
cān yù yì shí
  • sense of participation
  1. 多媒体CAI课件的研究和应用,为扣球教学提供了先进直观的教学手段,弥补了常规教学中的不足,提高了作为教学主体的学生参与意识和学习积极性。

    Research and application of multimedia CAI provide teaching means for smashing of volleyball and the making methods of the volleyball technique multimedia CAI should be explored . It helps to improve students sense of participation and studying initiative using multimedia CAI in volleyball technique teaching .

  2. 尝试开放式数学教学模式培养学生主体参与意识

    Try open-type mathematics teaching mode , foster student ′ s sense of participation

  3. 妇女NGO与农村妇女参与意识

    Women 's NGO and Participation Consciousness of Women in Rural Area

  4. 妇女NGO可以通过对农村妇女进行性别意识教育、协助经济发展、推动成立组织等方式促进农村妇女的参与意识。

    Through gender education , economic development and organizational establishment , women 's NGOs could enhance women 's participation consciousness in rural area .

  5. 力争能解决XX公司在绩效考核中存在的较为严重的问题,有效的激发员工的参与意识,使公司满意、管理层满意、员工满意。

    The thesis makes an effort to tackle the comparatively serious problems in the assessment system , thus inspire the employees and satisfy both management department and employees .

  6. 周二下午,微软Windows业务主管特里.迈尔森(TerryMyerson)对谷歌发起猛烈抨击,称谷歌未表现出负责任的科技业参与意识。

    Terry Myerson , head of the Windows business , hit out at the internet company on Tuesday afternoon , suggesting that it had not shown responsible technology industry participation .

  7. 随着摄像手机、DV、网络技术的飞速发展和公民参与意识的日渐增强,公民共享新闻在全球方兴未艾。

    Citizen participatory journalism is booming in the world , along with the fast development of camera phone , digital video , internet technology , and the advancement of citizen participatory consciousness .

  8. 目标三:在CCDRR项目中提升儿童参与意识,提升儿童在应对灾害时的耐挫力、自信度和团队精神。

    Objective Three : to improve children 's consciousness of participation in the CCDRR project , and help build their resilience , confidence and team spirit in disaster response .

  9. 论英语阅读课学生参与意识的培养

    On the Cultivation of Students ' Participating Consciousness in English Reading

  10. 改变群体竞赛机制提高学生体育参与意识

    Change Group Contest Mechanism , Raise Students ' Sport Participation Consciousness

  11. 居住环境评价中居民参与意识调查研究

    Research on participatory consciousness of inhabitants in living environment evaluation

  12. 私营企业年轻员工参与意识调查

    A Survey on Young Workers ' Consciousness of Participation in Private Enterprises

  13. 培养学生的社会参与意识和能力;

    Cultivating consciousness and ability of social participation of pupils ;

  14. 欠发达地区旅游发展中的社区参与意识分析

    An Analysis of Community Participation Awareness about Tourism Development in Underdeveloped Areas

  15. 许多新资金有很强的参与意识。

    A lot of the new money is very hands-on .

  16. 古罗马妇女的社会参与意识

    Women 's awareness of social participation in ancient Rome

  17. 男性对避孕方法知情选择的主动参与意识较差;

    The men should further enhance consciousness participation in informed choice on contraception .

  18. 高校未婚男青年生殖健康参与意识及认识需求评价

    Evaluation on Reproductive Health and Sex KAP of Unmarried Male Youths in College

  19. 道德教育中学生的参与意识培养

    Improving the participating consciousness among students in moral education

  20. 健康教育对提高群众婚前保健参与意识的作用

    Role of health education in enhancing consciousness of antenuptial health care of population

  21. 在教学内容上还给学生选择权,唤起学生参与意识;

    Giving students entitlement for selecting teaching content to arouse their participation sense ;

  22. 论学报编辑的参与意识

    On the Participating Conciousness of the Editors Of Journals

  23. 提高大学生课外体育锻炼的参与意识

    College Students ' Sense of Participation in Extracurricular Physical Training Should Be Sharpened

  24. 激发学生的参与意识。

    Stir up the consciousness of participate of student .

  25. 略论当代中国的政治冷漠现象我国农民政治参与意识淡漠的成因及对策

    The Cause of China 's Farmer 's Indifference to Political Participation and Its Countermeasures

  26. 未婚人群的参与意识薄弱等。

    Low consciousness of participation among unmarried people .

  27. 在学习英语的过程中,学生的参与意识与参与行为;

    Students ' consciousness and behavior of participating in the course of learning English ;

  28. 高职院学生体育参与意识的现状分析

    An Analysis on Students ' consciousness of Participating in Sports in Higher Vocational Institute

  29. 大学生课余锻炼参与意识的调查

    The Investigation of College Students in Spare Exercise

  30. 农民自身因素的限制&参与意识和参与能力。

    Restrictions on farmers ' own factors & the sense and the capacity of participation .