
  1. 研究中使用了多种战略分析工具,包括产品市场分析方法、SWOT模型等。

    Disquisition used various strategic analysis instruments including product-market method , SWOT model when making Chengdu market-developing strategy .

  2. 以内部化理论为基础,从母合优势这一全新的视角探讨FDI的区位选择,旨在为区位选择提供一个新的战略分析工具,指导FDI的区位选择。

    By remarking on the theory of location on FDI , this paper provides a new angle , which is parenting advantage to analyse the location choice of FDI .

  3. 本文运用SWOT战略分析工具系统地分析了青岛与湛江两市在水产品国际贸易上具有的内部优势和劣势、面临的外部机遇和挑战。

    This assay uses the SWOT strategic analytical tool to analyze the strengths and weaknesses , opportunities and threats of Qingdao and Zhanjiang in the aquatic products international trade field .

  4. 接着利用SWOT战略分析工具,对大连中小软件企业的外部机会与威胁以及内部优势与劣势进行战略分析,得出该群体的战略选择。

    Then the paper used SWOT analysis tool for the external opportunities and threats and internal strengths and weaknesses of small and medium software enterprises in Dalian , then got their strategic choices .

  5. 运用SWOT战略分析工具,为ZS公司制订了新的发展战略,即主业增长型的相关多元化战略。

    Using the strategy analyzing tool of SWOT , the author makes a new development strategy for ZS corporation , namely the multiplication strategy of developing main business .

  6. 在以上分析的基础上,逐步深入地运用SWOT分析法和市场选择矩阵两种战略分析工具,做出了X企业关于产品发展和市场发展战略选择,形成了X企业中东部非洲市场发展战略。

    The thesis progressively applied the two strategy analysis methods , i.e. SWOT analysis method and Market Selection Matrix , to select the product development and market development strategy of X company before it finally establish the X company development strategy in central and east Africa based on these findings .

  7. 在此基础上,借助SWOT战略分析工具,对企业面临的机遇和威胁、优势和劣势进行了综合分析,最后探讨、规划了企业的未来发展战略及相应的战术策略。

    Last , with the help of the tools for strategic analysis , such as SWOT , it makes a comprehensive analysis on the opportunities , threats , advantages and disadvantages the company faces , and draws up the future development strategies and action plans for the company .

  8. 对企业几种战略分析工具应用的比较研究

    Comparing Research on the Application of Main Enterprise Strategy Analysis Tools

  9. 科学利用五个常用的战略分析工具

    Applying the Five Strategy Analysis Tools Scientifically

  10. 以互动为导向的战略分析工具&论六种力量互动关系分析模型

    An Interaction-oriented Strategic Analysis Apparatus

  11. 继而运用战略分析工具对产业进行分析,评估商业模式的竞争力并提出建议。

    Then use strategic analysis tool industry analysis to assess business model of competitiveness and make recommendations .

  12. 借助于战略分析工具,选择西南化工销售分公司物流发展战略及发展物流战略的着眼点,提出西南化工销售分公司物流规划目标。

    With the help of the tools of strategic analysis , choice of Southwest Chemical sales company logistics development strategy and development of logistics strategic starting point , put forward Southwest Chemical sales company logistics planning objectives .

  13. 本文运用多种战略分析工具对施耐德(中国)公司战略做了定位,选择了适应公司目前内外部环境和条件的总体发展战略:一体化战略和创新战略。

    Some strategic analysis tools were adopted . The company strategic positioning was done by the analysis . Active competition growth , the one strategy and the Innovation Strategy was chosen to adapt environment and conditions from interior and exterior .

  14. 第二章研究了三种主要的战略成本分析工具,即价值链分析、战略定位分析和成本动因分析。

    Chapter Two , it explains three kinds of main analysis tools : value chain analysis , formulating strategies and cost driver analysis .

  15. 第一,论文从概念界定入手,阐述了战略分析的工具模型,对战略选择的思想和方法进行了全面综述。

    ⅰ . The author starts from concept definition , to explain the tool model of strategic analysis , to summarize the thought and methods of strategic choice in comprehensive review .

  16. 运用战略集团作为分析工具,为不同战略集团间企业和中国汽车制造业的发展壮大提出合理的建议。

    Using strategic groups as analysis tools to give some advices to the different enterprises among strategic groups and Chinese automobile manufacturing industry .

  17. 本文以中国铁路工程总公司(以下简称中铁工程总公司)作为研究对象,运用战略分析及制定工具,对其发展战略做了较为深入的实证性研究。

    Taking the china railway engineering corporation as the object , the paper here will make a study that go deep into it 's development stratagem .

  18. 在第二部分中运用战略管理的分析工具建立模型,来对重庆航空食品公司的战略定位进行确定,从而明确企业实施战略成本管理的必要性;

    The second part , I will analyze and realize the strategic position of this corporation by the tool of strategic management and on to draw the conclusion that it is very important to choose the Strategic Cost Management .

  19. 房地产上市公司应将绩效评价作为检测既有经营战略实施效果的分析工具和未来经营战略的实施手段。

    The strategy analysis tools and the means of performance are the performance evaluation in the real estate listed company .

  20. 本文运用了相关的战略管理理论和分析工具,在理论基础上,首先回顾了战略的起源和产生的背景,分析了目前战略管理的研究重点和未来的发展方向;

    To theory , the article review strategy origin and produced background at first . Second , it analyzes the focus of present strategy management and developing way in future .

  21. 接着运用战略管理理论和战略分析工具对中科成公司的外部环境和内部优劣进行了较为详尽的分析。

    Then , strategy management theories and strategy analysis tools are used to give a detailed analysis of the external environment and of the inner advantages and disadvantages of the company .

  22. 本文致力于博采众家之长的综合战略分析模型和定量战略分析工具&创新矩阵的研究。

    While conventional strategic programming and analysis methods are not very effective , this dissertation focuses on the comprehensive strategic analysis model and a quantitive analysis tool-innovation matrices .

  23. 通过转变战略决策思维,合理利用战略决策分析工具,高技术企业能够有效应对环境的动态变化,通过科学的战略决策制定出适宜的战略,获取持续的竞争优势。

    By the changing strategic decision-making thinking and rationally applying strategic decision-making tools , high-tech enterprises are able to deal with the dynamic changes of the environment effectively and make out appropriate strategies to obtain sustainable competitive advantage .

  24. 文中着重运用价值链分析、战略定位分析、成本动因分析这三个战略成本管理分析工具对我国航空公司进行分析并提出了相应改进措施。

    In this paper analyses the airlines in China focus on utilizing three analysis tools of strategic cost management : value chain ; strategic posting ; cost driver .

  25. 现实主义是战略研究中居主导地位的分析范式,核威慑理论则是研究核战略的主要分析工具。

    This dissertation is a strategic research on Indian nuclear issue . Realism is the dominant analytical paradigm in the field of strategic study , and nuclear deterrence theory is the principal analytical tool for nuclear strategic study .

  26. 在竞争环境下确定均衡战略的时机博弈理论,指出最优停止、时机博弈、随机分析等是期权博弈投资战略分析的基本工具。

    The paper points out that the optimal stopping theory and timing game theory are the basic tools of option games for investment strategy analysis .

  27. 第二章从外部环境和内部条件两方面,论证了战略成本管理在我国民航运输企业运用的必要性与可行性。第三章是战略成本管理分析工具在民航运输企业的尝试运用。

    Chapter Two proves the necessity and feasibility of applying SCM in transport enterprise of civil aviation of our country from external environment condition and inside terms .