
  • 网络Into Tibet
  1. 进藏铁路线的经济分析

    Economic Analysis on the railways towards Xizang

  2. 进藏铁路方案剖析

    Dissect on schemes of Railways toward Xizang

  3. 试论青藏高原多年冻土与进藏线路的选择

    Explorations of Permafrost on Qinghai Xizang Plateau and route selection plans for railway towards Xizang

  4. 健康成人空运进藏短期内肺动脉压力估测及右室负荷检测

    Detection of the Pulmonary Pressure and Right Ventricule Load in Healthy Subjects Entering high Altitude by air

  5. 文成公主进藏不到10年,这座高原古城就初具规模。

    Within ten years of the arrival of Princess Wencheng , this ancient city on a plateau was beginning to take shape .

  6. 影响进藏铁路走向方案的因素很多,其中最为关键的因素是各条线路的工程地质条件。

    Many factors affect railway trend scheme , and the most important factor is engineering geology condition on all the railway lines .

  7. 公主进藏后,协助松赞干布进行建设,给吉雪卧塘带来了迅速的发展和繁荣。

    In spite of this , Princess Wencheng assisted Songzan Ganbu in every possible way with the construction of the capital which ended in the region 's fast development into a prosperous place .

  8. 提出就青藏高原上普遍发育的多年冻土及寒冷地区存在的工程病害来讲,青藏线明显优于其它各条进藏规划线路。

    Only considering the existence and development of permafrost and the engineering damage in the cold regions , the Qinghai Xizang railway line should be thought as the best one among all plans .

  9. 进藏第1周始主动脉瓣峰值流速下降,肺动脉瓣及三尖瓣前向血流峰值流速持续加快(P<0.05);

    The peak flow velocity of the aortic valve was decreased , the peak velocity of front direction flow of tricuspid valve and pulmonary valve were increased from the first week ( P < 0.05 ) .

  10. 结果:乘飞机进藏的患者并发症发生率明显低于乘汽车进藏的患者(P<0.01),常见的并发症以水电解质紊乱和肺部感染为主;

    Results : The occurrence of complication in HAPE patients who exposed the high altitude by plane is lower than those by bus obviously ( P < 0.01 ) and showed the disorder of electrolyte and pulmonary infection .