
  • 网络Legal;legal department;branch of law;department of law
  1. 律师李•多伊尔(LeeDoyle)负责法律部门与公司各部门之间的联络。

    Lee Doyle , a lawyer , is responsible for links between the legal and corporate departments .

  2. 相关法律部门已向国家工商行政管理局提出申请,请求将深圳唯冠持有的iPad商标过户给苹果。

    A request has been made by legal authorities to the State Administration for Industry and Commerce to transfer the iPad name from Proview Shenzhen to Apple .

  3. 上述法律部门均能够在WTO规则体系中找到基点和基本构架。

    Above-mentioned the law of department all could obtain the basic point and the basic frame in the set of trade rules .

  4. Jane在她漫长而卓越的事业生涯中,曾任职于行政、学术和法律部门,当然,还有她曾担任九届任期的国会众议院。

    In her long and distinguished career , Jane has worked in the executive branch , academia , law , and of course Congress where she served nine terms in the House of Representatives .

  5. 法律部门发言人潘克里兹(ConniePankratz)说,我们注意到了针对警察的诉讼案的增多;

    ' We are aware of the increase in actions filed against the Police Department , 'said Connie Pankratz , a law department spokeswoman .

  6. 那时,她还是GibsonDunn律师事务所纽约市办事处的一名企业律师,但她一直希望有机会加入一家媒体公司的法律部门工作。

    But as a corporate attorney at Gibson Dunn 's New York City office , she was always looking for an opportunity to jump to the legal offices at a media company .

  7. 伦敦律师事务所LawrenceGraham的企业业务主管克里斯托弗•泰特(ChristopherTite)表示,在公司内部拥有提供全方位服务的法律部门没有什么价值,因为许多业务可以成本效益更高的方式实现。

    Christopher Tite , head of corporate at the London-based law firm Lawrence Graham , says there is little merit in having a full-service legal function in-house , as many operations can be accomplished cost-effectively elsewhere .

  8. 他们建议她向法律部门请教。

    They suggested Shi should seek advice from the legal deparement .

  9. 在合同教导我们法律部门之前我看过。

    I saw the contract before it went to our legal department .

  10. 我们有多元法律部门调查事件背景。

    We 've got multi-agency law enforcement running canvass .

  11. 交给我们二楼的法律部门。

    With our legal department on the second floor .

  12. 我国的法律部门体系与经济法

    Systems of China 's Legal Departments and Economic Law

  13. 通常公司高管、法律部门或人力资源部门会让招聘人员保持沉默。

    Often company executives , legal departments or human resources mandate this silence .

  14. 你在哥伦比亚法律部门的朋友可以给点帮助。

    In Colombian law enforcement could be of help .

  15. 任何法律部门的形成,都需要主客观两方面的条件,缺一不可。

    On the General Law of the Formation of the Economic Law Branch ;

  16. 表面上说是为法律部门制作的复印件。

    Photocopies made ostensibly for the legal department .

  17. 咨询您的法律部门,验证这个许可是否适用。

    Check with your legal department to verify that the license works for you .

  18. 但作为不同的法律部门,它们调整的社会关系是不同的。

    But as different legal departments , the social relations they adjusts are different .

  19. 环境法正是调整人与自然关系的新型法律部门。

    The environmental law is one of the new laws that regulate this relationship .

  20. 从经济法现象透视法律部门划分理论

    Phenomena and Concepts of Economic Law The Analysis on the Dividing Legal Department Theory

  21. 法律部门在这个问题上实际上是越俎代庖了。

    In truth , the legal establishment 's authority in this area is misplaced .

  22. 除非立即还钱,否则我们马上和法律部门联系。

    Unless the money is returned we shall shortly be contacting our legal department .

  23. 税法其实又是一个综合的领域,具有不同法律部门的功能。

    Tax law is actually comprehensive , and has functions of different legal sectors .

  24. 经济法是独立的法律部门

    Economic Law is an Independent Legal Branch

  25. 国际商法应当从国际经济法和国际私法中分离出来,成为一个独立的法律部门。

    International commercial law should be independent from international economic law and private international law .

  26. 社会法的出现,突破了法律部门之间旧有的疆界。

    The rising of social law has already broken the boundary between branches of law .

  27. 科技法已形成一个独立的法律部门已是国内外众多法律界、科技界的共识。

    On two cultural cornerstones for the generation and development of scientific and technological law ;

  28. 论法律部门的划分标准与经济法的地位

    Discussion on the Division Standards of the Legal Departments and Their Position in Economic Laws

  29. 如果不确定,必须咨询公司的法律部门或经理。

    You must check with your company 's legal department or your manager if in doubt .

  30. 在证券法和其他法律部门中,也存在类似的问题。

    In the securities law area and other legal departments , there are also similar problems .