
  • 网络student community
  1. 最后建立了基于GIS的高校学生社区管理系统,并对系统的结果进行了演示。

    Finally the college student community management system based on GIS is established and the results of system is demonstrated .

  2. 学生社区:概念、特征、类型及其构建

    Student Community : Concepts , Characteristics , Types and Construction

  3. 松江大学城学生社区思想政治教育状况、问题与对策

    The Ideal and Political Education in Students Community of Songjiang College City

  4. 学生社区建设与创新素质教育

    Student 's Community Construction and Innovation Education for All-around Development

  5. 高校学生社区开展心理健康教育探析

    A Probe into the Psychological Health Education in University Students ' Community

  6. 高校学生社区管理走向善治的制约因素探析

    On Restraining Factors of College Student Community Management Approaching to Good Governance

  7. 护理大专学生社区护理实习满意度调查分析

    Survey on the Satisfaction at Community Nursing Practice in Nursing Junior College Students

  8. 高校学生社区德育工作机制研究

    Community Moral Education for College Students : A Study of Its Working Mechanism

  9. 走向善治:高校学生社区管理的新选择

    Practicing Good Governance : a New Choice for Management of College Student Community

  10. 高校学生社区化管理新模式初探

    On the Community Management Way of the University Students

  11. 涉外护理专业学生社区毕业实习效果评价

    Evaluation on Efficacy of Community Graduating Practice of Students with Foreign Nursing Speciality

  12. 构建高校学生社区文化的探讨

    Discussion on Building Community Cultures of College Students

  13. 高校学生社区建设与学风建设的思考

    Thinking of University 's Student 's Community Building and Construction of Style of Study

  14. 新时期高校学生社区文化建设长效机制探讨

    On the enduring effect mechanism of student community culture in Universities in the new era

  15. 我国高校学生社区管理发展进程的回顾和展望

    Review and Prospect on the Development of Students ' Community Management in Chinese Higher Schools

  16. 目的探讨涉外护理专业学生社区毕业实习模式。

    Objective To study the community graduating practice model of students with foreign nursing speciality .

  17. 高校学生社区管理研究

    Study on Student Community Management in College

  18. 学生社区管理中思想政治教育

    On the Strengthening and Application of the Ideological and Political Education in the Student Communities

  19. 文中重点对数字学生社区进行了系统总体设计、数据库设计及功能设计。

    This paper is focused on designing the system 、 database and function of digital student community .

  20. 高校学生社区文化建设探微&以温州医学院为例

    University Student Community Culture Construction

  21. 摘要学生社区是学生群体共同意识形成和共同价值观念产生的社会化学习的特殊场所。

    Student community is a special place for the common value formation and socialization of the students .

  22. 新时期高校学生社区管理模式创新研究&以善治理论为视角

    Innovative Research on College Student Community Management Pattern in New Period : In Light of Good Governance Theory

  23. 目的评价护理专业学生社区中医实践的效果。

    Objective To evaluate the effects of community practice with traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) of nursing students .

  24. 精神家园·学生社区&泰州职业技术学院东宿舍区扩建设计

    Vigorous Homeland and Students ' Community & The Extension Design of the East Dormitory District in Taizhou Polytechnic Institute

  25. 从思想政治工作的介入谈高校学生社区心理文化的建设

    To Discuss the Psychological and Cultural Construction of College Students ' Communities Through the Intervention of Ideological and Political Work

  26. 试论高职院校在学生社区开展心理健康教育的必要性和基本途径

    On the Necessity of and the Basic Way to the Psycho-Health Education in Students ' Community in Higher Vocational Colleges

  27. 论新时期高校学生社区党建工作的开展&以昆明理工大学为例

    The Party Construction in College Students Community in the New Period & Kunming University of Science and Technology as an Example

  28. 学生社区的组织类型决定着社区精神文明建设,并影响学生发展。

    The organization type of student community determines the spirit civilization construction of the community and affects the growing of the students .

  29. 在探讨高校学生社区文化建设的必要性和高校学生社区文化建设模式的基础上,明确提出了高校学生社区文化建设的实施对策。

    Based on the discussion on the necessity and model of college students community culture construction , this paper proposes some corresponding countermeasures .

  30. 文章回顾了我国高校学生社区管理发展进程中的成就和问题,并展望了其发展趋势。

    The paper reviews achievement and problem on the development of students ' community management in Chinese higher schools , and predicts the trend .