
  • 网络Linwu County
  1. 临武县地处湖南省南大门。

    Linwu County is the southern gateway of Hunan Province .

  2. 临武县脐橙优势产业发展对策

    Stratagem of Development on Superiority Industry of the Citrus Sinensis in Linwu County

  3. 临武县小徐瓜瓜食品有限公司组建于2003年12月,公司成立后不断创新品牌,开发新产品,取得了较好的经济效益和社会效益。

    Xiao Xu Gua Gua Food Corporate was established in December 2003 ; Company is committed to serving farmers and serves the community , innovates , develops new products and achieved better economic and social benefit .

  4. 再一小部分则站在和农会敌对地位,例如宜章、临武、嘉禾等县,但现时农民正在加以打击,可能于不久时间消灭其势力。

    Another small section are opposing the peasant associations , but the peasants are attacking them and may wipe them out before long , as , for example , in such counties as yichang , Linwu and chiaho .