
  • 网络course;the subject curriculum;discipline curriculum;subject course
  1. 在数学研究性学习的实施过程中,研究性课题的设计应秉承下列原则:研究性课题与学科课程内容互补;

    During the procedure of actualizing mathematical research-based learning , designing the problem should receive the following principle : researching problem and course curriculum recruit each other ;

  2. 中外测绘学科课程设置与我校之比较

    Comparing Our Course System of Survey Subject with That of Foreign Countries

  3. 中学课程体系由学科课程和活动课程组成。

    Secondary education system consists of subjects learning and activity courses .

  4. 新形势下我国高校人文学科课程比重研究

    The Study of the Proportion in Humanities Curriculum in the University

  5. 数字化环境下信息技术与学科课程整合路径探究

    Probe on Renovation of Information Technology and Courses under Digital Surroundings

  6. 信息技术与学科课程整合理论与实践探析

    On Theory and Practice of Information Technology and Subject Curriculum Integration

  7. 纽约大学医学院的医学人文学科课程

    Medical Humanities Education at New York University School of Medicine

  8. 思想政治课在中学学科课程体系中具有自己独特的地位和作用。

    In teaching , Politics has its own particular position and function .

  9. 日本东京大学工学院电气、电子、信息三学科课程介绍

    Introduction to the courses in EE departments at Tokyo University

  10. 目前学校课程中已增加了社会学科课程。

    Social studies have now been added to the curriculum .

  11. 麻省理工学院与清华大学物理学科课程设置比较

    Comparison of the Setting of Undergraduate Curriculum between MIT and Tsinghua University

  12. 计算机系学科课程改革调查和统计分析

    Investigation and statistical analysis of computer science curriculum reform

  13. 关于数学教育学科课程设置的一些思考

    Some Thoughts on the Mathematical Education Courses Offered in the Teacher 's College

  14. 关于职业技术学院计算机学科课程体系建设的思考

    Discussion on Computer Courses Offered in Polytechnical Technology College

  15. 艺术设计教育学科课程设置的回顾与现状

    Review and Current Status of Art Design Education Curriculum

  16. 在新的课程标准中,要求教师能有效的对信息技术与学科课程进行整合。

    New Courses Standards need teachers to integrate IT and specific courses effectively .

  17. 在学科课程中开展研究性学习的调查

    A survey of applying Inquiry Learning to courses

  18. 课程结构僵化,学科课程唯我独尊;

    The rigid curriculum structures and monopolized curriculum ;

  19. 学科课程内容组织的逻辑体系及其处理原则探析

    Logical System and Its Disposal Principles in the Organization of the Subject Curriculum Content

  20. 加拿大达尔豪斯大学医学院医学人文学科课程的发展

    Development of a Medical Humanities Program at Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine in Canada

  21. 目的探讨中国高等医学院校人文学科课程体系的改革途径。

    Objective To explore the reform of the humanities curriculum in medical colleges in China .

  22. 职技高师教育学科课程体系的建构

    The construction of curriculum system of education discipline of high occupational and technical normal college

  23. 非洲研究的一门跨学科课程。

    An interdisciplinary course in African studies .

  24. 难言知识与学科课程的课堂开发

    Explore Implicit Knowledge and Develop Subject Course

  25. 授课形式以活动课程为主,以学科课程为辅。

    Its teaching form bases mainly on activity curriculum , and secondly on academic curriculum .

  26. 浅议教育学科课程的标准化和个性化

    On Standardization and Individualization of Education Discipline

  27. 我国高校体育教育专业技术学科课程建设研究

    Study on Construction of Course of the Technical Discipline of Physical Education Major in University

  28. 我国的德育学科课程从设置至今,经历了一个不断发展变化的历程。

    The moral education curriculum has undergone an incessant change and development since its introduction .

  29. 基础教育学科课程转型的困境及对策研究

    A Study on the Difficulties and Strategies in the Subject Curricula Transformation in Basic Education

  30. 在十五个学科课程标准(实验)中,《普通高中技术课程标准(实验)》赫然其中。

    The Curriculum Standard of Technology in High School is also included in the 15 subjects .