
fá dān
  • violation ticket
  1. 然后他给小孩儿开了20美元的罚单。

    The cop then proceeds to issue the kid a $ 20.00 bicycle safety violation ticket .

  2. 他为了一张超速罚单与警察厮打,被大学勒令停学1年。

    He was suspended for a year from University after brawling with police over a speeding ticket

  3. 警察给他开了一张超速罚单。

    The police officer ticketed him for speeding .

  4. 另一方面,设想一下所有这些没有超速和违规停车罚单的情况对于当地警力和市镇预算的成本节约。

    On the other hand , imagine the cost savings for local police enforcement and town budgets without all those speeding and parking tickets .

  5. 然后警察给了莎莉一张罚单。

    Then the policeman gave Sally a ticket .

  6. 一张罚单南京一位24岁的女士因为在地铁上吃东西被开了一张罚单。

    A Warning Ticket A 24-year-old woman in Nanjing was given a warning ticket for eating food on the subway .

  7. 大象是他们从动物园租借的,警察也是他们请来开罚单的!本的朋友还把一切都拍了下来。

    They had rented the elephant from a zoo and asked the policeman to write the ticket ! Ben 's friends also made a film of everything .

  8. 如果这还不算丢脸的话,我还是在意大利拿的罚单。

    And if that 's not shaming enough , I got that ticket in Italy .

  9. 例句我从来没收到过一张超速罚单,我的车本上一分都没扣,毫无污点。

    I 've never even been issued a speeding ticket – my driving licence1 is clean as a whistle .

  10. 在中西部一个大城市的交通法庭里,一位年轻女士被带到法官面前,她由于开车闯红灯被开了罚单。

    In the traffic court of a large mid-western city , a young lady was brought before the judge to answer a ticket given her for driving through a red light .

  11. 我的意思是,当我正在写关于“慢有何好处”的书时拿到一张超速罚单,这是真的,而且事实还远不止这样那时候,我实际上是在前往慢食俱乐部组织的一场晚宴途中。

    I mean , you heard that I got a speeding ticket while I was researching my book on the benefits of slowness , and that 's true , but that 's not all of it . I was actually en route to a dinner held by Slow Food at the time .

  12. 这家公司刚遭受欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)130亿欧元税务罚单打击。

    The company had just been hit by a Euro13bn tax bill by the European Commission .

  13. 接下来,我将自动为与罚单相关的Entity实例分配属性值。

    Next , I automagically assign property values to the Entity instance associated with tickets .

  14. 在本文中,我将继续创建一个支持创建、更新和删除停车罚单的Web应用程序。

    Following suit , in this article I 'm going to create a Web application that enables the creation , update , and removal of parking tickets .

  15. 与Web应用程序中的任何其他JSP一样,这个Web页面将显示与传入罚单相关的相应属性。

    Just like any other JSP in a Web application , this Web page displays the corresponding attributes associated with the passed-in ticket .

  16. 苹果(Apple)将在周二接到欧洲最大的税收罚单,此前布鲁塞尔裁定该公司得到了爱尔兰的非法政府援助。

    Apple will on Tuesday be hit with Europe 's largest tax penalty after Brussels ruled that the company received illegal state aid from Ireland .

  17. 英国健身业者「LA健身」其广告传单神似停车违规罚单、潜在顾客感到困扰,而遭到斥责。

    UK gym operator LA Fitness was reprimanded for stressing out would-be customers with leaflets that looked like parking tickets .

  18. 我可以采用Groovy的方式建立一个罚单模型,并毫不费力地保存它。

    I can simply model a ticket in a Groovy fashion and save it almost as effortlessly .

  19. 举例来说,要查找OfficerRee开出的所有罚单,您可以编写一个map函数来过滤相应的officer属性。

    To find all the tickets issued by Officer Ree , for example , you write a map function that filters the officer property accordingly .

  20. 如图所示,想要在SouthamptonRow路开车的司机们有三条道可供选择,可是开哪条都得吃罚单。

    As this picture shows , motorists travelling along Southampton Row face three options - and all are illegal .

  21. 格雷先生,以擅长开罚单被谑称PC靓扣,对芒思尼先生已使用了手刹的说法,也拿出了三点处罚意见。

    Policeman Stuart Gray , nicknamed PC Shiny Buttons for his zealous approach to the job , also handed out three points-even though Mr Mancini had his handbrake on .

  22. 据了解有关罚金讨论的人士称,他们预计今年会发出罚单,有可能在几周内——除非欧盟委员会(EuropeanCommission)改变态度。

    People close to the discussions on penalties say that they are expecting the fine this year , possibly within weeks , unless there is a reversal by the European Commission .

  23. 如您所见,我已经创建了一个名称为id的参数,并将它设置为已保存罚单(由GoogleAppEngine生成)实例的键。

    As you can see , I 've created a parameter dubbed id and set it to the key of the saved ticket instance , which Google App Engine generated .

  24. 举例来说,指定警官的名称为KristenRee,而罚单的地点是199BaldwinDr。

    For instance , the assigning officer 's name is Kristen Ree , and the location of the ticket is199 Baldwin Dr.

  25. 在上一个示例中,当我创建了ticket实例之后,我继续将请求重定向到另一个Groovlet&它可以简化罚单的查看过程。

    In the preceding example , after I created the ticket instance , I proceeded to redirect the request to another Groovlet & one that facilitates viewing a ticket .

  26. 这笔民事罚款,是美国国家公路交通安全管理局(NationalHighwayTrafficSafetyAdministration)迄今为止向召回行动不力的汽车制造商开出的最大罚单,超过了本田(Honda)去年因安全气囊故障被罚的7000万美元。

    The civil penalty is the largest ever imposed on an automaker for recall violations by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration , surpassing the $ 70 million fine imposed last year on Honda for faulty airbags .

  27. 官方以违反中国的反垄断法为由给高通(Qualcomm)开出罚单,并在一项持续多时的调查行动中,对微软在中国的多个办公室进行了突击调查。

    It fined Qualcomm for antitrust violations and raided Microsoft 's offices as part of a continuing investigation .

  28. “通过CouchDB和Groovy的RESTClient实现REST”利用一个停车罚单系统演示了面向文档的数据库的特性。

    " REST up with CouchDB and Groovy 's RESTClient " leveraged a parking-ticketing system to demonstrate the nature of a document-oriented database .

  29. AIG支付9.6亿美元,是为了避免这一诉讼可能会胜诉的风险,那将会导致AIG因为面临无法支付的罚单而再次濒临破产。

    AIG paid $ 960m to avoid the risk that the lawsuit would be successful and the company would be sunk again by bills that it could not pay .

  30. 现在,我已经创建了一些停车罚单(或者,用CouchDB的术语来说是一些文档),接下来可以在CouchDB中创建一些视图了。

    Now that I 've created a few parking tickets ( or documents in CouchDB speak ), it 's time to create a view in CouchDB .