
  • 网络biarritz
  1. 比亚里茨航空基地的高级官员LaurentSaintespes告诉法国媒体机构,“这个人真可笑。不过伦敦奥运会期间,这种可笑事可是屡见不鲜。”

    Laurent Saintespes , senior officer at Biarritz airbase told Agence France Presse , ' He was a bit naive . But at a time when the Olympics are taking place in London you have to see the funny side of things . "

  2. 尾翼时代在1959年达到了巅峰,而比亚里茨敞篷车更是巅峰中的巅峰。

    The fin era peaked in1959 and the Biarritz was the peak of the peak .

  3. 这名34岁的不知名游客那时正在比亚里茨海滩上度假。他告诉朋友,他要横跨大西洋,游到纽约去,以此彰显奥运精神。

    The unnamed 34 year old holidaymaker told his friends on the beach at Biarritz that he was off to New York to carry the Olympic spirit across the Atlantic .

  4. 劳伦最近在纽约时装周上的那场秀,是一首唱给比亚里茨的美国人的颂歌。秀场上能看到他那标志性的完美皮革剪裁、蓝色和白色晚礼服以及坐在前排的明星(杰西卡·查斯坦[JessicaChastain]和朱丽安·摩尔[JulianneMoore])。

    Mr. Lauren 's most recent show at New York Fashion week was an ode to Americans in Biarritz , with his signature perfect leather tailoring , blue and white evening gowns , and stars in the front row ( Jessica Chastain , Julianne Moore ) .