
  • 网络fundamental rights;basic rights
  1. 宪法是有生命的。论宪法社会基本权的分类与构成

    On the Classification and Structure of the Social Fundamental Rights of the Constitution

  2. 知情权与其他基本权密切相关,甚至成为其他公民权之基础。

    Right to learn the truth has an immediate relation with other fundamental rights , even has been taken as a foundation of other civil rights .

  3. 同时应当正确处理好ADR的鼓励与程序基本权保障的关系。

    Besides , we have to properly deal with the relation between the encouragement of access to ADR and the protection of basic procedural rights .

  4. 因此,版权不应被视为人的基本权。

    Copyright therefore cannot be equated with human rights or basic right .

  5. 社会基本权理论体系的建构

    Construction of the Theoretical System of Fundamental Social Rights

  6. 作为客观价值秩序的基本权&从德国法看基本权保障义务

    The Basic Right as Objective Value Order

  7. 有深度的是沿着规范目的说和基本权保护说进行的研究。

    Study in-depth is following the Theory of Legal Purpose and that of Basic Rights Protection .

  8. 社会基本权是宪法基本权利体系中的重要组成部分,区别于自由权。

    A social fundamental right is an important part of constitutional fundamental rights system and distinguishes from liberty rights .

  9. 这种法益目标,以经济基本权为权利外形,以实现经济上的公平为核心。

    This interest 's expression is the fundamental economic rights , and its core is to fulfill the equity .

  10. 笔者认为信赖保护原则的理论基础基于法安定说和基本权说二者较妥。

    The author agree with theoretic basis of the principle of protection of reliability basing on both theory of stability of law and theory of basic rights .

  11. 宪法诉愿的审判对象主要是,韩国宪法上保护的基本权被公权力侵害时,该公权力的行使和不行使。

    The object of adjudication of constitutional petition mainly is the exertion or inexertion of public power when the basic rights that listed in the constitution are abused .

  12. 作为宪法权利,辩护权具有不可或缺性、不可取代性、不可转让性、稳定性和普遍性以及母体性等的基本权特征。

    As constitutional right , the defense right possesses the characteristics of basic right that is indispensable , irreplaceable , non-transferable , stable and universal , and fundamental .

  13. 团结权、集体谈判权、集体行动权被称为劳动基本权、集体劳权。

    Unity right , collective negotiation and collective action right are called " Labor Three Rights ", also " Labor Fundamental Rights " or " Collective Labor Rights " .

  14. 针对目前杂波滤波器设计存在的不足,从雷达信号处理的角度探讨了级联情况下自适应杂波抑制器的设计,提出了基本权库加相移因子的设计方法。

    In this paper , the limitation of current clutter filter design was pointed out , and the design of adaptive clutter filter was discussed in radar signal processing .

  15. 人类与个人安全的权利:原则4至11涉及到生命基本权,免于暴力与折磨,隐私,获得正义和免于随意拘。

    Rights to human and personal security : principles4to11address fundamental rights to life , freedom from violence and torture , privacy , access to justice and freedom from arbitrary detention .

  16. 总之,以法律保障表达自由,属于人类共同体内具有普适性与绝对性的价值,是法治社会宪法保障的基本权。

    In conclusion , the legal protection of free expression is a value of universality and absoluteness in the human community , and a basic human-right guaranteed by constitution in legal society .

  17. 通过对当事人程序基本权的法理分析和体系建构,可以为民事诉讼法的修改以及具体程序制度的完善提供理论指导和相应的建议。

    Based on the analysis of the basic rights of legal procedures and systems for civil procedure law , the revision and specific programs provide theoretical guidance system and the corresponding Suggestions .

  18. 前者是指实现仲裁司法审查程序外在目的的手段或工具,即实现对仲裁的司法审查结果的正确性和对仲裁当事人程序基本权救济的现实性。

    The former refers to means or facilities to implement external goals of procedure of judicial review of arbitration . That is to implement the correctness of the results of judicial review and reality of basic procedure right relief for the parties .

  19. 纳税人用税监督权,是宪法赋予公民预算监督和管理国家事务权利在税收领域的合理延伸和具体化,是一项直接来源于宪法的公民基本权。

    The supervision of using tax by taxpayers is directly derived from the basic right of a citizen in a constitution . It is a logical extension of the field of taxation on the citizen budget oversight and management of the State things in a constitution .

  20. 基本环境权无论如何必须得到保护。

    Fundamental environmental right should at any rate be protected .

  21. 隐私权是公民的一项基本人格权。

    Right of privacy is a fundamental civil personality right .

  22. 本文致力于解决符合当事人基本程序权保障要求的当事人制度理论架构及当事人制度的技术设计的问题。

    This dissertation tries to handle the problem of theoretic framework and technical design of litigant system .

  23. 不过被搜索者哪怕是道德上应当受到谴责的被搜索者的基本人格权也应当被尊重。

    Even those who are searching should be condemned morally their basic moral rights should be respected .

  24. 论基本环境权

    On Basic Environment Rights

  25. 基本环境权属于基本自由,不能与其他权利和利益交易。

    Fundamental environmental right belongs to fundamental liberty , can not be exchanged with other rights and interests .

  26. 城市最低生活保障制度就是为了缓解城市贫困问题、维护社会稳定而建立起来的维护和保障困难群体基本生存权的一项措施。

    The urban minimum living security system is a basic subsistence measure to alleviate urban poverty , maintaining social stability .

  27. 具体而言,社会救助的理念应从施舍、怜悯的不平等理念向尊重公民基本生存权的理念转变;

    To be concrete , ideas of social salvation should be changed from charity , pity to respecting citizens'basic existing rights ;

  28. 基本人格权神圣是人类文明发展的标志。

    Putting the fundamental personality rights on the holy alter can be the symbol of the cultural development for the mankind .

  29. 从社会发展的本质出发,社会养老保障也是保证人的最基本生存权。

    Social pension insurance is to ensure the basic right of survival of human beings from the essence of social development .

  30. 任何贸易,影响到粮食安全问题引起的相关问题的人的基本食物权。

    Any trade that impinges on the issue of food security raises the related question of the basic human right to food .