
  • 网络school building;Building;school architecture
  1. 对中等学校建筑设计中几个问题的重新认识

    The Re-knowing of Some Problems in Design of Middle School Building

  2. 学校建筑研究:教育意蕴与文化价值

    Research on School Building : Educational Implications and Cultural Values

  3. 这些学校建筑具备坚实而朴素的建筑感染力,并且将在多年内使人看上去感到舒畅美观。

    These school buildings have a strong , simple architectural appeal and will be a pleasure to look at for many years .

  4. 这是未来的学校建筑的蓝本。

    This is the prototype for future school buildings .

  5. 中国近代教会高等学校建筑初探

    A preliminary probe into architecture of missionary universities in modern China

  6. 对《普通高等学校建筑规划面积指标》的几点思考

    Practical Viewing for The Area Index of Architectural Planning for Universities

  7. 法国学校建筑创作倾向探析

    Analysis of the Trend of Design Methods of School Architecture in France

  8. 残病儿童学校建筑环境研究

    A Study on the Architectural Environment of Disabled Children School

  9. 汶川地震中小学校建筑震害调查及抗震性能分析

    Earthquake damage and anti-seismic behavior analysis of school buildings in Wenchuan earthquake

  10. 我们要从砖泥构筑的学校建筑转移到数字化房间。

    We have to move from bricks-and-mortar school buildings to digital dormitories .

  11. 特殊教育学校建筑创作初探

    Preliminary Study on the Special Boarding School for Handicapped Students

  12. 高等学校建筑规划的最优灰色决策

    Grey decision in optimal options of university architecture plan

  13. 浅谈学校建筑设计的经济性

    A Discussion on Economical Efficiency of College Building Design

  14. 掩映在五彩缤纷的花草中的学校建筑分外美丽。

    School buildings set off by colorful flowers and grass appears truly beautiful .

  15. 学校建筑抗震性能的思考&由汶川大地震谈起

    Pondering on Anti-seismic Property of School Buildings & An Analysis Derived from Wenchuan Earthquake

  16. 节水技术在综合性学校建筑中的应用

    Water-saving Technology in the Comprehensive Building of School

  17. 贫困地区经常几个月发不出教师工资,学校建筑也没法修。

    In poorer areas teachers often go unpaid for months , and school buildings unrepaired .

  18. 他们会把学校建筑拿来当自己的会堂,甚至拿来养牲畜。

    Instead they used the buildings for their hujras or even to keep their animals .

  19. 学校建筑设计漫谈

    Informal discussion of the school building

  20. 未来的学校建筑的模型

    The prototype for future school buildings

  21. 山西近代学校建筑的本土化&山西省立国民师范学校

    On the Localization of Shanxi 's Modern School house & Shanxi Provincial People 's Normal School

  22. 校园规划与学校建筑设计的思考

    Campus planning and college architecture design

  23. 校园规划和学校建筑的认识

    Campus planning and school building

  24. 学校建筑的声环境

    Acoustical Environment of School Buildings

  25. 新加坡学校建筑设计案例

    School Architecture Designs in Singapore

  26. 风水和山地学校建筑&永春师范建筑创作随想

    Geomantic omen and college building in mountain city & Creative work and capriccio with Yongchun Teaching College

  27. 我国综合性医院门诊部建筑设计研究节水技术在综合性学校建筑中的应用

    A Study of Design of Out-patient Department of General Hospital in China ; Water-saving Technology in the Comprehensive Building of School

  28. 外实内虚、简洁纯净的形式符合学校建筑形体的表达。

    The form with external entity and internal emptiness and pithiness pureness , accord with the expression which school building would call for .

  29. 学校建筑设计顾及办校宗旨、教学理念以及钢线湾和数码港地盘环境因素。

    The architectural design responds carefully to the educational goals , teaching methodology , and specific site context at Telegraph Bay , CyberPort .

  30. 汶川地震中许多学校建筑由于抗震能力不足,造成校舍倒塌、学生伤亡的惨痛教训。

    In the Wenchuan earthquake , because earthquake resistance ability is insufficient , many school constructions collapse , and many students were injured and died .