
  • 网络Peseta;ESP;PTAs
  1. 昨天西班牙比塞塔在货币市场价格下跌。

    The Spanish peseta crashed on the currency markets yesterday .

  2. 以前,安道尔用西班牙比塞塔作为自己的货币,有时也用法郎。

    Before that it primarily used the Spanish Peseta and sometimes the French Franc .

  3. 我想把美元换成比塞塔&兑换率是多少?

    I want to change my dollars into pesetas what is the exchange rate ?

  4. 可实际上,这事已经给我带来了亿万比塞塔都买不到的东西。

    As it is , it has brought me things that not even a billion pesetas could buy .

  5. 但是来自自由派和保守派的多名政治家希望取消欧元,重新启用里拉、德拉克马和比塞塔等货币。

    But a number of politicians , liberal and conservative , are talking about it , and bringing currencies like the lira , the drachma and peseta out of retirement .

  6. 我认为,不应该排除德拉克马、里拉和比塞塔等货币在2020年前复活的可能性。

    I think we should not rule out the possibility , before the decade is out , of the rebirth of currencies such as the drachma , lira and peseta .

  7. 老人站了起来,慢慢地数着茶托,打口袋里摸出一只装硬币的起夹子来,付了酒账,又放下半个比塞塔作小账。

    The old man stood up , slowly counted the saucers , took a leather coin purse from his pocket and paid for the drinks , leaving half a peseta tip .

  8. 其特等奖为五千比塞塔,大约折合一百二十五万美元。听到罗密欧被放逐的事比听到提伯特的死讯还要令人难过一千倍!

    Its grand prize is 50 million pesetas which works out to about $ 1,250,000 . Romeo being banished is a thousand times more painful to hear of than Tybalt 's death !

  9. 希腊德拉克马、爱尔兰镑、葡萄牙埃斯库多、西班牙比塞塔、意大利里拉,可能还有法国法郎,相对德国马克都已经贬值。

    The Greek drachma , the Irish punt , the Portuguese Escudo , the Spanish peseta , the Italian lira and , maybe , the French franc would have devalued against the Deutschmark .

  10. 但与此同时,它们也展开了更多的幕后行动,以确保倘若有某个国家退出欧元区,自己不会收到以贬值的德拉克马或比塞塔为计价货币的还款。

    But they are also engaged in more work behind the scenes to ensure that if a country leaves the eurozone they will not have to receive payments in a devalued drachma or peseta .

  11. 当初欧洲各国采用单一货币欧元时,一纸相对简单的国内法律按照规定汇率把以希腊德拉克马、西班牙比塞塔、芬兰马克和德国马克计价的合约转换为了以欧元计价的合约。

    When countries joined the single currency , a relatively simple piece of domestic legislation converted contracts in drachmas , pesetas , markkas and Deutschmarks into contracts in euros at a prescribed exchange rate .

  12. 就像各国有各种不同的语言一样,各国还建立起各种形式的货币制度,货币名称也各不相同:如美元、英镑、克朗、马克、法郎、日元、比索、比塞塔等等。

    Just as nations developed differing languages , they also established various systems of money with a wide range of names : dollar , pound , crown , mark , franc , yen , peso , peseta , etc.