
zài zhònɡ liànɡ
  • Load capacity;Load-carrying ability;loading/deadweight capacity
载重量 [zài zhòng liàng]
  • [loading capacity] 包括货物、燃料、储备品、船员和乘客的船舶装载总重量

  1. 这辆卡车的载重量已达到极限。

    This truck has already reached the limit of its load capacity .

  2. 该载重量是NASA航天飞机的两倍。

    That load weight is double the of NASA space shuttles .

  3. 使搬运小车具有LCD显示和触摸输入功能,可对载重量、运行时间、运行速度进行设置,更改其运行路径。

    The vehicle has LCD display and touch input so user can set its payload , speed , running time and change its route .

  4. 用AresV我们将具有的载重量使得在轨道上的简单自动地会合及组件连接成为可能。

    The heavy lift capacity we 'll have with the Ares V will allow for simple automatic rendezvous in orbit and docking of components .

  5. 载重量3500t化学品船动力装置设计

    Design of Ship Power Plant for 3500 DWT Chemical Tanker

  6. 特别是国际海事组织在海上环境保护委员会第32次会议上,提出对于载重量超过5000t的油船必须设置双层壳体。

    In particular , in the 32nd session of MEPC of IMO , it has been stipulated that a tanker exceeding 5000 deadweight must have double hulls .

  7. 浅水超大型FPSO满载时原油重量将近占载重量的80%,因此如何正确模拟原油重量分布对干结构的固有频率、广义质量和振型的计算非常重要。

    Since the fuel weight of very large FPSO in shallow water accounts for nearly 80 percent of total displacement , it is very important how to correctly simulate the fuel mass distribution for calculating natural frequency , generalized mass and modes .

  8. 为了满足货物运输的需要,某厂最新研制了目前国内载重量最大、承载面最长且在大吨位凹底车中自重系数最小的370t凹底车。

    In order to meet the need of freight , a factory developed 370t center-depressed flatcar which is the biggest domestic load-carrying capacity , the maximum load bearing surfaces and the smallest dead weight coefficient in the great tonnage center-depressed flatcar .

  9. 70000吨级载重量巴拿马型原油/成品油船船型开发

    Ship form development for 70000 DWT Panamax crude / product tanker

  10. 这辆卡车最大载重量是10吨。

    The maximum load for this truck is ten ton .

  11. 全部载货容积与载重量两者都是指载重容量。

    Full Reach and Burde That 's deadweight tonnage in both cases .

  12. 从两个吃水的载重量估算空船重量

    Estimating the weight of empty ship from two draught deadweights

  13. 轮胎压力诊断系统在汽车载重量称量中的应用

    Application of tyre pressure diagnosis system to the metage of automotive load

  14. 超声波船舶载重量测量仪精度评估及相关技术

    Error Analysis of Ultrasonic Instrument for Measuring Ship Carrying Capacity

  15. 邮局拒收体积大的邮包.保证的载重量和包装容积

    The post office does not accept bulky package . guaranteed deadweight & bale-space

  16. 最大载重量15人(电梯内)

    Maximum capacity 15 persons ( in a lift )

  17. 今天,一艘集装箱船的载重量达到十五万吨。

    Today a container ship can carry 150000 tons ;

  18. 极限强度值与载重量之间基本上呈线性关系。

    And the relationship between the ultimate strength and loading capacity is almost linear .

  19. 载重量影响的电力推进船舶电力负荷混沌预测

    Chaos Forecasting of Electric Propulsion Ship Power Load Based on Dead Weight load Influence

  20. 垂直式尾板:结构简单、安装简便、载重量较小。

    Vertical tail plate : simple structure , easy installation , a smaller load .

  21. 本文介绍我国自行研制国内载重量最大的首制被动式气垫运输平台的概况和主要性能特点。

    A new and largest non-self-propelled air cushion transport platform is introduced in the paper .

  22. 从安全行驶角度综析小四轮拖拉机运输时的合理载重量

    Rational Transportation Load for Small Wheeled Tractors

  23. 全部载货容积与载重量加载货清单加载清单

    Full Reach and Burde Additional Cargo List

  24. 手扶拖拉机运输中的合理车速与载重量

    A Preliminary Study on the Rational Speed and Carrying Capacity of a Walking Tractor in Transportation

  25. 介绍了一种两足步行椅机器人机械系统和控制系统的硬件设计,分析了载人两足机器人与一般两足机器人在安全性、载重量和干扰方面的不同。

    The mechanical and control system design of a new biped walking chair robot is introduced .

  26. 悬臂式尾板:结构较复杂,载重量大,板面角度可调节;

    Cantilever tail plate : structure more complex load large plate surface angle can be adjusted ;

  27. 一个主要的例外就在于将第二阶段的推进箱加长,以便增加300千克的载重量。

    The chief exception was lengthened second-stage propellant tanks to increase the payload by 300 kilograms .

  28. 摇臂式尾板:结构简单,自重较轻,载重量较小,安装简便。

    Rocker-style tail plate : simple structure , light weight , load small , easy to install .

  29. 再过两年,又添了两艘马力和载重量更大的船,

    and in two more years , by two other vessels of still greater power and tonnage .

  30. 讨论了在时间、距离和载重量等多种约束条件下,编制配送计划的优化方法。

    The paper studies the optimized method of distribution planning with restrictions of time , distance and weight .