. 其基本思想是为磁通量管图像上的每个像素建立适当的材料颜色和法向量,然后施加光源照明,利用Phong光照模型,绘制出磁场的图像。

    The magnetic field is visualized by Phong illumination model through designed material hue and normal vector in every flux tubes images ' pixel .

  24. M是CHn中的等参超曲面,e是M上的单位法向量场,当J(e)是主向量时,证明了M的不同主曲率数只能是2或3;

    Let M be a isoparametric hypersurface in CH n , e is a unit normal vector , when J ( e ) is a principal direction , this paper proves that the number of distinct principal curvatures of M can be only 2 or 3 ;

  25. 对某组节理面向上的单位法向量进行部分反向后,其矢量之和对应的产状即为该组节理面的优势方位。NS向、EW向与NW向的比测误差基本正常;

    The dominant orientation of a joint group is the corresponding occurrence of the vector sum if some of the upward unit normal vectors are reversed . comparing NW component with vector sum of SN and WE in NW orientation , the errors are small .

  26. 在虚拟内窥镜的场景绘制算法研究中,针对标准MarchingCubes算法中由法向量引起的表面噪声,提出了一种法向量平滑的算法,有效地抑制了噪声,使得表面绘制结果更加逼真;

    Thirdly , in the study of scene rendering in VE system , to overcome the surface noise introduced by normal vectors in the standard Marching Cubes algorithm , a new normal vector smoothing algorithm is proposed , which further improves rendering effect of the VE system .

  27. 探讨了SVM和NDA的优缺点,结合NDA中决策面的法向量表示的鉴别信息和SVM中对分类至关重要的支持向量,提出了一种SVM+NDA的分类器模型。

    Firstly , it has discussed the advantages and disadvantages of SVM and NDA , then combined the the discriminatory information represented by normal vectors to the decision surface and the support vectors which are critical for accurate classification , an SVM + NDA classification model is proposed . 4 .

  28. 要想建立球面上对于Fds的二重积分,或是要想求FndS,我们必须,首先找出球面的法向量。

    Now I have to find the normal vector to the sphere if I want to set up double integral over the sphere of F dot vector ds , or if you want F dot n dS .

  29. 该方法首先引入负指数Hilbert-Sobolev范数来度量逼近项,对图像水平曲线的法向量场进行全变差正则化磨光,然后构造一个曲面拟合能量泛函,对磨光后的流场进行拟合。

    Firstly , through applying Hilbert-Sobolev norm to measure fidelity term , a total variation filter is used to smooth the normal vectors of the level curves in noise image . And then , a model is constructed to find a surface which fit smoothed normal vectors .

  30. 再者,叉积同时,给出了法向量方向。

    Moreover , the cross-product also gives us the normal direction .