
hán hài
  • Cold injury;damage caused by cold weather
  1. 苗木不耐寒,在-4℃自然低温时,1a生苗寒害率达30%,需采取防寒措施。

    The 1 year old seedlings freezing damage rate was 30 % when the low temperature was - 4 ℃ in field . Therefore the winter protection measures was necessity .

  2. 云南植蕉区多分布于北回归线附近海拔500~1000m的山地,冬季的12月至翌年1月受寒冷天气影响,易造成果穗寒害,严重影响了云南春蕉的质量。

    Banana plantations are mainly distributed in mountain along The Tropic of Cancer with elevation of 500 ~ 1 000m in Yunnan . During December to January of next year , the cold weather would cause banana fruit disease and affect its quality .

  3. 热带园林树木遭受寒害的回顾与思考

    Retrospection and Reflection of the Cold Damage to Tropical Ornamental Trees

  4. 广西南部菠萝寒害的分析及预报方法

    Analysis and forecast of chilling injury to pineapples in South Guangxi

  5. EOS/MODIS数据在甘蔗寒害监测评估中的应用

    Application of EOS / MODIS Data to Monitoring Sugarcane Cold Damage

  6. 这一特点类似于细胞生物膜寒害,最后对菠萝寒害作了数值模拟。

    Finally , the numerical simulation for PCI is made .

  7. 冬小麦寒害和抗寒性生化机理研究

    Biochemical Mechanism of Cold-resistance of Two Breeds of Winter Wheat

  8. 2004/2005年冬春海南腰果寒害情况调查

    Investigation of Cold Damage to the Cashew Groves in Hainan

  9. 2007/2008年河口地区番木瓜寒害

    Cold Injury on Papaya in 2007 / 2008 in Hekou

  10. 波萝寒害模型及其理论分析

    A model for pineapple cold injury ( pci ) and theoretical analysis

  11. 幼苗外观寒害症状也较轻。因此,可以认为磁场处理在一定程度上可提高番茄幼苗的抗寒性。

    Therefore , the chilling injury symptoms of treated seedlings were alleviated .

  12. 2008年香蕉、番木瓜寒害状况及灾后恢复

    Cold Damage and Restoration of Banana and Papaya in 2008

  13. 广东冬季气候资源优势及寒害与对策

    A study on climatic resources and cold damage during winter in Guangdong Province

  14. 广州部分园林植物寒害及恢复效果调查

    Chilling Injury and Recovery of the Landscape Plants in Some Parks of Guangzhou

  15. 冬季寒害对广东种养业的严重影响及其对策

    Serious influence of winter cold disaster on plantation and aquaculture in Guangdong Province

  16. 橡胶树胶木兼优无性系寒害适应性调研初报

    A Survey to the Cold Resistance Adaptability of Rubber Timber / Latex Clones

  17. 海南省2007/2008年冬橡胶树寒害情况浅析

    Analysis on Rubber Tree Cold Injury in 2007 / 2008 Winter in Hainan

  18. 遥感地表温度反演在寒害监测预警中的应用

    Application of Cold Disaster Monitoring and Predicting by Retrieval of Land Surface Temperature

  19. 云南东部垦区2004/2005年橡胶树寒害调查报告

    Investigation Report on Rubber Cold Injury of Eastern Yunnan in 2004 / 2005

  20. 香蕉寒害研究进展

    Advances in research on chilling injury in banana

  21. 广东省林业寒害情况调查报告

    Survey reports on cold damage to forestry in Guangdong in the end of 1999

  22. 梅州山区热带水果和经济作物的地域布局&梅州市99寒害水果经作受灾调查

    Regional distribution of tropical fruit plants and cash crops in mountain regions of Meizhou

  23. 对广东22个代表站上述44年的综合寒害指数进行了自然正交分解,得到了2个有意义的特征向量场。

    The integrative chilling damage index of 22 representative stations for 44 years was calculated .

  24. 植物寒害和抗寒机制中膜与蛋白质研究的进展

    Advances of the studies on biomembranes and proteins in plant freezing injury and cold hardiness

  25. 2008年河口地区橡胶树寒害后小蠹虫严重危害及防治

    Bark Beetles Damage Hevea brasiliensis After Cold Injury in 2008 and Its Control in Hekou

  26. 山西花椒昆虫群落结构及区划研究凤县花椒寒害的调查研究

    Study on the Community Structure and Regionalism of the Chinese Prickly Ask Insects in Shanxi

  27. 因此,采取有效措施,御防寒害和霜冻对香蕉的危害,成为亟待解决的问题。

    So , taking some effective measures to defense those damages have become a urgent problem .

  28. 否则,寒害加剧。这一特点类似于细胞生物膜寒害。

    This feature of PCI is similar to that of cold injury of biomembranes of a cell .

  29. 云南河口地区2007/2008年橡胶树寒害普查报告

    General Survey of Cold Injury on Rubber Tree in the Year of 2007 / 2008 in Hekou

  30. 综合而言,广东冬季寒害具有准8年主要振荡的周期变化。

    Generally speaking , the periodic variation of winter chilling damage in Guangdong had quasi-8 year mainly oscillation .