
  1. 周围形成一个排气云奋进号航天飞机发射的第39A腾飞垫美国宇航局在佛罗里达州肯尼迪航天中心将在执行STS-134任务的国际空间站的天空。

    An exhaust cloud forms around Launch Pad39A at NASA 's Kennedy Space Center in Florida as space shuttle Endeavour soars into the sky on the STS-134 mission to the International Space Station .

  2. 被带进2号路下的那家旅馆

    being led into that hospital off of Route 2 .

  3. 8月6日他爬进亚特兰蒂斯号,从50米高的山边障碍训练场被推下,经过岩床落入水池。

    On August 6 , he climbed inside the Atlantis and was pushed down a 50-meter obstacle course on the side of a hill , over a bed of rocks and into a pool .

  4. 周进哭撞号板的医学心理分析

    Medical Psychologizing on Zhou Jin 's Crying over the Name board

  5. 此时此刻,海水漫进了水手号谷,并形成了许多不同寻常的海岸线。

    At this point , the water fills in the Valles Marineris , creating some unusual coastlines .

  6. 有关官员说,这艘韩国韩进.天津号船上的20名船员被证实都是安全的。

    Officials say all 20 crew members aboard the South Korean-owned Hanjin Tianjin were confirmed to be safe .

  7. 虽说一位健康的成年女性或者十几岁的女孩子有可能穿进一件零号的衣服,但我们要知道的是,女性身形的正常尺寸差别并不可能让很多人都能够穿进零号的衣服,而且我们也不建议大家做这种尝试。

    Whilst it is perfectly possible for an adult or teenaged female to be healthy and fit a size zero , it should be acknowledged that normal differences in female body shape make this goal unattainable and unadvisable for many .

  8. 等我穿不进现在的12号衣服的话,我就不会去酒吧了。

    When I dont fit into my size 12 dresses , Ill stop .

  9. 我都没有时间黑进她的质子5号防火墙了

    Hacking her Proton 5 Firewall will take time that I don 't have .

  10. 2005年,国家把推广测土配方施肥技术作为重要内容写进了中央一号文件,明确提出推广测土配方施肥,培肥地力,提高耕地质量。

    The government placed the popularizing soil testing and formulated fertilization as priority into the No.1 Central Document in 2005 , and clearly set popularizing soil testing and formulated fertilization , improving the soil nutrient , improving land qualities .