
  • 网络phase separation;Phase Separation Method;coacervation-phase separation
  1. 热诱导相分离法(TIPS)是一种简单而有效的制备聚合物微孔膜的方法。

    Thermally induced phase separation ( TIPS ) procedure is a simple and versatile membrane preparation technique .

  2. 利用其容易结晶的特点,本研究通过调控实验条件,改变溶液的热力学性质和结晶行为,由热致相分离法(TIPS)制备了多种形貌的PLLA材料。

    Owing to its easy crystallization , this study aims to prepare PLLA materials with various patterned morphologies by thermally induced phase separation ( TIPS ) from its concentrated solutions .

  3. 反应诱导相分离法(Chemicallyinducedphaseseparation)制备多孔聚合物材料,是在固化反应开始之前,溶剂或热塑性塑料与热固性树脂混合均匀后,体系处于均相状态。

    Chemically induced phase separation is a method for preparing porous polymer . Before curing reaction , solvent or thermoplastic mixes with thermosets and arrives to a homogenous state .

  4. 制备PVDF微孔膜有浸没沉淀法和热致相分离法。热致相分离法拓宽了膜材料的范围,开辟了相分离法制备微孔膜的新途径。

    There are several methods for PVDF membrane preparation , such as immerse precipitation , and thermally induced phase separation ( TIPS ) .

  5. 介绍了浸没沉淀法、热致相分离法以及蒸发助热致相分离法制备聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)微孔膜的研究进展。

    The preparation techniques of immerse precipitation , thermally induced phase separation and thermally assisted evaporative separation for PVDF microporous membrane are reviewed .

  6. 以大豆油/邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)为混合稀释剂,采用热致相分离法(TIPS)制备聚丙烯(PP)微孔膜。

    Polypropylene ( PP ) microporous membranes were prepared with the composite diluents of soybean oil and di-n-butyl-phthalate ( DBP ) via thermally induced phase separation ( TIPS ) .

  7. 以邻苯二甲酸二甲酯(DMP)为稀释剂,采用热致相分离法(TIPS)制备了聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)平板微孔膜。

    The polyvinylidene fluoride ( PVDF ) flat microporous membrane was prepared via thermally induced phase separation ( TIPS ) method using dimethyl phthalate ( DMP ) as the diluent .

  8. 采用复乳法和相分离法两种方法制备去甲斑蝥素的聚乳酸-聚乙二醇嵌段共聚物(PLA-PEG)纳米微球。

    Norcantharidin ( NCTD ) loaded PLA-PEG nanoparticles are prepared by double emulsion method and nanoprecipitation method respectively .

  9. 使用热致相分离法和聚合相分离法制备了五种PDLC膜。

    In this study One PDLC film was prepared by thermally induced phase separation and four PDLC films were prepared by polymerization induced phase separation .

  10. 综述讨论了热致相分离法(TIPS)制作微孔膜的影响因素及相关规律,以及近年来在膜制作方法和膜材质方面的一些重要的研究进展。

    Recent progress on the preparation methods , polymer materials and formation mechanisms of the TIPS ( thermal induced phase separation ) membranes was reviewed in this paper . Special attentions were pay to the effecting factors and empirical rules of the membrane formation .

  11. 方法分别用溶剂浇铸/致孔剂溶出法、固-液相分离法、液-液相分离法,制得了PLLA的多孔支架,测定其孔隙率及平均孔径,并观察其微观结构。

    Methods The PLLA scaffolds were fabricated by solution casting / porogen leaching method , solid-liquid phase separation method and liquid-liquid phase separation method . The porosity and average pore diameter of the PLLA scaffold were measured and microstructure of the scaffolds was observed .

  12. 相分离法微胶囊化固相微球放免分离剂的研制

    Preparation of the separating agent of solid phase microparticle for radioimmunoassay

  13. 热致相分离法微孔膜(Ⅰ)相分离和孔结构

    Thermally induced phase separation membranes (ⅰ) Phase separation and pore structure

  14. 热致相分离法聚合物膜形成机理与形貌控制

    Formation mechanism and morphology control of porous polymeric membranes via thermally-induced phase separation

  15. 聚烯烃微孔膜相分离法成型技术

    Phase Separation Forming Technology for Polyolefin Microporous Membrane

  16. 本课题采用冷冻干燥法(相分离法)制备了壳聚糖-明胶三维多孔支架材料。

    The research fabricated chitosan-gelatin 3D scaffolds using freeze-drying technique ( phase separation ) .

  17. 为改变有机颜料表面极性,提高颜料应用过程中的使用牢度,通过相分离法、乳液聚合法对有机颜料粉体进行表面改性。

    To increase the polarity and rubbing fastness , the pigments were surface-modified by emulsion polymerization and phase separation .

  18. 微囊化的具体制备方法有乳液法、相分离法、喷雾干燥法、静电喷射法等。

    The common processing methods of microspheres incorporate emulsion , phase separation , spray drying , electrospraying and so on .

  19. 文中介绍了制备聚丙烯微孔膜的热致相分离法和熔融挤出-拉伸法。

    The fabrication methods : thermally induced phase separation method and melt-extruded and cold-stretching method were recommended in this review .

  20. 该法兼备了溶液浇铸/粒子沥滤法和热致相分离法的优点:制备过程简单,节能;

    This method had the advantage of both the solution casting / particulate leaching technique and the thermally induced phase separation technique .

  21. 微孔塑料的成型方法主要包括间歇成型法、连续挤出成型法、注射成型法和相分离法等,并且各有优缺点。

    The forming methods of microcellular plastics include batch microcellular foaming , continuous extrusion , injection molding and phase separation . They each have advantages and disadvantages .

  22. 热致相分离法是一种制备微孔结构材料的新方法,采用该方法可以将常温下缺少合适溶剂的高聚物制成多孔材料。

    In this paper , a theoretical model is used to analyze shrinkage behavior , which is based on micro pore structure model and capillary tension theory .

  23. 有许多简单的方法,可以被用于不对称微粒的制备。例如微接触印刷、相分离法、固定化法和基于微流体法。

    There are many simple methods can be used for the preparation of asymmetric particles , typically including phase separation - , immobilization - , microfluid-based strategies and micro-contact printing .

  24. 结果采用相分离法,通过控制组分配比和预冷冻温度可制备不同密度和孔隙率的CS-Gel/HA多孔支架。

    Results Porous CS Gel / HA composite scaffolds could be prepared by phase separation method , and their density and porosity could be controlled by adjusting components and quenching temperature .

  25. 结果:通过相分离法可制备出高孔隙率的三维壳聚糖支架,孔隙率达86.5%,孔隙分布均匀且相互连通,平均孔径182μm。

    RESULTS : With the emulsion crosslinking method , the 3D porous chitosan scaffolds were prepared with the porosity of 86.5 % , and their interconnected pores of mean diameter 182 μ m distributed evenly .

  26. 本论文采用溶液浇铸/粒子沥滤法、热致相分离法以及气体发泡与粒子沥滤结合法三种方法制各聚DL-乳酸多孔支架。

    In this paper , solution casting / particulate leaching technique ( SC / PL ), thermally induced phase separation technique ( TIPS ) and gas foaming particulate leaching technique ( GFPL ) were used to prepare Poly ( DL-lactic acid ) porous scaffolds .

  27. 本文对组织工程用聚合物多孔支架的制备方法进行了较为全面的回顾,包括纤维粘结法、粒子致孔法、熔融成型法、气体发泡法、相分离法、烧结微球法和快速成型等方法。

    The methods of fabricating porous scaffolds for tissue engineering are roundly reviewed in this paper , including fiber bonding , solvent casting / particulate leaching , melt molding , gas foaming , phase separation , polymeric microsphere congregation , rapid prototyping manufacturing and so forth .

  28. 方法以胶原分子为模板,调制钙磷盐在液相中沉积其上,得到矿化胶原基复合材料,并采用液相分离法与少量聚乳酸复合进一步制备成为三维多孔框架材料。

    Methods Using the molecular collagen as the template , the calcium phosphate is deposited on it to produce a mineralized collagen based composite , then is combined with minute amount of poly lactic acid ( PLA ), the three-dimensional scaffold composite is prepared by liquid phase separation .

  29. 介绍了微孔塑料的成型方法,主要包括相分离法、间歇成型法、连续挤出成型法和注射成型法,分析并比较了各种成型方法的特点及应用,展望了微孔塑料的发展前景。

    This paper introduced the molding method of micro pore plastics , mainly consisted of phase separating 、 pausing molding 、 continuous extruding and injection molding , analyzed and compared various features and application of molding methods , look forward to the developing foreground of the micro pore plastics .

  30. 超临界流体萃取技术、高效液相色谱分离法是目前的发展趋势。

    Supercritical fluid extraction technology , high-performance liquid chromatography separation are the current development trend .