
fá kuǎn shōu jù
  • receipt of administrative fine
  1. 收缴罚没款时,应当出具市财政局统一印制的罚款收据。

    It shall also provide a penalty receipt unifiedly printed by the Municipal Finance Bureau when a fine or the confiscated money is collected .

  2. 当场收取罚款不开具罚款收据或者不如实填写罚款额的;

    Not issuing a fine receipt or not truthfully filling the fine amount when collecting a fine on the spot ;

  3. 罚款以人民币计算,并向当事人出具符合法定要求的罚款收据。

    The fine shall be calculated in RMB , and a receipt of fine meeting statutory requirements shall be issued to the party concerned .

  4. 需要罚款的,同时向指定缴款银行签发财政部门统一印制的罚款收据。

    If fines are involved , unified for fine receipt printed under approval and supervision of government financial departments shall be signed and issued to the designated collecting banks .