
  • 网络Penalty Incomes
  1. 记者从市交警支队了解到,从星期三开始,我市交警部门将试点罚款收入收缴管理制度改革,交通违法罚款将可以实现实时对账。

    A pilot reform for fast traffic fine cash-in will be implemented on this coming Wednesday ; the citation remittance will be cleared in real time , as our reporter has learned .

  2. 在过去,英国政府曾把这类来自所谓不端行为罚款的收入部分投入到高尚的事业中,比如士兵身体康复计划。这次英国政府很可能也将这么做。

    In the past , the British government has directed some of the money raised from so-called misdemeanour fines to worthy causes such as a physical rehabilitation programme for soldiers ; it will probably do the same this time .

  3. 在2008/09烟草季,这项罚款是销售收入的5%。

    The penalty was5 % in2008-09 season .

  4. 两位数的企业价值倍数(EV/Ebitda)意味着,洲际和凯悦酒店的股价并不便宜(洲际还被指操纵股价格,对此罚款最高可达收入的10%)。

    With ratios of enterprise value to earnings before interest , taxes depreciation and amortisation in the double digits , InterContinental and Hyatt shares are not cheap ( InterContinental has also been accused of price-fixing , which carries a fine of up to 10 per cent of its revenue ) .

  5. 按照欧盟规定制订的这项新法律,对限制市场竞争的公司的罚款为公司总收入的1%到10%不等。

    The new law that is in accordance with the European Union regulations , envisions fines ranging from one to10 per cent of the total revenue of the company that restricts market competition .

  6. 据说,公元前4世纪,摆放在奥林匹克运动场的入口处的、精心制作的庄严的宙斯青铜像,就是对运动员的罚款得来的收入提供的经费。

    It was said that the elegant , elaborate bronze statues of Zeus that lined the route to the Olympic Stadium in the fourth century BC , were financed by revenue created by fines imposed on athletes .