
dōnɡ lìnɡ yínɡ
  • winter camp
  1. 他们能否参加冬令营,我不在乎。

    Whether they will join in the Winter Camp I don 't care .

  2. 冬令营让我得以认识中国,体验地道中国人的生活。

    The winter camp enable me to see China and experience the life of the locals .

  3. 冬令营没有电视、没有电脑,琪琪觉得很没劲。

    Kiki doesn 't like the camp at all .

  4. 琪琪参加了一个“阅读和运动”冬令营。

    Kiki goes to Reading & Exercise Camp .

  5. 半个月后,冬令营结束,小本和琪琪回到了家。

    Two weeks later , Ben and Kiki finish their camps and come back home .

  6. 小本被送去参加一个绘画冬令营。

    Little Ben goes to Drawing Camp .

  7. 今天老师给我们参加冬令营的人开了个会。

    Today the teacher gave us a person to participate in winter were to be opened .

  8. 几天后,琪琪和小本被送去了不同的冬令营。

    Several days later , these two friends are going to go to different winter camps .

  9. 从此,国际大学预科班每年举办一次英国冬令营。

    Since then , IFP has held its winter camps once a year in the UK .

  10. 你是从哪里了解这次冬令营的活动?

    Where are you aware of the activities ?( How did you hear about this winter camp ?)

  11. 从汕尾李阳疯狂英语冬令营回来后,我连续几天都在思考着人生哲学。

    Back from LYCE winter camp in Shanwei , I spend several days thinking over philosophy of humanity .

  12. 冬令营期间还将举办长笛学术研讨会,我们拟将参会论文结集印刷成册出版。

    During the Winter Camp we will still hold the flute academic seminar , we plan to gather thesis knots print as volumes .

  13. 22岁的他是清华大学水利专业学生。通过学长介绍,他做起冬令营辅导员的工作。

    The 22-year-old water conservancy major at Tsinghua University was recommended by his upperclassman to work as a counselor at a winter camp .

  14. 本中心同时开设短期夏令营及冬令营,是外国学生在体验中国文化的同时学习汉语。

    We also have short term study tour program so the foreigners can study Chinese language while they enjoy Chinese culture and interesting activities .

  15. 由于冬令营成员年龄都很小,所以每次和他们交流或让他们听从指挥时,他都“需要很耐心”。

    Since the camp members are young , whenever he talks to them or give them instructions , he " needs to be patient . "

  16. 2005年初,他在第八届中国广播电影电视国际冬令营才艺选拔赛中获得辽宁赛区小学组乐器类金奖。

    At Jan2005 , he won Liaoning area elementary school group musical instrument golden prize in the8th China broadcasting movie television international winter camp art match .

  17. 2003年在福建省漳州体训基地举行了第一届全国青少年软式排球冬令营暨锦标赛,此次比赛举办得非常成功。

    In 2003 , the First National Teenage Soft Volleyball Winter Camp and Championship was held very successfully in the sports training center in Zhangzhou , Fujian Province .

  18. 美国“圆梦加州”名校英语冬令营将在著名的美国加州大学河畔分校举行,该活动为枫叶学子打开实现美国名校之梦的大门。

    Our American " Pursuit of Dream " UCR English program will be held in the well-known University of California Riverside and it will be where the Maple Leafers'dream starts .

  19. 他们在冬令营营地一起住了6个月,见不着任何其他的人,因此,彼此间的和睦是十分重要的。

    At their winter camp they live in each other 's pockets for 6 months without seeing anyone else at all , so it 's important that they like each other .

  20. 华哥拥有着磁性的嗓音和丰富的知识,我在冬令营时学到了很多,然而我回家后发现他教给我的远不止如此。

    He has a fascinating voice and profound knowledge . I learned a lot from him during the past winter camp , but I learned more after I came back home .