
kuáng fēng dà zuò
  • A fierce gale sprang up;A gale is blowing;A heavy gale came on to blow;It is blowing a full gale
狂风大作[kuáng fēng dà zuò]
  1. 狂风大作,海面上波浪起伏。

    A gale was blowing and the sea was choppy .

  2. 狂风大作,时速达164英里。

    The wind gusted up to 164 miles an hour .

  3. 我们醒来时发现外面狂风大作。

    We woke to find a gale blowing outside .

  4. 霎时狂风大作。

    A violent wind suddenly sprang up .

  5. 不久,狂风大作,柳树随风摇摆,终又恢复了原样,没有受到任何损伤。可是,橡树很倔强,宁愿被折断也不愿意弯腰屈身。

    The willow plied4 , and gave way to the gust5 , and still recovered itself again , without receiving any damage , but the oak was stubborn , and chose rather to break than bend .

  6. 他们是上海制造的名为MaryChing的鞋子的高档新款系列,这个女人说道,但这双鞋子让我想到了邦德女郎,在寒冷的西班牙图书馆或者狂风大作的意大利女修道院从事间谍活动。

    They were from an exclusive new line of Shanghai-produced footwear called Mary Ching , the woman said , but the shoes made me think of a Bond Girl going undercover in a chilly Spanish library or blustery Italian convent .

  7. 他们驾车经过阒寂无人、狂风大作的街道回家。

    They drove home through the deserted , windy streets .

  8. 有一天下午,天气突然变坏了,狂风大作,雪片纷飞。

    But it suddenly blew hard and snowed in great flakes one afternoon .

  9. 一天我刚走了两小时,这时突然狂风大作。

    I had traveled only two hours one day when the winds increased .

  10. 相反,这种类型的暴风雨来临前往往会狂风大作。

    And instead , before the storm , it might be really windy !

  11. 每每狂风大作,暴风骤雨,我都无法入眠,为远去的他担忧揪心。

    While up aloft , in storm or gale , from me his absence mourn .

  12. 狂风大作时,全国有几处断了电。

    The power went off in several parts of the country during the high wind .

  13. 我们十分清楚得知道在这样狂风大作的天气里应该穿什么。

    We are very well aware of what to wear in such wildly windy weather .

  14. 狂风大作的时候,灯塔还将会演奏出错综复杂的曲调。

    On blustery days , the lighthouse would be capable of playing intricate musical scores .

  15. 考虑一下这个情景,你在一个狂风大作、暴雨倾盆之夜驾车行驶。

    Consider this situation , You are driving along on a wild , stormy night .

  16. 中午时分,天上乌云密集,不一会儿狂风大作。

    Towards noon , dark clouds began to bank up and soon a violent storm broke out .

  17. 此前纽约经历了一个狂风大作、大雨倾盆的夜晚,市民们都呆在室内躲避。

    New Yorkers had experienced a night of high winds and torrential rain and were sheltering inside .

  18. 碑文上记述了郑和与船员的冒险故事:狂风大作,巨浪滔天;

    It recounted the adventures Zheng and his sailors shared : the fearful waves stirred by a hurricane ;

  19. 在一些地区,大雪,冻结了的雨水和狂风大作的情况令人们难以驾车出行。

    In some areas , snow , freezing rain and blustery conditions are making it difficult to drive .

  20. 没有滔天巨浪,也没有狂风大作;只有水龙头干涸和厕所无水冲刷所发出的声音。

    There was no wall of water , no howling winds ; just the sound of taps drying up and toilets ceasing to flush .

  21. 然而耶和华使海中起大风,海就狂风大作,甚至船几乎破坏。

    Then the LORD sent a great wind on the sea , and such a violent storm arose that the ship threatened to break up .

  22. 伴随着狂风大作,洪博培在自由女神像前宣布加入竞选总统的行列,并警告了美国暗淡的前进方向。

    In blustery weather with the Statue of Liberty as a backdrop , Jon Huntsman entered the presidential fray with a bleak warning about the country 's direction .

  23. 大约有35个人来到英国苏塞克斯海岸一个狂风大作之地的会议中心,花两天时间探讨作为独生子女成长的长期影响。

    About 35 people have come to a conference centre on a windswept stretch of the Sussex coast to spend two days exploring the lasting effects of a solitary upbringing .

  24. 在北京沙尘一个最主要来源地内蒙古自治区,周四和周五狂风大作,男人和女人们都带上围巾和口罩。

    In the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region , one of the traditional sources of Beijing 's sandstorms , gales roared Thursday and Friday , and men and women wrapped themselves in scarves and wore masks .

  25. 11月一个狂风大作的早晨,一场宏大的二手车拍卖会正在伦敦郊外一个机场热火朝天的展开。二手车的销路非常之好,其平均售价在过去一年里已上涨27%。

    On a blustery November morning at an airfield outside London , an enormous second-hand car auction is buzzing ; demand is so great that average prices have risen 27 per cent over the past year .

  26. 当太阳落山,寒冷且狂风大作的夜晚来临时;你正打算入睡,大风却窗外席卷咆哮,你还能安心入睡吗?

    What are you thinking when the sun goes down on those cold , windy nights , when you 're trying to get to sleep , and the wind keeps swirling and howling through your bedroom windows ?

  27. 巴塔哥尼亚的狂风;寒冷、狂风大作的一天;突然狂风大作的暴风雨。

    Blustering ( or blusterous ) winds of Patagonia ; a cold blustery day ; a gusty storm with strong sudden rushes of wind .