
  • 网络Nourishing tonic in winter
  1. 冬令进补,可使您四季精神十足。

    Taking tonics in winter enaBles you to Be in high spirit all the year round .

  2. 角质层和我们的身体一样,也需要“冬令进补”来提高抵抗力。

    Cuticle , and , like our bodies , but also need to " winter tonic " to increase resistance .

  3. 如今,立冬时节南方人爱吃些冬令进补的菜,比如姜母鸭、麻油鸡等。

    At present , Beginning of Winter is the best time for taking winter tonic like dishes of stewed duck with wine and ginger and Sesame Oil Chicken in the south of China .

  4. 结果发现谚语中的饮食文化与健康较有关联者,可分为饮食价值观、饮食习惯、饮食种类、地方小吃与名产、年节与婚丧喜庆习俗、冬令进补与文化禁忌等六大类。

    The results of this study had the conclusion that the diet culture found in these proverbs could be assorted into six values of eating : eating habits , types of food , special occasions , local special treats , nourishing food in winter , and diet taboos .