
  1. 它们的再造也不受进化法则限制,完全可以变得越来越聪明。

    Nor are they limited by an evolutionary edict to reproduce , rather than purely to get cleverer .

  2. 这就意味着自然进化法则在雄性动物的选择上会青睐犄角,侵略和合金车轮,其代价就是寿命。

    That means evolution is busy selecting for antlers , aggression and alloy wheels in males , at the expense of longevity .

  3. 千百年来,生命的起源、生命的本质、生命的新陈代谢、情感和意识的起源、生物的多样性、进化的法则等问题一直是困扰人类心智的问题。

    For thousands of years , the origin of life , the nature of life , the metabolism of life , the origin of emotion and consciousness , biological diversity and evolution laws are all the problems that always perplex human mind .

  4. 扩充必然导致生物进化,而生物扩充是由生物的生态位决定的,因此根据生态位的大小作为选择策略,产生下一代个体更符合自然进化法则。

    Niche expansion must be cause to biological evolution . It 's more fit to generate offspring by " costae escarole " of niche .