
cān zhèng
  • Political participation;participate in government and political affairs;take part in politics or the government
参政 [cān zhèng]
  • [participate in government and political affairs] 参与政事

参政[cān zhèng]
  1. 中国妇女参政的优劣势分析

    An Analysis of Advantages and Disadvantages for Chinese Women to Participate in Government and Political Affairs

  2. 在此基础上,首先进行的是以厅州县为初选区选举省咨议局议员,虽然这次选举的是咨议局议员,但它使下层社会民众第一次有了参政的机会;

    Although this level of election was to elect provincial councilor , it made the lower people have the chance of participate in government and political affairs for the first time in the history of China .

  3. 再次复出,积极参政

    a return to active politics

  4. 参政是上层阶级的特权(理查德B.休厄尔)

    Politics was the perquisite of the upper class ( Richard B.Sewall )

  5. 21世纪,中国加入WTO也给现代女性参政议政带来新的机遇和挑战。

    In 21st , century , China 's entering WTO has created a lot of new chances and challenges for modern women 's participating in politics .

  6. 西方妇女NGO对妇女参政推动作用很大。

    The western women NGO functions greatly in promoting the political participation of women .

  7. 尽管呼声很高的女性如妇女参政权论者苏珊·B·安东尼(SusanBAnthony)和印第安探险家莎卡嘉微亚(Sacagawea)等都曾随男性一起出现在美元硬币上,但她们中只有一个人有幸单独出现在美元上。

    Though acclaimed women such as suffragette Susan B Anthony and Native American guide Sacagawea have appeared alongside men on US coins , only one has ever graced a printed US bill .

  8. 莎拉·加芙隆(SarahGavron),《妇女参政论者》导演:对于我个人来说,我希望能出现更多榜样。

    SARAH GAVRON , DIRECTOR , " SUFFRAGETTE " For me personally , I wish there were more role models .

  9. 艾比·摩根(AbiMorgan),《妇女参政论者》编剧:索尼黑客丑闻暴露出男女薪酬的巨大悬殊,这让我质疑,我为什么不能得到编写那些动作片剧本的机会。

    ABI MORGAN , SCREENWRITER , " SUFFRAGETTE " When the Sony hacking scandal revealed that there is huge disparity in pay for women , it made me question why don 't I get offered those action movies .

  10. 政治交接是参政党组织建设的灵魂。

    Political handover is the soul of participating parties ' organization .

  11. 手机短信:新媒介为百姓带来参政新方式

    SMS : New Media Brings People New Way to Participate Politics

  12. 广东省妇女参政机制研究

    Research on the Mechanism for Guangdong Women 's Participation in Politics

  13. 当代中国女性参政:实践与思考

    Contemporary Chinese Women 's Participation in Politics : Practice and Reflection

  14. 影响农村基层青年女性参政积极性的个体因素分析&以广西为例

    Determinants of rural young women 's enthusiasm for participating in politics

  15. 试论党的领导对妇女参政的作用

    Party 's role in women 's participation in government and politics

  16. 1990-2000年美国华人参政状况研究

    Chinese Americans ' Participation in the U.S. Politics : 1990-2000

  17. 女性主动参政的意识较弱;

    Women 's consciousness of active political participation is weak .

  18. 西方关于移民参政的几种理论阐释

    Theoretical Analysis in the West on Immigrants , Political Participation

  19. 关于参政党建设的几个问题与对策

    A Few Issues and Solutions on Construction of Participating Parties

  20. 抗战期间的国民参政会述评

    A review of the National Participation Committee in the Anti-Japan War period

  21. 社会性别视角下的农村妇女参政研究

    Study on rural women participation in political affairs with social sex culture

  22. 论我国参政党参政行为的公共性

    The Public Nature of the Participating Party 's Participation Behavior

  23. 国民参政会川康建设期成会述论

    On Chuan-Kang Construction Preparatory Association of the National Political Council

  24. 有的主动参政议政主动融入当地社会。

    Some active political participation initiative into the community . Chapter ⅳ .

  25. 网络民意通过网络表达民众的意见提供了一种新的参政议政模式。

    Network public opinion provides a new political participation model .

  26. 为其它安装形式的隔振系统的共振与耦联振动控制提供了参政依据。

    And it also provides the reference basis for other install form .

  27. 论参政党的政党意识与角色定位

    On the Party Consciousness and Role Placement of the Political Participating Party

  28. 妇女参政行为与政治行为文明

    The Conduct of Women 's Participation in Politics and Political Conduct Civilization

  29. 牺牲销售恐所难免,但维持最起参政的交易,在目前还是必要的。

    Afraid our sale at sacrifice inevitable maintain minimum business presently imperative .

  30. 妇女参政的问题使他们发生争执。

    The question of woman suffrage sets them at variance .