
  1. 在华东城市杭州的黄龙体育馆,16000人有节奏地反复喊着“阿里,阿里巴巴”。

    The sound of 16000 people chanting " Ali , Alibaba " fills the Yellow Dragon Stadium in Hangzhou , a city on China 's eastern coast .

  2. 除了北京首钢篮球中心和杭州市黄龙体育馆之外,其它的主场馆的基础设施和赛场布置比较简陋,不能满足篮球产业开发的要求;

    The basic facilities and layout of all the major gymnasiums cannot live up to the requirements of the development of basketball industry except the Basketball Center of Beijing Steel Group and the Huanglong Gymnasium of Hangzhou ;

  3. 杭州奥体博览城体育馆游泳馆,将呈现出“蝴蝶展翅”的意境。

    The gymnasium and natatorium in the Olympic Sports City give an impression of " a butterfly flying up high " .

  4. 2006年9月15日虽然下了不小的雨,但我们这群铁杆的粉丝仍然如约来到了位于杭州师范学院的体育馆为我们的球队呐喊助威。

    On Sep.15th2006 , it rained heavily in Hangzhou , however , we faithful fans still came to the gym of Hangzhou Normal College to cheer for our basketball team .