
  1. 数学与应用数学专业学士学位论文的撰写

    Writing of Bachelor 's Degree Theses in Speciality of Maths and Applied Maths

  2. 试论学士学位论文的情报价值

    On the Information Value of Bachelor Dissertations

  3. 从本科教学评估的视角论学士学位论文的写作

    On the Bachelor 's Degree Thesis Writing From the Visual Angle of Undergraduate Teaching Assessment

  4. 影响学士学位论文质量的因素较多,且影响因素之间关系复杂,不利于高校本科生学位论文管理。

    The factors that influence the bachelor degree articles are in large amount , and the relationships of each other are complex , it makes the college hard to improve the manage level of it .

  5. 本文以学士学位论文管理系统的设计为例,使用三维业务流程模型的建模方法,对各维度进行详细的分析,定义相关的语义描述,以期实践和检验该模型。

    This paper takes the design of Bachelor 's Paper Management System as example . Using the three-dimensional business process model , the example has completed detailed analysis and defined relating semantic description from the three dimensions , so as to realizing and testing this model .