
lín shí dài bàn
  • charge d'affaires ad interim
  • chargé d'affaires ad hoc
临时代办 [lín shí dài bàn]
  • [chargé d'affaires ad hoc] 在大使或部长不在期间指导外交事务的外交使团中的较低级的官员

  1. 北京方面在周末做出回应,宣布紧急召见美国驻华使馆临时代办王晓岷(RobertWang),对美方的言论提出严正交涉。

    Beijing responded at the weekend by saying it had summoned Robert Wang , US charge d'affaires , to express a stern message about Washington 's comments .

  2. 北京方面在周末做出回应,宣布紧急召见美国驻华使馆临时代办王晓岷(RobertWang),对美方的言论提出“严正交涉”。

    Beijing responded at the weekend by saying it had summoned Robert Wang , US charge d'affaires , to express a " stern message " about Washington 's comments .

  3. 中国驻非盟使团临时代办陈绪峰表示,这次展览证明了中国对非洲和平的重视。

    China 's Charge d'Affaires to the African Union , Chen Xufeng , says the exhibition is a testament to the emphasis China puts toward promoting peace in Africa .

  4. 中国驻津巴布韦临时代办赵宝钢表示,这是回顾过去、展望未来的好时机。赵宝钢说,去年中国与津巴布韦的双边关系取得巨大进展。

    Acting Chinese ambassador to Zimbabwe Zhao Baogang says this is a time to review the past and Zhao says the past year has witnessed the huge progress in the development of bilateral relations between China and Zimbabwe .