
  • student cadres;student leader;student officer
  1. 作为一名学生干部,我也把这条建议给大家。

    As a fellow student leader , I also pass on this advice .

  2. 高校学生干部是开展学生工作的主要力量。

    College student leader is a major force to carry out the work .

  3. 采用SWOT分析法探讨高校学生干部选拔方式

    A Case Study of Selection Mode for the Communist Youth League Student Cadre in College Based on SWOT Analysis

  4. 该文运用SCL-90自评量表,对职技高师学生干部的心理健康状况分别从性别、生源地、生源类型、专业类别进行了比较研究。

    This essay studies and compares the mental health condition of the student cadres in vocational and technical teachers ' colleges from the angles of their sex , origin , type and major .

  5. 高师院校学生干部资源隐性缺乏探析

    An Exploration on Hidden Shortage of Student Cadres in Normal Universities

  6. 论高校学生干部创造性个性品质的培养

    Strategies on the Fostering of Creative Characteristics of College Student Carders

  7. 高校学生干部三自机制的建立与实施

    Building and Enforcement of the student leaders " Three-Self " Mechanism

  8. 论师德与学生干部的成长

    On Relationship Between Teachers ' Morality and Growth of Student Cadres

  9. 论新时期学生干部队伍的建设

    On Construction of University Student cadres ' Contingent in New period

  10. 高校学生干部工作中几个问题分析

    An Analysis to the Problems in Conducting College Student Leaders ' Work

  11. 高校学生干部组织活动艺术探讨

    Discussion on Art of Student Cadres Organizing Activities in University

  12. 学生干部角色意识与大学生心理健康

    The Personal Consciousness and the Mental Healthiness of the Undergraduates

  13. 论高校学生干部素质的培养

    On Cultivation of the Quality of Student Carders in Colleges and Universities

  14. 学生干部220名,非学生干部562名;

    220 student cadres , 562 non - student cadres ;

  15. 高校学生干部参与学生工作危机处理探析

    Probe into Involvement of College Student Cadres in Crisis Management

  16. 新时期高校学生干部群体发展现状与培养对策&以湖南高校为例

    On the Status and Development Strategy of College Student Cadres

  17. 学生干部曾一度是招聘会上的宠儿。

    Student cadres were once very popular at job markets .

  18. 高等院校艺术院系学生干部队伍建设研究

    Study on Arts Institute Student Cadre Troop Construction in University

  19. 男、女学生干部心理健康状况相当;

    The male student cadre are the same as the female cadre ;

  20. 高校学生干部队伍是学校开展教育管理的一支重要力量。

    College student cadres are an important force in college education management .

  21. 亲和力是高校学生干部优良人格特质的魅力所在;

    The character of affinity is an excellent student cadre 's charm .

  22. 体育院校学生干部在学生日常管理工作中的作用

    The Effect of P.E.College Student Cadre in Students ' Daily Management Work

  23. 关于大一新生学生干部队伍建设的调研及思考

    Investigation and Thought on the Work of Selecting Freshmen Cadres

  24. 高校学生干部不良自我意识的成因与对策

    Causes and Countermeasures of College Student Cadres ' Unhealthy Self-awareness

  25. 关于高校学生干部若干问题的探讨

    Discussion on the University Student Cadres Youth Community Party Committee

  26. 高校学生干部角色冲突调查研究

    A Survey of Role Conflict of College Student Cadres

  27. 高校学生干部素养浅谈

    On the quality of the student cadre in universities

  28. 高校学生干部用心管理能力的培养

    Developing the Skills of College Student Cadres in " Managing with Passion "

  29. 高校优秀学生干部素质要求简论

    On the Requirements for Excellent Student Leaders in Universities

  30. 探索高校学生干部能力培养的新机制

    Ability Training Mechanism for College and University Student Cadres