
hán fēng lǐn liè
  • a piercing cold wind -- bitterly cold;The wind is piercingly cold
寒风凛冽[hán fēng lǐn liè]
  1. 天气极其恶劣。寒风凛冽,天色晦暗,能见度极低。

    The weather was at its worst ; bitterly cold , with leaden skies that gave minimum visibility .

  2. 想起24年前一个寒风凛冽的晚上。

    He recalled a cold windy evening twenty-four years earlier .

  3. 它已被如此寒风凛冽,宾夕法尼亚州在这里。

    It has been so bitterly cold here in Pennsylvania .

  4. 我将去的地方寒风凛冽!

    I 'm going where the cold wind blows .

  5. 寒风凛冽,哈利不禁浑身打颤。

    Harry shivered in the cold night air .

  6. 一个雪花飞舞、寒风凛冽的冬季;

    A chilly winter with heavy snow ;

  7. 远方是一片白雪皑皑、山峦起伏、寒风凛冽的冬季景色。

    On the far side was a winterscape of deep snow , mountain vistas and blowing wind .

  8. 那个时候,北方的天气非常恶劣,寒风凛冽并且到处都被森林覆盖。

    At the time , the north was very inhospitable , being cold and damp and covered in forests .

  9. 白天重复涂抹,尤其是进入寒风凛冽的户外和晚上睡觉之前。

    Reapply during the day - especially before going into the blustery outdoors - and before you go to bed at night .

  10. 在一个寒风凛冽的周三上午,摩尔城仍然吸引了众多消费者前来购物,但这里的品牌并不是我们熟知的外国名牌。

    On a bitter , blustery Wednesday morning , the mall still manages to draw big crowds but the brands are not familiar foreign names .

  11. 在亚特兰地高地,超过10000英尺的地方,寒风凛冽天寒地燥,我们精疲力竭。

    High on the Antarctic plateau , over 10000 feet , it 's very windy , very cold , very dry , we were exhausted .

  12. 他和一位名叫谢弗的年轻助手到新罕布什尔州的一座山上去考察,这里常常大雪纷飞,寒风凛冽。

    He and a young assistant named Schaefer went to a mountain in the state of New Hampshire , where snowstorms are common and cold winds blow .

  13. 南极洲最大的无冰区是一片寒风凛冽、地形崎岖的冰冻沙漠,该区域地形看起来就像是冥王星,而根本不是我们的地球。

    The largest ice-free region in Antarctica is a windswept , frozen desert whose rugged terrain looks as if it belongs on Pluto rather than our planet .

  14. 只要能靠近主人,不管地面管地面冰凉坚硬,寒风凛冽,大雪纷飞,它都会躺在主人身边。

    He will sleep on the cold ground where the wintry winds blow and the snow drives fiercely , if only he can be near his master 's side .

  15. 如果能和主人在一起,它愿意睡在冰冷的地上,任凭寒风凛冽,朔雪飘零。

    He will sleep on the cold ground , where the wintry winds blow and the snow drives fiercely , if only he may be near his master 's side .

  16. 我们站在寒风凛冽的街角,相对无言,就像两个迷途的过客,偶尔停下来,默默地承认自己的困惑。

    We stood on the windy street corner , not speaking a word , just like two travelers , who have lost their way , sometimes stand and admit their perplexity in silence .

  17. 去年冬天的一个早上,寒风凛冽,气温只有零下10华氏度,他的滑雪护目镜起雾了,所以他错过了一个路口,迟到了三分钟。

    This winter , he arrived three minutes late to a workout when the wind chill was minus 10 because the ski goggles he wore had fogged up and he missed a turn .

  18. 在这个季节这些树的叶子是绿色的,但如果寒风凛冽树叶冻僵的话,它们就不再发绿并失去了光泽。

    The leaves of these trees are green at this season but if the wind is keen and the leaves freeze , they cease to be green and seem to lose their sheen .

  19. 嘴唇干燥开裂是很难受的一件事,在寒风凛冽的冬季里,嘴唇很容易干裂,所以记得每天涂唇膏,就算嘴唇不干裂的时候也别忘记。

    Dry , chapped lips can be unsightly and even painful . During the harsh winter months , lips are especially likely to dry out . Wear moisturizing lip balm daily , even when your lips do not feel chapped .

  20. 这次旅程辛苦多了。温度有时低达-40℃。寒风凛冽,雪花漫天。人困狗乏,帐篷与靴子也不顶事了。在第二个贮藏屋附近,他们插了60面旗,目的是帮助他们能再次找到它。

    This time it was harder.The temperature was sometimes - 40 ° Centigrade , and there were strong winds with a lot of snow.The dogs and men were very tired , and the tents and boots were bad.At the second depot , they put out sixty flags , to help them find it again .

  21. 又是一个冬天,寒风依旧凛冽,河边我和妈妈的身影总是依稀可见

    Is a winter , wind chills still river my mother and I figure always be seen

  22. 在晴朗的夜晚,不管寒风多么凛冽,海上浪涛多么大,晚饭后他总是独自在天桥上呆上几小时。

    On clear nights , no matter how cold the wind is and how rough the sea is , he spent hours after dinner alone on the flying bridge .