
bǐ yù
  • analogy;comparison;image;figure of speech;allegory;metaphor or simile
比喻 [bǐ yù]
  • [allegory;comparison;metaphor;figure of speech] 一种修辞方式,即打比方,用某些有类似特点的事物来比拟想要说的某一事物

比喻[bǐ yù]
  1. 我们用一个非物理学的比喻来说明守恒定律的性质。

    A nonphysics analogy illustrates the nature of conservation law .

  2. 惠子说:“用别人已经了解的事物来比喻他还不了解的事物,目的是要使他了解。你让我说话不用比喻,那怎么行呢?”

    Hui Zi said : " The purpose of drawing an analogy between the thing people have already known and the thing they don 't know yet is to make them understood . You want me to speak without using metaphors . How can that be done ? "

  3. 风儿在唱歌这一巧妙的比喻很有浪漫色彩。

    The idea of the wind singing is a romantic conceit .

  4. 牧师讲道时用了亡羊的比喻。

    The minister preached a sermon on the parable of the lost sheep .

  5. 批评家们可能会认为小说的核心比喻过于简单。

    Critics may complain that the novel 's central conceit is rather simplistic .

  6. 尽管有混用的比喻,这个判断还是有些道理的。

    Despite the mixed metaphor , there is some truth in this judgement .

  7. 利维原来说的是一种比喻。

    It turns out Levy is talking in metaphorical terms

  8. 这个比喻很贴切。

    This metaphor is very appropriate .

  9. 把压力比喻成一种流行病这种说法一点也不夸张。

    To call stress an epidemic isn 't exaggeration .

  10. 在许多文化中,人们在欢迎庆典上食用圆形食物如葡萄、面包和月饼来比喻家庭团圆。

    In many cultures , round foods such as grapes , bread , and moon cakes are eaten at welcome celebrations to represent family unity .

  11. Indiansummer还可比喻人晚年幸福安宁的生活。例句九月通常比较冷了,但今年我们可是遇上了一个秋老虎。

    September is usually chilly1 , but this year we are having an Indian summer .

  12. “网络谣言”另外一个比较低调的说法是digitalmisinformation。不过,用火来做比喻似乎更加引人注意,而且这个说法巧妙地将传播误导性事实带来的破坏性结果比作野火烧过后留下的残迹。

    The concept underpinned of fire seems much more appealing however , aptly comparing the damage caused by the spread of misleading facts to the trail of destruction left in the wake of a wildfire .

  13. 其实,这个词的比喻说法就相当于我们更熟悉的那个英文表达butterfliesinthestomach/belly,胃里/肚子里有很多蝴蝶,也就是紧张得发抖,忐忑不安的意思。

    Referring to ' a fluttering and nauseated4 sensation felt in the stomach when one is nervous ' , the phrase is often clipped to just ' the butterflies ' .

  14. Bloatware这个词是比照着software(软件)和hardware(硬件)等词加上表示“膨胀”的动词bloat的比喻用法结合而成的。

    Both terms are a pejorative can occur in various ways . The term bloatware was coined by analogy with software , hardware etc and figurative use of the verb bloat which literally with liquid or gas ' . ( Source : macmillandictionary . com )

  15. 第三,这种比喻性语言意味着对道德丰义的反拨。

    Thirdly , the metaphoric language means the counteraction of moralism .

  16. 所以说,我们可以这样作个比喻:熵像是时间之矢。

    So , in a metaphorical sense , entropy is arrow of time .

  17. 从比喻来讲,它含有一种令人赞许的能量的意思。

    Metaphorically it implied a sort of admirable energy .

  18. 就像“玻璃天花板”一样,“粘地板”是对员工职场挫败的一种比喻。

    Like glass ceiling , sticky floor is a metaphor2 for the occupational frustrations3 of workers .

  19. 它是一个比喻的词组;我们并非说他长了绿手指而是说他擅长园艺技能。

    It was a metaphoric ( al ) phrase ; we didn 't really mean that he has green fingers , only that he is good at gardening .

  20. 成语“高山流水”,比喻知己或知音,也比喻音乐优美。

    From this story , people havederived the set phrase " high mountain and running water " to refer to understanding and appreciative friends . This set phrase is also used to refer to melodious music .

  21. 第二天,梁王见到惠子,就对他说:“你以后讲话直截了当讲,不要再用比喻,拐弯抹角的。”

    The following day the King of Liang met Hui Zi and said to him : " From now on , when you speak , come straight to the point and do not use metaphors and beat about the bush . "

  22. 有人在梁王面前嘲笑惠子:“这个惠子说话爱用比喻,假如不准他用比喻,那他一定什么也说不清楚了。”

    Someone mocked at Hui Zi before the King of Liang . " This Hui Zi likes to use metaphors1 when he speaks . If he is not allowed to use metaphors , he surely won 't be able to explain anything at all . "

  23. 一座Chinesewall可以比喻为一个理解上不可逾越的障碍物。

    A " Chinese Wall " can be a metaphor for an insurmountable barrier to understanding .

  24. Metaphor和比喻:英汉比较研究用一种比喻意义代替另一种的换喻。

    A Comparison Between Chinese biyu and English Metaphor ; substituting metonymy of one figurative sense for another .

  25. 我很幸运能够近距离观摩这个活动。ringsideseat:拳击比赛中靠近拳击台的观察席位,此处比喻为近距离观察。

    I am very fortunate to get the ringside seat to the event .

  26. 两个其他特性有助于编写易读的Python程序,并且这两者都遵循前面所用的书的比喻。

    Two other features help you write easy-to-read programs in Python , and they both follow from the book analogy used earlier .

  27. 本文的例证分析主要建立在Lakoff和Johnson关于比喻,转喻的理论基础上。

    The theoretical foundations on which my analysis is based are mainly from sources of Lakoff and Johnson 's theory of metaphor and metonymy .

  28. 根据Webster'sNewWorldDictionary和ADictionaryofLiteraryTerms,比喻是以一事物描绘另一事物,因为两事物之间存在某种相似之处。

    According to Webster 's New World Dictionary and A Dictionary of Literary Terms , a figure of comparison is a figure of speech in which one thing is described in terms of another because of the likeness between the two compared things .

  29. GeorgeYule曾形象地比喻,如果把会话看作是一种市场经济体系,那么话轮就是这个市场上的紧俏商品。

    George Yule used to apply a vivid metaphor to define ' turn ' : if conversation is viewed as a market economy , turn is a scarce commodity .

  30. Jay-Z的说唱歌曲是一部“吹牛宝典”,涉及体育的比喻多种多样。

    Among Jay-Z 's thesaurus of boasts in his rap songs is a rich index of sports comparisons .