
zài kè liàng
  • Passenger capacity;busload;bus-line
载客量 [zǎi kè liàng]
  • [busline] 公共汽车满载乘客的数量

  • (学校儿童乘载量);公共汽车的载量

载客量[zài kè liàng]
  1. 渡船上大约有250名乘客,超出了核定载客量约100名。

    There were about 250 people on board , about 100 more than the ferry was licensed to carry .

  2. 数字19是指其190名乘客的载客量。

    And the number 19 refers to its capacity of 190 passengers .

  3. C919是窄体飞机,设计载客量在150人以上,在市场上的主要竞争机型包括空客320和波音737。

    The C919 , designed to accommodate over 150 passengers , is a narrow-body plane . Its main rivals on the market will include Airbus 320 and Boeing 737 .

  4. 给出了用模糊技术来识别汽车类型、客车载客量和货车吨位的实用方法。

    A useful method for recognizing automobile types and capacities is presented .

  5. 它包括了公交车专用道和高载客量公交车。

    It includes dedicated bus lanes and high-capacity buses .

  6. 载客量不到10人的汽车车身

    Body , automobile , designed for the transport of fewer than 10 persons

  7. 一九九八年内,地下铁路平日的平均载客量达230万人次。

    It carried an average of 2.3 million passengers per weekday in 1998 .

  8. 这架飞机载客量是多少?

    How many pssengers does the plane accmmodate ?

  9. 大型游轮的载客量越来越大;

    the ever-increasing capacity of mega cruise ships ;

  10. 尽管伦敦的地铁线最长,但是东京的地铁载客量却是最大的。

    Though the longest route is London , the most carrying capacity is Tokyo 's subway system .

  11. 事实正好相反,航空公司使用了较小的窄体客机,平均载客量190人。

    Instead , airlines have used smaller narrow-bodied planes with an average of 190 passengers on each .

  12. 根据该报告,按载客量来说,都柏林机场在欧洲排名第十六位。

    Dublin airport is ranked16th largest in Europe measured by passengers carried , according to the report .

  13. 华强森说,在中国,只有上海中心城区的公共交通载客量与曼哈顿相当。

    In China , says Mr. Woetzel , only downtown Shanghai approximates the public-transportation ridership of Manhattan .

  14. 轻铁最高时速达80公里,年内平均每日载客量达314000人次。

    Its maximum speed is 80 km / h and it carried some 314000 passengers every day in 1998 .

  15. 道路机动车车身(不包括载客量不到10人的摩托车和机动车辆)

    Body for road motor vehicles ( excl. motor cycles and vehicles designed for the transport of fewer than 10 persons )

  16. 快速公交系统的载客量和平均时速指标不逊于轨道交通系统。

    A BRT system has the same properties as a rail-bound system when it comes to passenger capacity and average speed .

  17. 这些改善工程在一九九九年完成后,东铁的载客量将会增加大约一成半。

    Upon the completion of these works in 1999 , East Rail 's capacity will be increased by some 15 per cent .

  18. 铁路载客量有限和车票短缺一直是旅客抱怨的问题来源。

    Limited train capacity and a shortage of tickets have always been two things that have led to complaints from potential passengers .

  19. 规划者原以为绝大多数客机会是大飞机,平均载客量300人。

    The planners had assumed that the vast majority of aircraft would be large , with an average of 300 people on board .

  20. 据估计在当地时间8月13日,该机场的乘客总数将超过23万6955人次—在2012年7月24日的最高载客量

    Passenger volume may break its single-day record of 236955 passengers on 24 July 2012 -- double the airport 's average for this summer .

  21. 然而这艘原本载客量为6、7人的小船却装了20人,船出现了故障。

    It was just a 10km ride . The boat , meant for six to seven people , was already broken when 20 people boarded .

  22. 如果各航空公司都利用新飞机增加载客量,而不是用以替换旧飞机,那将产生许多空座。

    If everyone uses their new planes to expand capacity , rather than to replace clunkers , there could be a lot of empty seats .

  23. 地铁、轻轨等城市轨道交通方式具有方便、快捷、准时、载客量大等优点,是世界许多城市的重要交通工具。

    As an important vehicle of big cities , the Urban Rail Transit has the merit of convenience , shortcut , on time , vast capacity , etc.

  24. 了解了有多少人在公园里,我们就知道了游戏车的载客量,食物的日供给量。

    When we know how many people are in the park , that tells us what kind of ride capacity we need , what kinda food capacity .

  25. 运输船舶规模大,载货量或载客量非常大,一旦发生海损事故,带来的直接经济损失和间接损失都难以估算。

    The shipping scale is growing rapidly on the Yangtze River , when average happens , the direct and indirect economic loss is indeed very difficult to estimate .

  26. 现代有轨电车由于具有载客量大、舒适、能耗低、污染少等特点,是符合绿色交通的一种公交方式。

    Modern tram is a kind of green public transport route , with characteristics of large-capacity , comfortable , low energy consumption , less pollution and so on .

  27. 屋巴士能补充专利巴士的不足,特别是在繁忙时间。但当公共交通服务的整体载客量提高后,屋巴士服务的需求便会下降。

    Residents services are operated as a supplementary service to franchised buses primarily during peak hours and the need for such operation may be reduced as overall public transport capacity increases .

  28. 谈到广深港高速铁路,廖秀冬说如果兴建这条铁路的目的是连接全国,必须先确定它整体载客量有多少拨给港方。

    If the rail link is intended to connect the whole country , we must first ascertain how much of the overall capacity is set aside for Hong Kong 's use .

  29. 这四艘船只的载客量均为1000人左右,将接回上周遭遇暴力事件的中国公民,暴力事件在越南的中南部地区上演。

    Four ships with a capacity of around a thousand people are set to evacuate Chinese citizens affected in the over-week of violence which has been gripping central and southern Vietnam .

  30. 西山一称碧鸡山。山顶缆车主要作为康乐设施使用,在一九九八年的载客量平均每日达9000人次。

    The Western Hills are also known as Bi'Ji'Shan or the Emerald Chicken Mountain . The line served an average of 9000 passengers a day in 1998 , mostly for recreational traffic .