
jìn xínɡ shì
  • progressive aspect
  1. 有非突显的自然终结的事件,其进行式有时可以蕴含完成式的意义。

    For the events with un-prominent natural terminal , the progressive entail the perfect sometimes .

  2. 婚礼进行式

    Wedding Ceremony on the March

  3. 提起开始做沙画的过程,庄明达表示,所有成果对他来说一直都是进行式,而不是某天突发奇想就可以做起来的。

    Recalling the commencement of his sand art process , Minta said that all of his achievement has been done in gradual progress , rather than being accomplished within one day because of some fancies .

  4. 警察昨天继续对该地区进行拉网式搜查。

    Officers continued a fingertip search of the area yesterday .

  5. 除非进行显式重置,否则来自所有更高级别的代码中的set选项值在存储过程或触发器内有效。

    Unless explicitly reset , set option values from all higher level code apply within a stored procedure or trigger .

  6. 另外还介绍了利用C接口进行参数式自动生成图形的方法。

    At the end of this paper , introduces producing seriation graphs by using " C " interface program in parameter way .

  7. 提供这种保证的任何API都会对数据编码进行隐式假设。

    Any API which does this is making an implicit assumption about the encoding of the data .

  8. 终止子进程的解决方法就是使用kill命令进行显式终止。

    The solution to the problem of non-terminating child processes is to explicitly terminate them using the kill command .

  9. CodePlex是用来进行协作式项目开发的。

    Code Plex is for collaborative project development .

  10. 目的报告1例婴儿头部念珠菌病,并对其病原菌进行流式细胞(FCM)和随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)分析。

    Objective To report a case of infantile candidiasis capitis and analyse its pathogen by FCM and RAPD .

  11. 经过白热化的讨价还价,这个在IP网上进行流式技术应用与生产的方案该接受了。

    After the heated price bargaining , the solution for streaming and production to operate in and IP network is ripe for the picking .

  12. 对细胞周期用药后G2期明显下降(13.2%下降至3.0%),S期上升(27.3%上升至42.5%)。⑤收集细胞进行流式细胞仪的检测,判断细胞的周期情况。

    Cells were collected for inspection with flow cytometry , and the cycle of cells was identified .

  13. 空军开始对他进行FBI式的检查,调查期间,晚上他也被扣押着。

    The Air Force started a full FBI background check on the pilot and held him overnight during the investigation .

  14. 方法:建立套式PCR技术,对105份母-脐配对血进行套式PCR、病毒分离、特异性IgM以及特异性IgA测定。

    Methods : Nested PCR was developed . One hundred and five pairs of maternal-infant umbilical blood were analysed by nested PCR , virus isolation and specific antibodies .

  15. 方法提取患者脑脊液和血清中的病毒RNA,用肠道病毒特异性引物进行套式RT-PCR扩增,检测特异性基因片段。

    Methods RNA of virus was obtained from samples of cerebrospinal fluid and serum and then gained with specific primer of Enterovirus through RT-PCR so as to detect specific gene fragment .

  16. 在ANSYS中进行隐式分析,利用拉杆预压缩方法施加机身预紧载荷;在LS-DYNA中进行预紧状态下显式动力学分析。

    Implicit analysis has been conducted in ANSYS for application of pretension loading , and explicit dynamic analysis of the pre-tighten status has been achieved in LS-DYNA .

  17. 以太阳能作为唯一热源,用于加热气体工质,进行闭式Brayton循环发电。

    Solar energy was used as the only heat source to drive a closed Brayton cycle to generate power .

  18. 对于行修改时间戳列(只针对这种列),如果该列使用IMPLICITLYHIDDEN属性定义,那么当对表列进行隐式引用时,不会对该列执行外部化。

    For row change timestamp columns only , if the column is defined with the IMPLICITLY HIDDEN attribute , then it is not externalized when there is an implicit reference to the columns of the table .

  19. 方法:GCV加入K562细胞培养4d,测定其活细胞数目、克隆形成率、联苯胺染色阳性率,观察光镜形态、组织化学染色,并进行流式细胞分析、端粒酶检测。

    Methods : K562 cells were cultured with GCV for 4 days to detect cellular changes cloning efficiency , benzidine positive rate , flow cytometry analysis , and telomerase activity .

  20. 采用PDA进行移动式数据采集及计算可以减少农电管理过程中的信息流转环节,将计算机管理前推至工作现场,解决先实物后补管理的矛盾;

    Using PDA to carry on the motion type data acquisition and the computation may reduce information stream link in the agricultural electricity management process , push the computer management before job site , the solution first in kind replacement management contradiction .

  21. 方法将住院非感染患儿分成新生儿组、婴幼儿组和儿童组,收集外周血1.8mL,进行流式细胞仪检测,测定不同年龄组CD21的B淋巴细胞和CD21表达位点数目。

    Methods All the cases was divided into newborn group , infant group and children group . The expression of CD_ ( 21 ) on B lymphocytes were analyzed by the flow cytometry .

  22. 如果可能,使用OLAP技术通常能提供更好的性能,但如果使用的数据集比较小(项目可以少实现一种技术)或需要对实时数据进行OLAP式查询,DMR可能更适合。

    Where possible , using OLAP technologies will typically provide better performance , but DMR may sometimes be appropriate where smaller data sets are concerned ( one less technology to implement in the project ) or if OLAP-style queries are required on live data .

  23. 现在,航空公司再也不会遭受停业的威胁,而且如果在为期三周的会谈后双方没能达成任何共识,FWA将会对双方进行捆绑式的强行仲裁。

    For now the airline will suffer no stoppages , and if at the end of the three weeks of talks there is no agreement , FWA will impose binding arbitration on both sides .

  24. 结论用静脉输液港输血或输入两种不相容药物时必须用10ml生理盐水进行脉冲式冲管,才能冲净输液港内的残留物,保证永久性导管的通畅。

    Conclusions After blood transfusion by vein transfusion port , before transfusion of two kinds of incompatible drug , 10 mL normal saline pulse style washing should be used for clean the vein transfusion port , and ensure the permanent catheter smoothness .

  25. 目前还没有人声称为这次袭击负责,但是Burt表示,发动袭击的可能与六个月前在英国驻也门大使馆进行自杀式袭击的是同一个组织。

    No one has taken responsibility for the attack , but Burt says it is likely to be the same group that carried out a suicide attack against the British ambassador in Yemen six months ago . The Yemen wing of al-Qaida claimed responsibility for that attack .

  26. 本文设计构造了求解抛物型方程的Crank-Nicolson格式的两种新的并行迭代算法,其基本思想是把Crank-Nicolson格式的差分方程组划分为若干个子方程组来分别同时进行显式迭代求解。

    Two kind of new parallel iterative algorithm for solving Crank-Nicolson difference scheme of parabolic equation is constructed in this paper . The basic idea is to divide the system of implicit difference equations into a set of subsystem that can be solved individually in parallel .

  27. 结果表明,采用TZM钼基合金模具。在1050℃以接近10-3s-1的应变速率进行闭式模锻和开式模锻,模具材料均能满足使用要求,且开式模锻设备最大载荷不超过31×103kN;

    The simulation results show that the molybdenum based die material ( TZM alloy ) can meet the practical need for both close die and open die forming when the disk is isothermal forged at 1050C with pseudo-constant strain rate of 10-3 s-1 ;

  28. 并介绍利用该图形数据库进行参数式自动生成图形的方法。

    The graphs are produced automatically in parameters by using FTK .

  29. 采用这种方法进行闭式叶轮流道的开粗加工,避免了走刀的冗余,提高了加工效率。

    This method can avoid redundancy tool path and improve processing efficiency .

  30. 运用反馈信息卡片进行挺身式跳远技术教学的研究

    Study on Back-Straightened Long Jump Technique Teaching by Using Feedback Information Cards