
cān zàn
  • counsellor;councillor
参赞 [cān zàn]
  • [counsellor] 外交官员的一级,是外交代表的主要助手。外交代表不在时,一般由参赞以临时代办名义代理使馆事务

参赞[cān zàn]
  1. Hofrat(神学博士,帝国及皇家宫廷参赞)。

    Hofrat (" Doctor of Divinity , Imperial and Royal Court Counsellor ") .

  2. 您好!我是商务参赞处的。

    Hello ! I 'm from commercial counsellor 's office .

  3. 中国驻国外商务参赞处。

    Chinese commercial counselor 's office in foreign countries .

  4. 但是城市参赞MaraRumiz表示,当局已经意识到他们不能再忽视人口缩减的问题了。

    But City Councilor Mara Rumiz says authorities are aware they cannot ignore the problem of the shrinking population any longer .

  5. PrasannaShrivastava是印度驻中国大使馆政治参赞。

    Prasanna Shrivastava is the political counselor at the Embassy of India in China .

  6. 今年早些时候,当天猫开始销售生蚝时,怀念家乡味道的新西兰贸易发展局驻上海商务参赞马克·艾隆(MikeArand)也给自己订购了一些。

    Earlier this year , when Tmall sold the oysters , Mike Arand , New Zealand 's trade commissioner in Shanghai , ordered some for himself , longing for a taste of his homeland .

  7. 我们从商参赞获得的。

    We learned from the commercial counselor 's office .

  8. 中瑞合作的春天&访瑞士驻华使馆商务参赞薄吉彬

    Business counselor of Mexico Embassy visits CFAA Spring for sino-Swiss Cooperation is Coming

  9. 日本驻华商务参赞谈中日经济

    Business Calls On economy of China and Japan

  10. 与驻悉尼文化参赞。

    With the Chinese Cultural Consulate in Sydney .

  11. 美国参赞:现在是留美的良好时机

    U.S. Counselor : Now , It is the Perfect Time to Study in USA

  12. 中国驻英使馆参赞马格里其人其事

    Introducing and Evaluating Halliday Macartney , A Diplomat of the Chinese Embassy to Britain

  13. 参赞先生:哦,我们很乐意向中国学生提供咨询。

    Mr. Counsellor : Well , we are very happy to advice Chinese students .

  14. 我们从我方驻你国大使馆商务参赞处获悉。

    We learn from the Commercial Counsellor 's Office of our Embassy in your country .

  15. 谢尔曼被参赞国务院和特别顾问的前总统。

    Sherman was counselor for the State Department and special adviser to the former president .

  16. 他目前在中国常驻日内瓦代表团担任公使衔参赞。

    He is currently Minister Counsellor at the Chinese Mission to the United Nations in Geneva .

  17. 作为英国文化参赞和以英语为母语者,你有什么建议吗?

    As British cultural counsellor and a native speaker , what suggestions could you offer to them ?

  18. 小企业的融资机会&访奥地利驻华大使馆商务参赞龙伟

    Financing Opportunities for Small Enterprises

  19. 法国葡萄酒的个性化生存之路&访法国驻华大使馆经济处雷海娜农业参赞

    Individual Road of France Wine

  20. 报告表明,遇袭外交官是伊朗驻也门大使馆商务参赞阿里·阿萨迪。

    Reports say the assassinated diplomat was the Commercial attache of Iran Embassy in Yemen Ali Asadi .

  21. 承蒙贵国商务参赞告知,我得悉贵司公司名称和地址。

    Through the courtesy of your Commercial Counsellor , we get to know your company name and address .

  22. 孔大使还与使馆参赞看望、慰问了遇难者的家属和派出单位的代表。

    Ambassador Kong Quan , together with other diplomats , visited the families and representatives from the companies .

  23. 参赞先生:为了确保这一考试的安全性,我们每年都对它加以改进。

    Mr. Counsellor : To ensure the security of the test we 'll make improvements to it each year .

  24. 参赞先生:我们认为在英国学习的主要吸引力是教学质量和众多的教学种类。

    Mr. Counsellor : We think the main attraction of studying in UK is the quality and variety of education .

  25. 承蒙新加坡驻北京大使馆商务参赞处告知你公司的名称和地址。

    We are indebted to the commercial counselor 's Office of Singapore Embassy in Beijing for your name and address .

  26. 为方便起见,可请径与我国驻贵国的商务参赞处联系。

    For the sake of convenience , you may contact our Commercial Counsellors ' Office in your country for this matter .

  27. 参赞先生:我觉得,我们吸收中国学生赴英的签证程序是非常好的。

    Mr. Counsellor : We have , I think , a very good visa process for students going to the UK .

  28. 我们是从中国驻伦敦大使馆的商务参赞处得到贵公司的名称和地址的。

    We have come to know your name and address from the Commercial Counselor 's Office of the Chinese Embassy in London .

  29. 参赞先生:我想,我很难讲如何提高中国的英语教学。

    Mr. Counsellor : Well , I think it 's hard for me to tell how to improve English teaching in China .

  30. 参赞先生:很常见的是,与其他技巧相比,雅思考生的写作技巧很弱而且不成熟。

    Mr. Counsellor : It 's quite common to find candidates " writing skills are quite weak and less developed than other skills .