
dōng jì
  • winter;peret
冬季 [dōng jì]
  • [winter] 秋春之间的季节[天文学上认为是从12月至3月]。中国习惯指立冬到立春的三个月时间,也指农历十、十一、十二、三个月

冬季[dōng jì]
  1. 这些植物在冬季会给你的花园增添胜景。

    These plants will add interest to your garden in winter .

  2. 夏威夷一直是深受人们青睐的冬季假日旅游胜地。

    Hawaii remains a popular choice for winter vacation travel .

  3. 在那个漫长的冬季,人们吃了很多苦头。

    People suffered many hardships during that long winter .

  4. 冬季白天较短。

    The days are shorter in wintertime .

  5. 在未来几周,冬季农产品会更贵。

    Winter produce will cost more for the next few weeks .

  6. 这个地区因冬季气候十分温和而著名。

    The area is famous for its very mild winter climate .

  7. 她害怕即将来临的寒冷冬季。

    She thought with dread of the cold winters to come .

  8. 上周,巴黎的时装设计师们展示了他们的冬季时装作品。

    The Paris couturiers showed their collections for winter last week .

  9. 冬季天短,有些人会变得抑郁消沉。

    When the days shorten in winter some people suffer depression .

  10. 冬季来游泳的人很多,泳池人满为患。

    During winter , many people swim and the pool is crowded .

  11. 冬季会让人感觉疲乏无力。

    Winter weather can leave you feeling fatigued and tired .

  12. 冬季运动吸引了英格兰的富豪们。

    The winter sports bring the jet set from England .

  13. 极地涡旋是冬季风形成的一个风系。

    The polar vortex is a system of wintertime winds .

  14. 有几类花园家具冬季必须存放在室内。

    Some types of garden furniture must be stored inside in the winter .

  15. 除了最严寒的冬季,这种植物都能在户外生长。

    The plant will stand all but the worst winters out of doors .

  16. 那个幽灵过去常常出人意料地出现,但是大多在冬季。

    The phantom used to appear unexpectedly , but mostly during the winter .

  17. 时值冬季,麻雀啄食着能够找到的任何东西。

    It was winter and the sparrows were pecking at whatever they could find

  18. 玛莎百货的最新款秋冬季时装即将亮相。

    Marks & Spencer will be unveiling its latest fashions for autumn and winter

  19. 这种天气在冬季往往更为常见。

    This type of weather is apt to be more common in winter .

  20. 冬季温泉是当下时髦人士体验真正的休息娱乐的的首选。

    Winter spas are now the smart set 's choice for serious R & R.

  21. 冬季供暖设施几乎毫无用处。

    The heating in winter was almost nil .

  22. 在沙特阿拉伯,冬季里沙尘暴很常见。

    Sandstorms are common during the Saudi Arabian winter

  23. 小麦适宜在冬季寒冷而夏季温暖干燥的地方生长。

    Wheat is grown in places which have cold winters and warm , dry summers

  24. 本世纪最恶劣的冬季暴风雪横扫北美东海岸。

    The worst winter storms of the century lashed the east coast of North America

  25. 冬季时大群大群的海鸥会聚集在垃圾场和排污口。

    During the winter months , great flocks of gulls gather at rubbish tips and sewage outfalls .

  26. 在冬季举行婚礼需要提前几个月作安排。

    Winter weddings need to be arranged months ahead / beforehand .

  27. 伦敦过去在冬季常有浓雾。

    London used to have dense fogs in winter .

  28. 这家商店库存大批货物,供冬季销售。

    The store keeps a large stock of goods for winter sale .

  29. 每到冬季他都参加长跑。

    Every winter , he does long-distance running .

  30. 该篮球队在南方有冬季宿舍。

    The basketball team has winter quarters in the south .