
fá qiú
  • free throw;penalty shot;penalty kick
罚球 [fá qiú]
  • (1) [free throw]∶篮球比赛中在罚球线后不受阻碍的投篮,这种罚球常是由于对方队员的犯规,罚球投中得一分

  • (2) [penalty kick]∶足球或橄榄球比赛中由于对方犯规而允许的踢任意球

  • (3) [penalty shot]∶冰球赛中由于对方某些犯规,而向对方球门射球

罚球[fá qiú]
  1. 在紧张激烈的比赛中,良好的罚球心态对比赛的胜负起着至关重要的作用。

    In exciting and fierce match , good mental state at penalty shot play a very important role to decide whether win or lose the match .

  2. 通过主成分和因子分析法归纳出影响中国男子篮球队技、战术水平的5个主要因素依次为篮下进攻、远投、防守、罚球、对抗能力;

    The five main factors concluded through methods of principal components and factor analysis affecting team 's skills and tactics are under-basket attack , long-distance shot , defense , penalty shot and confrontation ability .

  3. 在罚球区内对方队员对他犯规。

    He was fouled inside the penalty area .

  4. 他走到罚球点,稳稳地把球踢入网内。

    He walked up to the penalty spot and struck the ball firmly into the back of the net .

  5. 卢顿未能在罚球区的边缘截住对方的任意球。

    Luton conceded a free kick on the edge of the penalty area .

  6. 主场球队依靠默里·斯特朗的罚球而旗开得胜。

    The home side drew first blood with a penalty from Murray Strang .

  7. 在罚球区内被违规撞倒后,他罚点球破门得分。

    He scored from the penalty spot after being brought down in the box .

  8. 他们有几个技术一流的罚球手。

    They 've got some terrific penalty-takers .

  9. 德里克·福克斯在上半场的罚球使费瑟斯通队领先,但是圣徒队很快进行了反击。

    Deryck Fox gave Featherstone the lead early in the first half with a penalty , but Saints were quick to reply .

  10. 更糟糕的是,罚球被判给了对方。

    To add insult to injury , the penalty was awarded to the other side .

  11. 第2届CUBA女队罚球技术统计分析

    The Statistic Analysis of the Penalty Shot Skill in the Second CUBA

  12. 在一场挑战赛中,机器人的罚球得分超过了日本顶级职业联赛球队ArvalqTokyo队的球员。

    In a shootout , the robot scored more free throws than players at Arvalq Tokyo , a team in Japan 's top professional league .

  13. Okay,placekick定位球呢,既可以指角球,也可以指任意球、球门球、开球,或者是罚球。

    First , let 's take a look at place kick . A place kick is a corner kick , a free kick , a goal kick , a kickoff or perhaps even a penalty kick .

  14. 在NBA中没有哪位球员能像哈登这样精通这门艺术。在过去6个赛季中的5个赛季,造犯规罚球数领跑全联盟,场均罚球数超过10个。

    Nobody in the NBA has mastered this art as well as Harden , who has led the league in free throws attempted in five of the past six seasons , averaging more than 10 per game .

  15. 最大的例子就是法尔玛和图里亚夫嘲笑Kobe周二在罚球线上的投篮很失败,并且在过去两场比赛上只有一次上罚球线的机会。

    The greatest example of that was when Jordan Farmar and Ronny Turiaf can rib Bryant about failing to get to the free throw line on Tuesday and getting to the line only once in the last two games .

  16. 除了罚球命中率下滑到61%,字母的总体高阶数据都在提升,这也说明了这个刚刚获得MVP的男人有多强。

    Other than a free-throw percentage that has dipped to 61 percent , Giannis Antetokounmpo 's entire advanced statistical profile is trending up - which is saying something for the guy who just won MVP .

  17. 在1998年,迈克尔-乔丹在飞行中的形象要求换成NBA图标。这是在芝加哥球馆的主场观众面前的罚球线扣篮,并且是在扣篮大赛的决赛上战胜多米尼克威尔金斯。

    In 1988 , the image of Michael Jordan in flight began morphing into the image of the NBA.This dunk from the free throw line in front of the home crowd at Chicago Stadium secured the victory in a memorable dunk contest showdown with Dominique Wilkins .

  18. 在NBA历史上,平均至少有15次投篮,且使用率超过25的205名球员中,米切尔在罚球命中率上排名第163位,对于一个新手,甚至是一些老兵来说,这都没问题。库里没有造到太多的犯规。

    Of the 205 players in NBA history to average at least 15 shots with a usage over 25 , Mitchell ranked 163rd in free throw rate . That 's fine for a rookie , and even some veterans . Curry doesn 't draw a lot of fouls .

  19. 在球场的一端,荷兰前锋克拉斯-扬·亨特拉尔(Klaas-JanHuntelaar)主罚点球,罚球入网。

    At the far end of the field , Klaas-Jan Huntelaar , a forward for the Netherlands , ran up and lashed a penalty kick into the net .

  20. 同时,他也和史蒂夫·纳什以及他的教练史蒂夫·科尔一道。成为了NBA历史上单赛季仅有的几位投篮命中率达到50%以上、3分球命中率45%以上、罚球命中率90%以上的球员。

    previous record was 286 last season -- while joining Steve Nash and his coach , Steve Kerr , as the only players in league history to shoot at least 50 percent from the floor , 45 percent from 3-point range and 90 percent from the line in a single season .

  21. 这位德国的1号球员在2014世界杯上状态不错,7场比赛仅失守四球,这一成绩令FIFA官方技术统计组对其拦截射门的能力、卓越的指挥能力以及在罚球区发动进攻的能力都叹为观止。

    The Germany No1 was in fine form for the Nationalmannschaft during Brazil 2014 , conceding just four goals in seven games and impressing FIFA 's Technical Study Group with his shot-stopping ability , his commanding presence and his ability to start attacks from his own penalty area .

  22. 根据体育数据提供商Opta的资料,巴洛特利并没有在西班牙罚球区碰到球,尽管用肉眼看,他制造的威胁似乎比这个确凿证据所显示的要大得多。

    According to Opta , Balotelli did not touch the ball inside the Spanish penalty area though to the naked eye , he appeared to carry a greater threat than that damning note .

  23. 作为内容最为广泛的一项新研究,来自耶鲁大学的计算生物学家古尔·雅里(GurYaari)与他的同事收集到了NBA某个完整赛季的所有罚球数据以及5万场职业保龄球协会比赛的比赛数据。

    In the most wide-ranging of the new studies , Gur Yaari , a computational biologist at Yale , and his colleagues gathered enormous amounts of data about an entire season 's worth of free throw shooting in the N.B.A. and 50000 games bowled in the Professional Bowlers Association .

  24. 那你干嘛喊叫什么犯规和罚球?

    Then why are you yelling about fouls and penalty shots ?

  25. 罚球肌肉运动感觉的心理训练

    Psychological Training of the Motion Sense of Muscle in Penalty Shot

  26. 进球的主要射门区域是在罚球区内;

    The main area of goal for shooting was penalty area .

  27. (篮球运动中的)投篮这个球掉进篮下罚球区。

    Shoot at the basket The ball dropped into the key .

  28. 他走向罚球线,罚了两次球。

    He stepped to the line and made two free throws .

  29. 最终,这支队伍在罚球中退出了比赛的舞台。

    At the end of the third scene the actress exited .

  30. 对篮球运动员罚球能力心理训练的研究

    To the Mental and Disciplinal Research of the Basketball Athlete Penalty Ability