
lěnɡ qì tuán
  • cold air mass
  1. 目前台湾郑笼罩在冷气团当中,温度如预期的也一路下降。

    Taiwan is currently enveloped in the cold air mass with temperatures continually dropping as expected .

  2. 冷而密度大的冷气团迫使暖气团上升,就像插入的一枚楔子。

    The cold , dense air lifts the warm air like a wedge .

  3. 冷气团中存在的上升运动,使冷空气影响的范围和强度增大。

    The ascending motion in cle air mass enlarges the intensity of cold air incessantly .

  4. 主要支配的影响是干冷气团之流入。

    The major controlling influence is the inflow of a cold , dry , air mass .

  5. 右侧的图像显示的是一道暖锋自左往右爬升到冷气团上方的情形。

    The right image pair shows a warm front moving from left to right over a cold mass of air .

  6. 就在这些季节里,热气团与冷气团的温差最大。

    It is during these seasons that the differences in temperature between warm and cold masses of air are greatest .

  7. 并且它又与冷气团相遇形成超级风暴,这个骇人听闻的组合不但会带来暴雨强风还有暴雪。

    It also met with a cold-weather system that turned it into a superstorm , a monstrous hybrid consisting not only of rain and high wind but snow .

  8. 当气团移过某一地区时,就在这些季节里,热气团与冷气团的温差最大。

    As the air mass moves over an area , It is during these seasons that the differences in temperature between warm and cold masses of air are greatest .

  9. 当暖气团在锋面处受到冷气团的作用时,就会形成雷暴雨。梅雨锋西端高空低压槽前持续性暴雨分析&1981年7月四川大暴雨

    Thunderstorm form when a warm air mass is forced by a cold mass at a front . Analysis of Persistent Heavy Rainfall in the font of Upper Trough Associated the Meiyu Front-the Case over the Sichuan Basin during July 1981