
  • 网络cold wave weather
  1. 2006年初春浙北寒潮天气过程分析

    Analysis of a Cold Wave Weather Process in Early Spring of 2006

  2. 天文潮汐在特定地区与寒潮天气发生的关系

    Relation between astronomical tide and cold wave weather system

  3. 秋天利用5cm土层未冻结前的强寒潮天气,减少越冬虫源;初春进行树下防治,利用土壤小气候特点,恶化越冬茧化蛹的小气候环境,降低虫源基数;

    The strong cold currents before soil layer was frozen 5 cm deep in Autumn were made use of to decrease the pest sources and also the small climatic characteristics of soil were used to worsen the small climatic environment when cocoon pupates and decrease the number of pest sources .

  4. 西北区东部寒潮天气短期预报

    Short range weather forecast of cold wave in Eastern Northwest China

  5. 一次寒潮天气综合诊断

    Weather An Integrated diagnosis on 4.23 Cold wave in Northwest China

  6. 2008年12月两次寒潮天气对比分析

    Comparative Analyses of Two Cold Wave Processes in December 2008

  7. 2001年春季寒潮天气中数值预报的应用

    Application of Numerical Weather Prediction to Springtime Cold Wave Prediction in 2001

  8. 西北地区1次罕见的冬季寒潮天气分析

    Analysis on A Rare Winter Cold Wave in Northwest Area

  9. 武威市寒潮天气气候分析及预报

    The Climatic Analysis and Forecast of Cold Wave Weather in Wuwei City

  10. 渤海秋末初冬一次强寒潮天气过程分析

    The analysis of a strong cold wave process in November in Bohai Sea

  11. 广西寒潮天气统计特征及环流形势分析

    Statistical Characteristics of Cold Wave Weather in Guangxi and Analysis of Circumfluence Situation

  12. 塔城盆地寒潮天气特征分析

    Weather The Character of Cold Wave in Tacheng Basin

  13. 2008年12月2&6日寒潮天气过程分析

    Analysis of the Cold Wave During 2-6 December 2008

  14. 4·18寒潮天气过程中的锋生分析

    Analysis of Frontogenesis in a Cold-Wave Process on 18 April 2008 in Xinjiang

  15. 乌鲁木齐地区春季第一场暴雪型寒潮天气过程分析

    Analysis on Cold Wave Process of the First Snowstorm at Urumchi Region in Spring

  16. 甘肃河西地区一次强寒潮天气个例诊断分析

    Diagnostic Analysis of a Strong Cold Wave Process in Hexi Corridor of Gansu Province

  17. 山西2006年4·11强寒潮天气预报服务及冻害灾情评估

    Prediction service and valuing of frozen disaster for ' 06.0 4.11 ' strong cold surge

  18. 甘肃临夏地区一次扬沙与强寒潮天气诊断分析

    Examining on a Blowing Sand and Strong Cold Current Event over Linxia Region of Gansu Province

  19. 但是基地内日光温室蔬菜生产,主要靠自然光照维持,受天气条件影响较大。冬半年经常发生连阴天气和寒潮天气,严重影响了蔬菜的质量和产量。

    But the vegetable production mainly depends on natural sunlight which is largely affected by meteorological conditions .

  20. 寒潮天气过程的风浪是渤海最危险的大浪之一。

    The wind wave generated by cold wave is one of the most dangerous waves in Bohai Sea .

  21. 祁连山区天气的日变化西北区东部寒潮天气短期预报

    Diurnal variation of weather in Nan Shan region short range weather forecast of cold wave in Eastern Northwest China

  22. 冬半年经常发生连阴天气和寒潮天气,严重影响了蔬菜的质量和产量。

    Serial cloudy sky and cold wave in cold half year brings about a greater impact on the quality and yield of vegetable .

  23. 本文利用天气学和动力诊断相结合的方法,对渤海秋末初冬一次强寒潮天气过程进行了分析。

    A strong cold wave process in November in Bohai Sea is analyzed in the way of combining synoptic meteorology and dynamic diagnostics .

  24. 利用1986~1999年气象资料,分析了河南省寒潮天气的基本特征和主要天气形势。

    With the data from 1986 to 1999 , the weather situation and the basic characteristic of cold wave in henna can be disposed .

  25. 除了人手短缺,本次席卷中国大部地区的寒潮天气也给快递行业带来了很大的冲击。

    Besides the shortage of employees , the express delivery industry was hit hard by the cold front that swept most parts of China .

  26. 1999年底,桉树受强降温寒潮天气影响,受到严重冻害。

    Eucalyptus was in serious freezing injury by the effects of strong landing warm and cold wave weather at the end of the year 1999 . E.

  27. 并对伴随寒潮天气出现的灾害性天气采取逐步逼近的预报方式,制作了冬半年天气服务预报系统,实现了预报客观自动化。

    To get weather forecast service system during winter half year , gradual approach method is wsed to predict disaster weather along with cold wave so that forecast automation is realized .

  28. 西宁是我国空气污染最严重的城市之一,冬春季节尤为严重,特别是当春季受到强沙尘暴影响时,会产生5级以上的严重空气污染。2001年春季寒潮天气中数值预报的应用

    Xining is one of the most severe cities suffered from air pollution in China , where pollution is especially heavy in winter and spring time . Application of Numerical Weather Prediction to Springtime Cold Wave Prediction in 2001

  29. 一次全国性寒潮暴雪天气过程分析

    Analysis of a Nationally Cold Wave and Heavy Snow

  30. 寒潮暴风雪天气的动力和热力特征分析

    Analysis on Dynamic and Thermal Feature of the Cold Wave Storm Weather