
  • 网络Academic articles;academic essay
  1. 学术文章容不得奇闻逸事。

    Anecdotes have no place in an academic essay .

  2. 检查学术文章中的Mapreduce和Hadoop算法的列表。

    Check out this list of Mapreduce and Hadoop algorithms in academic papers .

  3. 在网上可以找到更详细更正规的描述,还有一些学术文章详细讨论了actor背后的概念(请您自己决定是否要深入学习这些概念)。

    More detailed and formal descriptions can be found on the Web , including several academic papers that detail the concepts behind actors ( I 'll leave it to your discretion to catch up on these later ) .

  4. 他的作品富于原创性,尤其是他23岁那年发表的第一篇学术文章,其中提出的显示性偏好(revealedpreference)后来成为微观经济学的核心思想,至今仍是经济学理论高级教材的开篇内容。

    There was much originality in his writing , not least in his first academic article , published when he was 23 , which introduced what was to become a core idea in microeconomics , the theory of revealed preference , which still opens advanced textbooks in economic theory .

  5. 发表学术文章的作者主要分布在市、区两级医院中。

    The most editors published pharmaceutical essays work in higher-rank hospitals .

  6. 近来有关癌症的学术文章强调了日常饮食的重要性。

    Recent literature on cancer emphasizes the importance of diet .

  7. 了解和掌握学术文章的语言特点问题;

    Understand and master the language characteristics of academic articles ;

  8. 不正式与随性的用语不适合在正式的学术文章出现。

    Such informal and casual phraseology is not appropriate for academic papers .

  9. 实证与非实证学术文章前言部分的体裁对比分析

    A Comparative Genre Analysis of Introductions in Primary and Secondary Research Articles

  10. 英语军事学术文章某些文体特征探析

    Analysis of some characteristics of military English academic articles

  11. 在一个月中,大约可以写出多少篇学术文章和发表多少篇演说。

    The amount of professional writing and speaking they typically do in a month .

  12. 这款软件具有查找、定制、翻译等多种功能,可以帮助学习者写出更加专业规范的学术文章。

    This software has many functions such as searching , customizing , and translation .

  13. 但是我在写学术文章的时候不会总是带着幽默感的。

    I don 't always inject my sense of humour into my technical writing though .

  14. 许多科学和学术文章都在考虑幸福的奥秘。

    The best minds in science and academia weigh in on the mystery of happiness .

  15. 基于关联理论的英语语言学学术文章中情态动词CAN的研究

    A Study of the Modal Auxiliary CAN in English Linguistic Articles Based on Relevance Theory

  16. 在整个过程中,具体的学术文章,书籍,期刊和审查己分析。

    Specific academic articles , books , journals and reviews have been analyzed throughout the whole process .

  17. 学术文章强调的“说出重点”,就如同在其它领域努力找重点是一样的道理。

    " Making a point " in an academic paper is like point-making in any other endeavor .

  18. 也就是说,学术文章的中心主题必须是一个想法,一则理论,或是一个概念。

    So the central topic of a paper should be an idea , a theory , a concept .

  19. 本书是为想要或需要学习学术文章英语的学习者所编撰。

    Academic Vocabulary in Use is the perfect study aid for anyone using English for their academic work .

  20. 在学术文章的文学应用上,此惯用语比喻为「徒劳无功、浪费气力」。

    As used in an academic paper about a literary phenomenon , the figure of speech denotes futility .

  21. 她撰写过无数学术文章,并引发公众对希腊的摄影学历史的关注。

    She has written numerous academic essays , and she has made publications concerning history of Greek photography .

  22. 学术文章发表的很少,在调查的254名体育教师中有25.9%的体育教师没有发表过一篇。

    Within the 254 PE teachers in survey , 25.9 % of them have never had a published article .

  23. 1968年,作者发表了他的第一篇学术文章,真的有都市社会学吗?

    In 1968 the author published his first academic article , under the title Is there an urban sociology ?

  24. 在这种情况下,研究人员去阅读每一篇相关研究领域的学术文章也越来越不切实际。

    In this situation , it is impossible for every researcher to read every paper related to his research topic .

  25. 柏林特在哲学和音乐方面的造诣都颇深,出版过六部著作,上百篇学术文章。

    Arnold Berleant is very accomplished both in philosophy and music , including writing six books and hundreds of academic articles .

  26. 教授学者们通常会规范写作标准,制定如何撰写硕博士论文与学术文章以及格式要求。

    The community of scholars has rules that govern how dissertations , theses and other academic papers are composed and formatted .

  27. 此惯用语是来自于波斯一名伟大的思想家,在学术文章的应用上,比喻为「教化、启蒙」。

    As used in an academic paper about one of Persia 's notable thinkers , the figure of speech denotes enlightenment .

  28. 每一期刊登来自研讨会和最新研究的报告和争论和重要学术文章,以及书评文章。

    Each quarterly issue combines substantial scholarly essays with reports and debates on conferences and current research , along with book reviews .

  29. 它介绍了各类关于古生物学、孢粉学、古植物学、古气候学和地球学家的学术文章和网站。

    It introduces all kinds of links about articles and websites for Paleontology , Palynology , Paleobotany , Paleoclimatology , and Geoscientists .

  30. 我怎样才能将那些冗长的学术文章的内容,在与普通人的交谈中表达出来?这些文字常常给人的思想注入生机和活力。

    How can I introduce into a casual conversation those lengthy lines of academic paper that inject the adrenaline into a given idea .