
  1. 作为乡村民间文化的主要传承者,道士往往通过包括清醮在内的各种醮事活动,传承着乡村民俗与文化。

    As the main carriers of folk culture , Taoist priests spread the folk customs and culture through the Taoism activities .

  2. 分析清醮民俗活动中文化内涵的同时,也应对其所包含的封建迷信内容保持高度的警惕。

    Analysis of religious folk-culture activities at the same time , we should also maintain a high degree of vigilance to the feudal superstition .

  3. 清醮活动兴盛于赣西北乡村,迎合了改革开放后民众的较普遍的求富心理,并在一定程度上填充了乡村民众集体文化活动的空白。

    The Taoism rituals became popular in the villages of southwest Jiangxi , appealing to the people 's mind for wealth after the initiation of the reform and opening-up , and to a certain degree , filled the gap of folk collective cultural activities .