
  • 网络xueyuan road;college road
  1. 教学资源共享是发展我国高等教育的重要途径&关于学院路地区高校实验教学资源共享的若干思考

    Share in Teaching Resources among Universities is an Important Approach to Develop Our Country 's Higher Education & Some thoughts about sharing of the intercollegiate experimental teaching resources along Xue Yuan Road

  2. 沃都建议选择那些有更多生活经验的人,而不是直接从高中——大学——法学院一路读下来的学生。

    Woldow advises looking for people with more life experience over candidates who went straight from high school to college to law school .

  3. 去加州理工学院哪条路最近?

    Where is the shortest way to California Institute of Technology ?

  4. 她比我更清楚学院附近的路。

    She knows her way around the college better than I do .

  5. 论中国特色的高职环境教育&兼谈中国环境管理干部学院发展之路

    On Environmental Education with Chinese Features in Higher Vocational Colleges

  6. 谈新形势下独立学院发展之路的选择

    Development Ways for Independent Colleges under the New Situation

  7. 目前,人们已经在临床试验中对蠕虫进行了抗综合硬化症、炎症性肠病和过敏的测试。这项“旧友假设”的主要提出者是来自伦敦大学学院的格雷厄姆A.W.路客。

    Clinical trials have been conducted using worms to test against multiple sclerosis , IBD , and allergies.The main proponent of the old friends hypothesis is Graham A.W. Rook of University College London .

  8. 黄河科技学院成长发展之路

    The Development Road of Huanghe Science and Technology University

  9. 试析独立二级学院的转型之路

    The Transformation of the Independent Subordinate College