
dōng guā
  • wax gourd;white gourd;Benincasa hispida
冬瓜 [dōng guā]
  • [wax gourd;white gourd] 草本植物,茎上有卷须、能爬蔓。果实大,球形或圆柱形,表面有毛和白粉,是普通蔬菜

冬瓜[dōng guā]
  1. 冬瓜含有多种矿物质和维生素,高钾低钠,不含脂肪,热能低,营养质量指数(INQ值)表明属优质食物。

    Benincasa hispida Cogn . contains various mineral elements and vitamins , with a relatively high level of potassium and low sodium , with low heat energy and no fat . From the INQ value , it has been evaluated as a quality vegetable .

  2. 冬瓜三低保健冰淇淋的工艺研究

    Study on the technology of Benincasa hispida nutritional ice-cream

  3. 冬瓜肉厚。

    A white gourd is rich in pulp .

  4. 中温协同瞬变高压加工对冬瓜汁总Vc保存率的影响

    Effects of Combined Instantaneous High-pressure and Medium Temperature on Retention of Total Vitamin C in Wax Gourd Juice

  5. 冬瓜枣加工过程中,着色时间对总糖含量、维生素C含量有显著性影响,煮枣时间和烘枣时间对总糖含量有显著性影响。

    Coloring total sugar content , vitamin C content has a significant impact , cook jujube and bake date have a significant impact on the total sugar content .

  6. 冬瓜食品加工废水pH值为4-6,呈弱酸性,进水时需调节pH值。

    The melon food processing wastewater is weakly acid with the pH value of 4-6 , it should regulate the pH when inlet water .

  7. 与冬瓜枯萎病抗性连锁的RAMP标记的筛选及其运用

    Identification of RAMP Marker Linked to the Blight Resistance Gene in Winter Gourd and its Application

  8. 高黎贡山旱冬瓜Frankia的IGSPCR-RFLP分析

    Diversity of Frankia in nodules of Alnus nepalensis at Gaoligong mountains revealed by IGS PCR-RFLP analysis

  9. 冬瓜果肉累积DEHP浓度与皮中DEHP浓度呈高度正相关。

    The concentration of DEHP accumulation in the pulp correlated positively to DEHP concentration in the peel .

  10. 本研究基于连续高压射流形成的脉冲加压方式,考察瞬变高压与中温协同作用对冬瓜汁中POD活力的影响。

    Based on the impulsed pressurization brought by continuously high-pressure jet , the effects of the processing onthe peroxidase ( POD ) activity in wax gourd juices are discussed in this paper .

  11. 冬瓜Benincasahispida果皮结构与防腐性能的关系

    Pericarp Structure and Antiseptic Characteristic of Benincasa hispida

  12. 它叫“冬瓜鸡咖喱”,或者用泰语讲是“gaengkhuafakgubgai”。

    It is Chicken and wax gourd curry or " gaeng khua fak gub gai " in Thai .

  13. 图一、冬瓜萎凋病在田间的病徵。

    Fig.1.Symptoms of Fusarium wilt of wax gourd at a field .

  14. 冬瓜种子质量在其发育过程及采后处理中的变化

    Changing of Wax Gourd Seed during the Development and Post-harvest Treatments

  15. 介绍了冬瓜豆豉的改良工艺技术。

    Study on the improved process of homely Chinese watermelon Douchi ;

  16. 冬瓜汁、茶汁复合饮料的研制

    On trial-produce the compoud drink of winter-melon and tea juice

  17. 冬瓜说他的发型不错,我顶了。

    Wax gourd that his hair Yes , I am the top .

  18. 我那没用的孙子居然带着他剧院里的矮冬瓜朋友来看我了

    A visit from my useless grandson and his ghastly little theater friend

  19. 浸种时间对一串铃冬瓜种子萌发的影响

    Effect of Seed Soaking Time on Germination of Waxgourd ' Yichuanling '

  20. 冬瓜、节瓜枯萎病菌人工接种技术研究

    Studies on the artificial inoculation techniques of Wax gourd or Chieh-qua blight

  21. 她很可爱,不过是个矮冬瓜。

    She 's cute , but she is a shrimp .

  22. 那么我们今年还有冬瓜吗?

    Are we going to have winter melons this year ?

  23. 冬瓜种质资源对枯萎病的抗性鉴定评价

    Resistance evaluation of white gourd resources to Fusarium Wilt

  24. 洪力花了15块钱从超市买了个5公斤重的冬瓜。

    Hong spent 15 yuan on a 5-kilogram wax gourd from a supermarket .

  25. 我喜欢吃冬瓜,但不喜欢吃南瓜。

    I like white gourds , but not pumpkins .

  26. 这是我第一年种冬瓜。

    This is my first year planting winter melon .

  27. 希望能得到几个大个的冬瓜。

    I hope I can have some big melons .

  28. 在冬瓜片每日以冬瓜脸部或擦摩押;

    In wax gourd slice daily with wax gourd face or wipe Moab ;

  29. 冬瓜山铜选厂半自磨生产现状及探讨

    Production Status and Transformation of Semi - autogenous Grinding

  30. 冬瓜可以帮我和体重作斗争。

    Winter melon can help me fight my weight .