
  1. 现代篮球除了具备勇猛、顽强的战斗作风,良好的身体素质和技、战术外,还必须具备良好的篮球意识。

    Modern basketball possesses riot only the bold , dogged fight style , outside good physique , skill , tactics , must also possess good basketball consciousness .

  2. 所以说,改善我们的武器装备,培养我们的战斗作风,军队一旦出动,就象鸷鸟捕食那样凶猛,像倾泻到深谷的急流那样势不可当。

    Thus I say if you improve our weapons and equipment , nurture our martial courage , when you release our forces it will be like a bird attacking , like water rushing down a thousand-fathom valley .

  3. 他曾任海军军官,根据他的声音和举动,可以猜出他是来自海洋和风暴;在战斗中他坚持飓风式的战斗作风。

    He had been an officer in the navy , and , from his gestures and his voice , one divined that he sprang from the ocean , and that he came from the tempest ; he carried the hurricane on into battle .