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  • 网络penalty;gap penalty;gap open penalty
  1. 尤文图斯俱乐部相信他们之前所遭受的17分罚分将会在周三的仲裁中得以减少。

    Juventus are confident the17-point penalty imposed on them for match fixing will be reduced during arbitration on Wednesday .

  2. 如选手在终点线前摔倒或终止骑行则获得1罚分。

    If the rider fell down or stopped riding before the exit gate , the score will be1 penalty point .

  3. 它是一个独立的方法,完全避开了基于替换矩阵和空位罚分的序列比对算法由于DNA序列相似度的不同而要选择与之相适应的替换矩阵的问题。

    This is an independent method , which completely avoids the problems of choosing appropriate scoring matrices based upon scoring matrices ' sequence alignments for their different similarities of DNA sequences .

  4. 空位罚分最终对Bootstrap支持率影响不大,但是在大多数情况下却改变了严格合意树的拓扑结构和分辨率。

    Gap penalties have little effect on bootstrap support values , however , they change the topological structure and resolution of strict consensus trees in most cases .

  5. 参赛者每个错误只会被罚分一次。

    Competitor 's will only be penalized once for each mistake .

  6. 特别地,该算法不使用任何空格罚分。

    In particular , our algorithm does not employ any gap penalties .

  7. 嗯,叫(罚分)加倍本来是最有利的。

    Well , a double for penalties would have been most lucrative .

  8. 以前的研究表明不同的空位罚分可能导致不同的比对结果。

    Previous research shows that different gap penalties maybe result in different alignments .

  9. 我们试图去忘记在去年八月所发生的一切,糟糕的表现,以及罚分。

    We wanted to forget what had happened last August , the bad performances and the docked points .

  10. 佛罗伦萨这个赛季踢得非常好,如果不是因为电话门罚分,我们两队积分会不相上下。

    Fiorentina have had a great season and without the Calciopoli penalty we have more or less the same number of points .

  11. 该模型可以对不同类型的假结进行了有效罚分,却很难区分同类型的不同假结。

    Although it varies different penalties for different types of pseudoknots , it cannot distinguish those pseudoknots with different structures but with same type .

  12. 家长不应推动选手骑行,亦不应在选手被罚分时发怒。

    Therefore The parents should not push their kids to ride and not get angry or when the rider got penalty points in the section .

  13. 结果表明,使用最大简约算法,改变空位罚分时,树长的变化与信息位点数目的变化规律并不完全一致。

    Results of MP analysis show that changes of tree length and number of informative sites aren 't same with each other when gap penalties change .

  14. 很显然,我们都希望减少罚分,但是其他因素让分数继续增加,在与强强对话中将起决定作用。

    Obviously we hope in a reduction , but if other sides continue to pick up points , then the head to head battles will be decisive .

  15. 在放弃继续上诉民事法庭后,主教练德尚方面已经用开赛后五战四胜的佳绩迅速填补罚分。

    After ruling out an appeal through the civil courts , Didier Deschamps'side have made quick inroads into the penalty by winning four of their first five games .

  16. 空位百分含量对罚分参数的曲线可大体分为波浪形曲线、水平直线和递降曲线。

    Curves concerning percentages of overall gaps to gap penalties can be generalized into three types empirically , the undee curve , the horizontal line and the step-down curve .

  17. 虽然这个罚款已经是超级联赛的历史之最了,但是大家还是质疑没有对西汉姆进行罚分。

    While the fine is the most severe punishment in the League 's history , there is widespread disbelief in the game that West Ham did not have points deducted .

  18. 本周五,奥委会仲裁法庭将做出最终判决。对此,尤文,拉索,佛罗伦萨,米兰希望能够得以减少罚分。

    The CONI court of arbitration is expected to hand out its verdicts on friday , as juventus , lazio , Fiorentina and Milan hope for a reduction to their penalties .

  19. 我想让自己在罚分和投篮的时候更稳定,这是我现在唯一需要的。

    I think that that is the only thing I need , to be more consistent with what I do from the free throw line and but also shooting around the perimeter .

  20. 虽然空位罚分显著地影响多序列比对,但是并不清楚当空位以不同的方法编码和使用不同的重建算法时系统发育分析结果是否存在差异。

    Although gap penalties affect the results of multiple sequence alignment , it is not clear whether there is difference among results got when using different gap coding method and tree search method .

  21. 因为处罚,即使罚分减少,这仍然让我们不打附加赛直接升级困难重重。除非我们赢得与竞争对手的直接对话。

    With a penalty , even if it 's reduced , it 'll be very difficult for us to earn promotion without going through the play-offs unless we manage to win the direct confrontations .

  22. 英国的一种台球,用短球棒把木制的小球打入洞中;如果桩子被撞翻就被罚分。

    ( British ) a table game in which short cues are used to knock balls into holes that are guarded by wooden pegs ; penalties are incurred if the pegs are knocked over .

  23. 老妇人将在星期三接受意大利奥委会仲裁法庭的审判,据媒体报道,他们将减少尤文在夏天的罚分。

    The Old Lady will appear in front of the Italian Olympic Committee 's Court of Arbitration on Wednesday where reports insist they will receive a discount on the points they were docked this summer .

  24. 现有的很多比对算法都是基于目标函数,目标函数利用替换矩阵和空位罚分对比对过程和结果进行记分,用记分值来判断序列比对结果的好坏。

    There are many algorithms in this area , which are based on objective functions . The objective functions use substitution matrix and gap penalty to score the processes and results of alignment , and judge the results according to the scores of alignment .

  25. 三维Navier-Stokes方程加罚变分形式有限元解的分块迭代法及其应用

    The block iteration method and the program for penalty variational form of three dimensional Navier-Stokes problems

  26. 在这篇文章中,给出了Navier-Stokes问题第一边值和第三边值问题原始变量变分形式和加罚变分形式的最优控制有限元逼近理论,并且还有数值计算的例子。

    An optimal control finite element approximation theory for the primitive variable and penalized variational formulation of the Navier-Stokes equations with the first and third boundary conditions is presented . Numerical examples are also provided .

  27. 他受到处罚,在驾照上记罚3分。

    He got a fine and three points on his license .

  28. 车牌安装不符合规定的罚12分。

    The penalty for improper license plate display is now 12 points .

  29. 踢对手会被罚25分。

    Kicking an opponent incurs a25-point penalty .

  30. 乘子罚函数分光光度法同时测定复方阿斯匹林片中的三组分含量

    Simultaneous Spectrophotometric Determination of Three Components in Aspirin Compound Tablets by Multiplier Punitive Function Method