
  • 网络Parameter Hypothesis
  1. 本文提出了双参数假设,用直接积分的方法求得了Burgers-KdV方程的显式精确解,分析了解的结构。

    Double parameter hypothesis is given and the explicit exact solutions of Burgers KdV equation are obtained by direct integration , and then the construction of the solutions are discussed .

  2. 用参数假设法求出了该方程的钟状孤波解;

    The equation ′ s bell solitary wave solution worked out by parameter hypothesis ;

  3. SAR图像相干斑特征参数假设检验方法

    Test of Coherent Speckle Characteristic Parametric Hypothesis for SAR Image

  4. 设计了ERM模型的总体框架,将ERM模型分为参数假设模块、经营环境风险模块、经营过程风险模块、结果报告模块四个有机的组成部分。

    The author develops a general framework for ERM-Model and its components : parametric hypothesis module , business-environment risk module , business-process risk module and outcome report module .

  5. 关于参数假设检验中零假设的选择

    On Choice of Null Hypothesis in Statistical Parameter Hypothesis Testing

  6. 一些非参数假设检验设计时样本含量估算

    Sample size determination for some common nonparametric tests

  7. 考虑到放电等离子烧结的一步成形工艺,将粉末材料的热电性能参数假设为温度和密度的双变量函数。

    Considering the single step processing technique of SPS , the thermal-electrical properties parameters of powder material were assumed as bivariate functions of temperature and the relative density .

  8. 通过一定的参数假设和计算,定量地指出这种羊群行为增加了资产价格的波动,并且在大多数情况下头羊的收益大于从羊的收益。

    Through certain assumptions and calculations , the model finds that the herding behavior increases the volatility of the market price , and that the leaders gain more profit than the followers in most circumstances .

  9. 论文求解模型等式在有噪声信号和没有噪声信号时的解,并通过参数假设,定量分析跟风行为对市场价格波动的影响以及市场主力投资者和跟风投资者收益差情况。

    Through the parameter hypothesis and the conditions having noise signal or not , the price fluctuation formed by herd behavior and the difference of the profit between investors are quantitatively discusss in the paper .

  10. 本文所述方法建立在拓扑的同伦理论之上,彻底抛弃了摄动方法的小参数假设,从而可以求解更强的非线性问题,特别是那些不含小参数的非线性问题。

    Based on the homotopy of topology , this method discards completely the small-parameter-supposition in perturbation techniques so that it may be applied to solve much more strongly nonlinear problems , especially those without small parameters .

  11. 通过引入一种新的估计方法&非参数假设检验方法,以达到对证券投资咨询机构对证券市场大盘走势预测准确度的估计。

    A new method on the non parameter hypothesis test is introduced in the estimating the exactness of forecasting the tendency of securities market price , which is often done and announced by some consultation companies for investment in securities .

  12. 此方法不依赖于小参数假设,可以用于分析强非线性问题和高维问题,而且对参数激励系统同样有效。

    This new method does not need to be based on the assumption of small parameters and can be used to analyze strong nonlinear problems . It is also convenience for the analysis of systems with periodical varying coefficients or high dimensional problems .

  13. Weibull分布兴趣参数的假设检验

    Hypothesis Testing for Parameters of Interest of the Weibull Distribution

  14. 本文基于可变参数的假设,构建包含自然失业率变动过程和菲利普斯曲线关系的状态空间模型,应用Kalman滤波方法,估算出了1992&2004年随时间变动的自然失业率曲线。

    Our state-space model is constructed with a variable parameter hypothesis which contains the course of the natural rate of unemployment changes and the Phillips curve . The time-variant curve of the natural rate of unemployment during 1992 & 2004 is estimated with Kalman Filtering .

  15. 二是方差参数的假设检验。

    The other part is hypothesis testing of covariance parameters .

  16. 坐标转换模型尺度参数的假设检验

    The Hypothesis Testing of Scale Parameter in Coordinate Transformation Model

  17. 对混合位置分布族,当混合比已知时,提出了关于分量参数的假设检验和区间估计方法,所提出的方法基于广义枢轴模型。

    The interval estimation and hypothesis testing of component parameters in mixture location distributions are discussed when mixing proportion is known .

  18. 验证得知由这种方法求得的光栅参数接近假设的光栅参数值。

    It is tested to know that the results , which are solved by normal simple algorithm , are colsed to the values of the assumed gratings parameters .

  19. 在本文所给出的井孔参数和假设条件下,声强在井壁处衰减为声源处的45%,声波能量在井内液体介质中的衰减幅度是很大的。

    In this paper , The decay of acoustic energy in the liquid medium in the hole is a big margin . The sound intensity in the wall has lost 55 percent .

  20. 其中,广义自回归条件异方差模型由于能较好的适应电价的异方差特点而应用广泛,但模型所需的参数化假设条件对其应用造成了限制。

    The generalized auto-regressive conditional hetero-skedasticity model is widely used , due to its higher adaptation to the hetero-scedasticity nature of price . However , the parametric assumptions conditions required by the model restrict its application .

  21. 本文中一共考虑了船舶交通量、船舶速度、船舶间时距三个参数,假设了一种方向参数,这样可以生成比较合理地船舶初始信息。

    Vessel traffic volume , vessel speed and interval between ships are considered in the Ship Produce Model . It is also presumed that the direction parameter is included in the model , so the four parameters make the ship initial information more reasonable .

  22. 本文主要介绍了如何应用〈Matlab软件〉来实现统计学中的参数估计和假设检验。

    The paper mainly explains that how to use Matlab-soft achieves an appraised function and a supposed gaging in statistics .

  23. 在方差非齐情况下,对动态特性稳健设计响应面进行了GLM研究,并考察了方差非齐下动态特性稳健设计响应面模型的参数估计及其假设检验。

    The parameter estimation and hypothesis test of the model under heterogeneity are reviewed .

  24. 如果这个概要文件还没下载,这个代码就强制加载(getResource方法的Boolean参数):假设这个URI函数提供的路径是正确的。

    If the profile is not already loaded , this code forces loading ( the Boolean parameter of the getResource method ): assuming that the path provided in the URI constructor is right .

  25. 通过引入噪声因子的二次效应及其之间的交互作用,将包含噪声因子线性作用的GLM推广到含有噪声因子二阶响应面的GLM,并给出推广模型的参数估计及其假设检验。

    Through the introduction of the quadratic effects of the noise factors and their interactions , we extends the GLM which includes the linear effects of noise factor to the second-order response surface , thus proposes a new model and gives the model 's parameter estimation and test of hypothesis .

  26. 应用软件实现参数估计和假设检验

    The Applying Soft Achieves an Appraised Function and a Supposed Gaging

  27. 主成分估计中典则参数的线性假设检验

    Linear Hypothesis and Test of Canonical Parameters in Principal Component Estimation

  28. 约束混合效应模型的参数估计及假设检验

    Parameter Estimation in Restricted Mixed-Effect Model and Test of Hypothesis

  29. 定数截尾样本情形指数分布参数的模糊假设检验

    Testing Fuzzy Hypotheses for the Parameter of Exponential Distribution under Type ⅱ - Censoring

  30. 指数分布的参数估计与假设检验

    Parameter Estimation and Hypothesis Testing of Exponential Distribution