
  • 网络Cleaning tank;Rinse;Wet Bench
  1. 网格对超声清洗槽内声场的影响

    The Effect of Grids on Ultrasonic Field in Cleaning Tank

  2. 超声清洗槽内声场分布的研究

    Study of Ultrasonic Field in Cleaning Tank

  3. 基于CFD的土壤清洗槽的优化设计

    The Optimal Design of the Soil - Cleaning Trough with CFD

  4. 土壤清洗槽的CFD解析

    CFD Analysis of the soil-cleaning trough

  5. 利用有限元分析软件ANSYS,对管形振子的振动模态及在清洗槽中的辐射声场进行数值计算分析,并用铝箔腐蚀的方法记录了管形振子的声场分布情况。

    Vibration modes and the sound field in an ultrasonic cleaning tank of tubular vibrator are calculated and analyzed with the finite element software ANSYS . The sound field distribution of the tubular vibrator is recorded by means of aluminum foil erosion .

  6. 如果使用不当,会出现酸度,本文从酸度概念分析,应用监视清洗槽内溶液的酸度方法;达到正确使用HEP-2清洗剂的要求。

    This paper will make analysis from acidity conception by monitoring acidity of solution in cleaning bath so as to meet the requirement for correct use of HEP-2 cleaning agent .

  7. 超声清洗槽槽底谐频率研究

    Frequency of bottom of ultrasonic cleaning basin

  8. 结构方面,采用不锈钢清洗槽;打造绿色钢铁&记济南市最高科技奖获得者温燕明

    In the aspect of structure , the cleaning trough is made of the stainless steel ; Green Steel

  9. 清洗槽是构成土壤清洗机系统不可缺少的元件,清洗槽的性能对整个土壤清洗机的清洗效果起着至关重要的作用。

    The cleaning trough is the key component of the soil-cleaning machine , and its property is significant for the effect of the machine .

  10. 实验中,通过设计新的清洗槽,达到改善声场分布的目的.实验结果表明,声场分布与容器的形状有关,同时也表明了扩散场比驻波场更有利于超声清洗。

    In the experiment , ultrasonic field distribution is improved by a new cleaning bathe designed . It makes clear that diffusion field is more beneficial to ultrasonic cleaning .

  11. 与平底式超声清洗槽相比,这种新型清洗槽深度方向的声场均匀性得到了改善,但水平方向的声场均匀性变化不大。

    The acoustic field uniformity in the depth direction of the newly designed clean basin is improved compared with the flat type basin , but little change in the horizontal direction .

  12. 由履带式传动机构、超音波清洗槽、喷淋系统、吹干系统、循环过滤系统、油雾分离装置等组成。

    It makes up of pedrail style drive organization , ultra sound wave cleaning trough , spray system , drying system , circulation filter system and separate device of oil and fog .

  13. 随着清洗槽内的叶片转动,清洗槽内的流场分布发生变化,相应的出水口附近的速度也发生变化,这样直接影响着清洗性能。

    When the vanes rotates in the cleaning trough , they change the distribution of the flow field , and the velocity distribution near the outlet , so the cleaning property change directly .

  14. 本文以水为提取介质,利用超声细胞粉碎机插入式提取和超声清洗槽提取两种提取方式对银杏叶中黄酮成分进行了提取实验。

    In this paper , the experiment of extracting Ginkgo flavonoids from Ginkgo leaves has been completed in two ways . One is using cell disruptor and the other is using ultrasonic cleaning tank .

  15. 在大功率实用状态下,研究测试了清洗槽内各单一频率及复合频率时声场电压的相对分布情况,并在染料水溶液中用铜版纸真实记录了单一频率及复合频率的声场分布情况。

    The distributions of acoustic field of the complex-frequency and each of single-frequency are explored in high-power scale , the distribution of acoustic field of the complex-frequency is recorded on copper-plate paper by means of aqueous solution of blue dye with ultrasonic radiation .

  16. 本文运用流体解析技术对清洗槽内流场进行了数值模拟,并在此基础上分析了土壤清洗机的工作原理及其性能的影响因素。

    In this thesis , the three-dimension CFD code STAR-CD is used to simulate the flow field in the trough , and based on this , the author analyses the principle of the soil-cleaning machine and the factors which affect the cleaning effect .

  17. 本文以水为提取介质,使用超声细胞粉碎机、超声清洗槽及粉碎机加清洗槽的复合提取方式对甘草切片、甘草纤维、甘草粉进行了超声强化提取实验。

    In the Glycyrrhizic extraction experiments , with the use of water as the extraction medium , cell disruptor and ultrasonic cleaning tank is used as extraction equipment . Licorice slices , Licorice fiber and Licorice powder are used to extract Glycyrrhizic from them .

  18. 根据声波的叠加理论及清洗槽内形成驻波场的特点,把换能器布阵在清洗槽的两侧对射,使对射距离始终保持整数倍的四分之一波长。

    Based on the superimposing theory of sound wave and the standing wave characteristic of forming in clean basin , the transducers are distributed on two opposite faces of clean basin with radiation each other and the distance of radiation is maintained integer times of quarter wavelengths .

  19. 我没有清洗洗衣槽

    I didn 't clean the lint tray ,

  20. 清洗液体槽,填注口颈,套环密封垫和填注口盖可以各自维修。

    The washer reservoir , filler neck , grommet seal , and filler cap are each available for service .

  21. 同时,根据一个实例,提出了一种通过清洗电解槽来降低其电解电耗的思路和方法。

    Meanwhile , a concept and method is put forward for decreasing the electrolytic power consumption by cleaning the electrolyzer , based on an example .

  22. RH顶吹氧技术具有吹氧脱碳、吹氧加铝升温、吹氧清洗RH真空槽内残钢残渣等多项功能。

    The RH oxygen top-blowing technology performs multi-functions such as decarbonizing , increasing temperature with Al added , cleaning slag in RH vacuum slot , etc.

  23. 进水阀、供水阀及水位传感器设置在接近于水箱的上下边缘位置,清洗阀采用水幕槽结构,这些阀门的巧妙设置有利于整个水箱的清洗效果。

    Inlet valve , supplying valve and water level sensor are installed in close to the upper and lower edges of tank . Differently cleaning valve is deviced with curtain structure , the ingenious set of these valves can achieve the best beneficial cleaning effects .

  24. 通过部分建模,使用通用CFD软件对用水洗法清洗土壤的清洗机槽内流场进行了仿真。

    Through part modeling , fluid field in the trough of soil-cleaning machine which cleans soil with water is simulated with general CFD software .

  25. 安装布置灵活,根据清洗要求可放置于清洗槽的底面侧面或顶面。

    Flexible installation , platform radiating surface can be installed at the bottom , rear or top of the cleaning trough .

  26. 超声波清洗机主要由三部分组成,即超声波电源,超声波换能器和清洗槽。

    Ultrasonic clearing machine is made of the ultrasonic power supply , the ultrasonic transducer and the cleaning tank .