
  • 网络correlations;Correlation test
  1. 将获得的数据运用统计学的方法加以回归分析,建立线性回归方程,进行相关性检验;

    After analyzing the data by regression statistics , linear regression equation was established and correlations were examined as well .

  2. 本文首先对影响农民工定居城市意愿的因素进行交互分类分析和相关性检验,接着通过相关性检验的影响因素进行Logistic回归分析。

    This paper analyzes these factors a by interaction classification , Correlation test , and Logistic regression and finds that the significant factors are rural laborers ' occupation ?

  3. 广东省FDI与经济增长相关性检验及挤入挤出效应研究

    Guangdong province FDI and economy growth relative inspection and squeezing effect research

  4. 通过相关性检验和配对t检验对模型的预测效果进行比较,发现12min跑与20m往返跑的预测效果均较好。

    The effection about the model predictions were compared by the correlation test and paired t-test .

  5. 相关性检验Spearman或Kendall相关系数检验。

    Spearman correlation inspection or Kendall correlation coefficient test .

  6. 所有数据通过收集编码后,由社会统计学统计软件SPSS进行分析,主要包括皮尔森相关性检验、独立样本t检验等。

    All the data are coded and analyzed by the professional software SPSS 12.0 , the basic research methods contains Pearson correlation analysis and independent-sample t-tests .

  7. 方法检测疗养期间飞行人员的身高、体重及大体检结论等,计算得出其BMI,并将飞行人员的BMI分别与其年龄、专业、大体检结论等进行相关性检验。

    Methods The height , weight and results of periodic physical examination of flying personnel were collected , and the correlation between the periodic physical examination and BMI was examed .

  8. 为了实现ERP项目动态跟踪评价的快捷性,简化评价指标,给出了指标相关性检验的方法,采用基于粗集理论的指标约简算法对评价指标进行简化处理。

    To realize smart dynamic evaluation in ERP project and reduce redundant evaluation indexes , some indexes correlation test methods were given . An indexes reduction algorithm based on rough set theory was introduced to process redundant indexes .

  9. 从理论上分析它们之间的关系并采用相关性检验、协整检验、Granger因果检验等方法进行了实证分析。

    It starts the analysis from the view of basic theories , and then makes a empirical study mainly by adopting relativity analysis , integrated test , Granger causality test .

  10. 在通过对总辐射和日照百分率的正态分布检验以及相关性检验的前提下,以日照百分率资料为参考,采用potter法对70个辐射站进行总辐射资料的均一性检验。

    The error range of calculating solar radiation with sunshine data is obtained . The homogeneity test is carried out using 70 monthly total solar radiation series over China with potter method .

  11. 资本市场有效性假说的实证分析主要有随机游走检验、相关性检验和ARCH类模型检验,而ARCH类模型较好地揭示高频金融时间序列的条件方差时变性、波动集束和宽尾分布现象。

    Empirical analysis of hypothesis of market efficiency always is tested by random walk , coefficiency and ARCH class models . ARCH class models can expose conditional time varying variance , clustering and fat tail of distribution of high frequency financial time series .

  12. 植物根际各种因子之间的相关性检验结果表明菌根侵染率与植物干重呈显著正相关(p0.05),可见接种AMF可显著影响植物生长。

    Correlation coefficient test of various factors in the rhizosphere of plant showed mycorrhizal colonization rate and plant dry weight were positively related ( p0.05 ), indicating inoculation of AMF strongly influenced plant growth . 4 .

  13. 对崩解时限和T50进行相关性检验。

    T 50 and disintegration were processed for correlation test .

  14. 以兔、犬为实验动物进行体内药动学研究,并将HM-GMS体内吸收分数与体外累积释药百分率进行体内外相关性检验。

    Hepatic arterial embolization was carried out on rabbits and dogs for studying the behavior in vivo .

  15. 运用相关性检验、协整检验、误差修正模型、方差分解与脉冲响应模型分析等方法,对我国燃料油与国际基准油WTI油价之间的关系进行了实证分析。

    This paper analyzes the relationship between China 's fuel oil prices and WTI prices with the help of co-integration test , error correction model , variance decomposition and impulse response function .

  16. 对焦虑及抑郁者进行SCL-90和SDS,SAS的相关性检验,显示呈正相关性,表明SAS和SDS可作为评估心理问题的有效的快速筛查工具。

    There was a positive correlation between anxiety factors of SCL-90 and the scores of SAS and between the depression factors of SCL-90 and the scores of SDS , indicating that SAS and SDS could be used as fast useful screening tools to evaluate psychological problems .

  17. 另外选取近六年来报道的辨证治疗慢性萎缩性胃炎(CAG)的临床研究文献,病例共计2855例,统计分析各种证型和分布,并进行相关性检验。

    In addition to select the past six years Syndrome reported the treatment of chronic atrophic gastritis ( CAG ) of the clinical research literature , a total of 2855 cases of patients , statistical analysis and distribution of a variety of evidence-based , and associated test .

  18. Spearman相关性检验提示HADS抑郁评分与PDQ39中情绪状态、羞耻感及总评分变化正相关(r分别为0.35、0.37、0.34,均P<0.05),与HY分期、UPDRSⅢ不相关。

    The score of HADS-Depression was correlated with emotional state , stigma and total score of PDQ-39 by test of Spearman ( r was 0.35 , 0.37 and 0.34 respectively , all P < 0.05 ), and it was not related with Hoehn & Yahr scale and UPDRS ⅲ .

  19. 相关性检验用直线相关分析。

    The correlation test was undertaken with the linear correlation analysis .

  20. 相关性检验在弹箭密集度试验中的应用

    Relativity Verify 's Application in Projectile Rocket and Concentrated Level Test

  21. 采用线性相关分析,进行两指标的相关性检验;

    Analyze the relation between the two indexes with Linear Regression ;

  22. 经理人报酬与公司业绩之间的相关性检验

    The Relationship Between Executive Compensation and Corporate Performance of Companies

  23. 实证研究中的价值相关性检验是对会计信息相关性与可靠性的联合检验。

    Value relevance tests generally are joint tests of relevance and reliability .

  24. 采用的统计方法有t检验和参数的相关性检验。

    Main statistical method were t-test and correlation - test .

  25. 基于概率积分变换与似然比的高维相关性检验

    Multi-dimensional correlation test based on the probability integral translation and likelihood ratio

  26. 最终得出金属期货市场与现货市场间的相关性检验。

    Finally , we could get a different correlation between the metals market test .

  27. 第三章研究了具有前相关误差的非线性回归模型的异方差和相关性检验。

    Chapter 3 studies the tests for heteroscedasticity and correlation in nonlinear models with correlated errors .

  28. 具有一致相关和指数相关的纵向数据模型中异方差和相关性检验

    Testing for Homogeneity of Variances and Correlation in Longitudinal Models with Uniform Correlation and Exponential Correlation

  29. 再则,本文分别就中央银行独立性、货币政策透明度的分项指标对通货膨胀波动率进行了相关性检验。

    Furthermore , the paper tests the relevance between independence , transparency sub-indicators and inflation volatility respectively .

  30. 中国货物贸易与服务贸易结构变动的相关性检验:1997-2005

    A Relativity Test between Chinese Goods Trade and Structure Change of Services Trade from 1997 to 2005