
lín shí yì huì
  • Provisional Parliament;provisional assembly/parliament
  1. 临时议会议员对总理格迪提出不信任动议。

    Lawmakers in the interim parliament have also introduced a no-confidence motion against Prime Minister Ali Mohamed gedi .

  2. 新临时议会尼共()有73个名额,其中10名代表是由党在市民社会里提名的;

    The new interim legislature has73 members of the CPN ( M ) and10 representatives from the civil society nominated by the party ;

  3. 此外,政府亦会就广泛问题,征询临时区议会的意见。

    The Government also consulted these bodies on a wide range of issues .

  4. 临时区议会会议常规

    Provisional District Board Standing Orders Provisional Regional Council area

  5. 临时区议会会议常规不按正常规矩做的行为

    Provisional District Board Standing Orders unorthodox behavior

  6. 争取建立临时世界议会指导委员会

    Steering Committee for Provisional World Parliament

  7. 区域市政局辖区内各区的临时区议会界别分组〔新界各临时区议会界别分组〕

    Provisional District Boards for the Districts in the Regional Council Area subsector [ New Territories Provisional District Boards subsector ]

  8. 有关地区运输事宜,各临时区议会和属下的交通及运输委员会都会向政府提供意见。

    On local transport matters the government is advised by the provisional district boards , and their traffic and transport committees .

  9. 各临时区议会均推行会见市民计划,让居民约见区议员,就区内问题发表意见。

    Each Provisional District Board operated a meet-the-public scheme , under which residents could meet board members face-to-face to express their views on any district problems .

  10. 临时区议会主席获邀请列席地区管理委员会会议,以加强两会之间的联系。

    The chairman of the Provisional District Board was invited to attend District Management Committee meetings as an observer to improve communication between the committee and the board .

  11. 统治党候选人MalamBacaiSanha是前临时总统和国家议会主席,在上月举行的第一轮投票中以接近40%的选票获胜。

    Ruling-party candidate Malam Bacai Sanha is a former president and chair of the national assembly who won last month 's first round of voting with nearly 40 percent of ballots cast .

  12. 会议规程〔临时立法会〕临时区议会会议常规

    Rules of Order [ Provisional Legislative Council ] Provisional District Board Standing Orders

  13. 每个地区委员会皆由临时区域市政局议员及来自临时区议会和地方组织的增选委员组成。

    Each district committee comprised Provisional Regional Council members and other members co-opted from provisional district boards and the local community .