
  • innocent;clean;unspotted
  1. 在这个国家,一个人在被证实有罪之前,就是清白的。

    In this country , you are innocent until proved guilty .

  2. 在整个审判中,她都坚持相信他是清白的。

    Throughout the trial she had clung to the belief that he was innocent .

  3. 他在所做的一切商业交易中都是清白的。

    He was scrupulous in all his business dealings .

  4. 他有一段不清白的过去。

    He had a somewhat murky past .

  5. 她再度强调自己是清白的。

    She repeated her protestation of innocence .

  6. 他本不想去玷污那清白的过去。

    He wasn 't about to blemish that pristine record .

  7. 他是清白的,是受人诬陷的。

    He was innocent and the victim of a frame-up .

  8. 他宣称自己是清白的,在钱财上没有弄虚作假。

    He asserted his innocence and his financial probity .

  9. 州长已宣称自己是清白的,并说他打算任职到期满。

    The governor has declared his innocence and says he plans to serve out his term

  10. 虽然我很快便让他相信我是清白的,但是我想他仍然非常怀疑我是否神志正常。

    Although I soon convinced him of my innocence , I think he still has serious doubts about my sanity

  11. 在我看来,他是清白的。

    In my opinion , he is innocent .

  12. dna鉴定技术还可以为清白的人洗脱干系。

    The technology has also been used to clear the innocent .

  13. 达拉斯消息,迈克乐·菲利普斯成为该市第34位用DNA证据证明清白的人。

    In Dallas , Michael Phillips has become the 34th person in the city to be exonerated by DNA evidence .

  14. 你确定kevin是清白的?

    So you 're sure kevin 's innocent ?

  15. 但是,很多被目击者提供的错误ID而定罪的被告人,在接受DNA测试后被证明是清白的。

    However , many defendants who were later shown to be innocent via DNA testing had originally been convicted based on a faulty ID by an eyewitness .

  16. Hurle还说,尽管MI6并没有实施酷刑,该机构也并不一定是清白的。

    Cooke-Hurle also said that although MI6 does not itself carry out torture , the agency 's hands are not necessarily clean .

  17. 他好像试图在让我们相信他是清白的。

    He seems to be talking us into believing his innocence .

  18. 她声称自己是清白的,有人陷害她。

    She claims she 's innocent and someone set her up .

  19. 宝贝,你不能随意指责清白的人。

    Baby , you don 't go around accusing innocent people .

  20. 在现行制度下,在被证明有罪之前你是清白的。

    Under the present system you 're innocent until proven guilty .

  21. 清白的和有罪的,他们是上帝的两个孩子。

    Innocent or guilty , these were both children of god .

  22. 我知道她是清白的,但我什么也不能说。

    I knew she was innocent , but could say nothing .

  23. 一个人未被证明有罪前,被事为是清白的。

    A man is accounted innocent until he is proven guilty .

  24. 清白的人是不需要害怕的。

    It 's nothing for an innocent man to worry about .

  25. 后来,经过监管机构的一番审查,乔布斯被证明是清白的。

    Mr Jobs was later exonerated after a review by regulators .

  26. 一个邪恶的王子还不如一个清白的庄稼汉有价值。

    An innocent plowman is more worthy than a vicious prince .

  27. 没人是真正清白的,童子军也不例外

    Nobody is a boy scout , not even boy scouts .

  28. 当然没有,我相信她是清白的。

    Of course not . I believe she 's innocent .

  29. 他是清白的,但他是关键。

    He 's innocent , but he 's the link .

  30. 他妻子坚称他是清白的辩白将被接受。

    His wife 's assertion that he is innocent will be accepted .