
  1. 去佛罗里达基岛上的某些岛屿。

    To some island in the keys .

  2. 站在维丝利瓦斯基岛的西端,右边是优雅的冬宫,是沙皇从前的住处。

    Stand at the western tip of Vasilievsky Island . To the right is the elegant Winter Palace , former home of the czars .

  3. 不久以前,考古工作者在爱琴海的基亚岛上有一项有趣的发现。

    Some time ago , an interesting discovery was made by archaeologists on the Aegean Island of Kea .

  4. 约翰·布恩是弗吉尼亚海洋研究所的一名退休教授,他在2012年发表的一个研究中称,自1987年开始,沿着美国东海岸,从佛罗里达的基维斯特岛到加拿大纽芬兰的海平面出现大幅变动,每年上升0.3毫米。

    A 2012 study by emeritus professor John Boon of the Virginia Institute of Marine Science claimed that significant changes in sea level along the East Coast from Key West , Florida , to Newfoundland , Canada , started around 1987 . His study shows that the sea level is increasing 0.3 millimeters per year .

  5. 在周六举行的美国基-威斯特岛海明威模仿比赛中,来自俄亥俄州的白胡子退休警员击败所有对手成为了冠军。

    A white-bearded , retired police officer from Ohio won Key West 's annual Papa Hemingway Look-Alike contest Saturday .

  6. 取而代之的将是一座新航空基,选在岛上人口不那么密集的地区建造。

    In its place , a new runway would be built in a less populated part of the island .